Terms 1, 2 & 3 - Weald Community Primary School

Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Term 1
Week 1
W/B 07.09
Hamilton Trust
Humorous Poems (2 weeks)
Fables (3 weeks)
Instructions & Explanations (2
Hamilton Trust
Place Value and Number
Hamilton Trust
Yr 4: Animals & Humans-AL
Powerful verbs
Regular past tense –ed ending
Irregular adverbs (not –ly)
Rhyming couplets
Word play
Adverbial phrase
Rhyme schemes
Write own poem
Speech bubbles
Speech punctuation
Reporting clauses
Compound & complex
Time/cause conjunctions
Debate using evidence
A1-Compare and order
A6-Addition and Subtraction
S1-Addition and Subtraction
Roman Numerals
Yr 4: Digestion
Yr 4: Digestive systems
Yr 4: Animal diets
Sp6-Multiplication and
Negative numbers
Yr 4: Teeth
Explain that digestion is the act of softening
and changing food so that the body can
absorb and use it for energy & growth. Find
out which human organs are involved &
begin a class model of the human digestive
Discuss further details of the digestive
system including functions of the various
organs involved. Find out what happens
when we eat poisonous or bad food & how
illnesses can be caused by poor diets.
Compare human digestive system to other
animals’ particularly ruminants. Define
carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, &
investigate examples of each type of animal.
Look at models of teeth or sets of teeth. Use
mirrors to look at &count own teeth.
Compare teeth of different animals. Learn
about incisors, canines, (premolars) and
molars. Find out what they are used for.
Make a model of a human jaw with
Yr 5: Forces-AH
Yr 5: Gravity
Yr 5: Opposing forces
Yr 5: Friction
Yr 5: Air resistance
Difference between weight and mass as they
develop their understanding of gravity and
balanced forces. Begin to measure forces
using force meters.
Find out more about Sir Isaac Newton after
whom the unit of force is named and look
more closely at balanced forces. Children
use a range of PE equipment to investigate
the balancing of forces.
Set up an enquiry to investigate on which
surface their sports shoe will perform best.
Ensuring it is a fair test, children record
measurements and report findings.
Travelling through air involves another drag
force: air resistance. Repeat some enquiries
that Galileo carried out in the 16th century.
Carry out own enquiry into factors which
affect the forces acting on paper spinners.
A1-Who were the Vikings?
A2-Where did the Vikings
come from?
A3-Why were the Vikings so
C1/2-Viking life and homes
Texture & shading
Techniques using pencil and
colour pencils.
What makes Jesus an
inspiration to Christians
Texture & shading
Sketch objects using
Desmond Tutu
Texture & shading
Sketch objects using
Sister Frances Dominica
Still life-fruit
Hamilton Trust
The Vikings
Planned & taught by AH
Art & DT
Art Skills
Taught by JC
Inspirational People
Sports coaching-English games
Week 2
W/B 14.09
Cycle A 2015-2016
Week 3
W/B 21.09
Week 4
W/B 28.09
Rabbi Hugo Gryn
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Week 5
W/B 05.10
Hamilton Trust
Humorous Poems (2 weeks)
Fables 1B (3 weeks)
Instructions & Explanations 1B
(2 weeks)
Plan a fable
Self/peer assessment
Redraft & edit writing
Hamilton Trust
Place Value and Number
Addition and Subtraction
Hamilton Trust
Yr 4: Animals & Humans-AL
Sp1-Multiplication and Division
Relate fractions to decimals
Yr 5: Forces-AH
Yr 5: Water resistance
Yr 4: Tooth decay
The importance of keeping your teeth
healthy. Study tooth decay -draw a careful
diagram of a tooth. Start an investigation to
see which liquid does least damage to an
eggshell. Start a poster about tooth care.
Art & DT
Taught by JC
Inspirational People
Sports coaching; English
Week 7
W/B 19.10
Main features
Imperative verbs
Verbal instructions
Plan & organise instructions
Difference between
instructions & explanations
Diagrams & captions
A2-Mental 2/3 digit numbers
Function of pronouns
Note taking
Write questions for subtitles
Research, plan & write
Yr 4: Producers, predators &
Yr 4: Food webs
Investigate a number of feeding
relationships and create food chains to show
the transfer of food (energy) from the
producer to the consumers.
A7-Mental near multiples,
place value and number facts
Understand more complex feeding
relationships. Discover the impact that small
changes can have on the whole web. Discuss
the importance of plants to all life on Earth!
Yr 5: Design & make
Mechanical devices that we use in everyday
life help us transfer forces or motion and
make tasks easier. Children explore gears,
levers and pulleys which are all simple
machines, and elastic bands and springs.
Design and make an artefact that uses
simple levers, pulleys, gears and/or springs
and explore their effects.
B1-Viking warriors
B2/3-Viking Longships
D1-Why and where did the
Vikings trade?
Still life-fruit
Still lifelandscape/perspective
Two colour print
Yusuf Irfam
Aung San Suu Kyi
Bajjit Singh
Art Skills
Week 6
W/B 12.10
Cycle A 2015-2016
Yr 5: Mechanical devices
Water resistance (drag force) can slow
objects passing through it. Carry out
enquiries about the weight of objects in
water, boat designs and the effect of
different waters.
Hamilton Trust
The Vikings
Planned & taught by AH
Term 1
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Hamilton Trust
Non-chronological reports 1A
(yr 5-2 wks)
Poetry-power of imagery 1A
(yr 5-2 wks)
Letter writing 1A (yr4-2 wks)
Hamilton Trust
Week 1
W/B 02/11
Punctuation marks-colons,
semi-colons & bullet points
Active & passive verbs
Term 2
Week 2
W/B 09/11
11th/12th Parents evenings
Note taking
Plan & write own report
Cycle B 2015-2016
Week 3
W/B 16/11
Week 4
W/B 23/11
-ing words in joining clauses
Adding suffixes to words
ending in –fer
Descriptive writing
Classic poetry
Powerful imagery words &
Draft a poem
Spr 7- Written multiples
Aut 3-Written methods
Compact method/FROG
Aut 8-Written methods
Expanded decomposition
Spr 2-Written methods
Expanded & compact, money
Yr 4: Measuring temperature
Yr 4: Using a thermometer
Yr 4: Keeping hot
Yr 4: Keeping cool
Use everyday examples to explain that
temperature is a measure of how hot or cold
something is and that it increases or
decreases due to heat being transferred to or
away from the object.
Look at a line graph of temperature changes
in the classroom over 24 hours & explain
why it goes up & down. Look at a range of
temperatures of different places or objects.
A hot flask of tea introduces the concept of
thermal insulation. Plan & carry out an
investigation on keeping water warm.
Which wrapping is the best insulator?
Find out which material is best for keeping
ice cubes cold. What are they going to
measure? An understanding of how
insulators stop heat from being transferred
from or to something is established.
Yr 5: Three states of matter
Yr 5: Changing states
Yr 5: Air is matter
Solid, liquid or gas? Investigate the
properties of the three states & sort some
familiar & unfamiliar objects into them.
Investigate how water can exist in all three
states & look for evidence of water as
vapour, drawing diagrams to explain what is
We are surrounded by air but what is it
made up of and how can we prove that it’s
there? Find out about the gases that make up
the Earth’s atmosphere before proving that
it’s there & has weight!
Yr 5: Air pressure &
The Vikings
Hamilton Trust
Planned & taught by AH
C4-Viking jobs
Diary entry/daily timetable
C5-Viking fashion
Dress a Viking
E1-Viking Creation Story
E3-Viking Gods & Goddesses
Art & DT
The Vikings
Firework Posters
Plan Viking money pouch
Experiment with different
Make Viking money pouch
Complete & evaluate Viking
money pouch
Why are there wars?
Why is there suffering?
Responses to suffering
Responses to suffering
Yr 4: Hot & cold-AH
Yr 5: Gases-RH
War and suffering
Carry out further practical investigations to
find out more about air pressure &
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Hamilton Trust
Non-chronological reports 1A
(yr 5-2 wks)
Poetry-power of imagery 1A
(yr 5-2 wks)
Letter writing 1A (yr4-2 wks)
Hamilton Trust
Yr 4: Hot & cold-AH
Week 5
W/B 30/11
Term 2
Week 6
W/B 07/12
Cycle B 2015-2016
Week 7
W/B 14/12
Thurs: Carol service 7pm
Xmas Activities
Sequence a story
Using powerful verbs
Changing 3rd person into 1st
Write a draft letter
Understanding past & present
Role play ideas
Write a letter to Father
Spr 3-Written methods
Compact column
Spr 8-Written methods
Compact decomposition
Xmas Activities
Yr 4: Thermal insulators &
Yr 4: Dragon’s Den
Xmas Activities
The properties of materials relate to their
use as everyday objects such as spoons. Test
the insulating properties of various stirrers.
Design a new product that they will present
to the ‘Dragon’s Den’ in the hope of
marketing it!
Yr 5: Uses of gases
Yr 5: Fun with gases
Investigate the uses of gases in everyday life
Candles burn, water fizzes, paper swirls spin
& chalk gets dropped in vinegar. Children
then answer the call of the Fizzy Water
company to find out if their water is fizzier
ice cold!
E6-Viking writing
Runes-write name & messages
as foil tiles
E7-The Viking legacy
Design a poster
C3-Viking food-taste test!
Xmas Activities
Art & DT
The Vikings
Design & make a Viking
Complete & evaluate
Xmas Activities
War and suffering
Christmas Day truce
Christmas Day truce
Xmas Activities
Yr 5: Gases-RH
The Vikings
Hamilton Trust
Planned & taught by AH
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Week 1
W/B 04.01
Term 3
Week 2
W/B 11.01
Cycle B 2015-2016
Week 3
W/B 18.01
Week 4
W/B 25.01
Hamilton Trust
Biographies & autobiographies
1A (Yr5-3 wks)
Historical stories 1B (3 wks)
Analyse biographies &
-cious/-tious endings
Narrative into dialogue
Complex sentences
Improvisation/role play
Noun phrases
Write short autobiographical
Write a biography
Hamilton Trust
Yr 4: Mental & written
subtraction (Sum 2)
Yr 4: Mental or written
method? Worded problems
(Sum 3)
Yr 4: Double & halve, times
tables (Aut 5)
Chapter summary
Simple, compound & complex
Use of commas
Letter string-ough
Character description
Yr 4: Times tables, factors
(Spr 10)
Yr 5: Prime numbers/ division
with chunking (Aut 7)
Yr 4: Habitats
Yr 5: Multiples, factors &
division strategies (Spr 5)
Yr 4: Classification
Yr 5: Solving multiplication &
division problems (Sum 6)
Yr 4: Minibeasts
Yr 5: Mixed calculations (Aut
Yr 4: Food chains and webs
Define a habitat and establish that animals
and plants live in a particular habitat to meet
their basic needs. Name living things in a
range of habitats.
Explain that there are about 9 million
different living things on Earth and discuss
why is it useful to classify them to aid
identification. Awareness of the importance
of careful observations of living things.
Look at recently discovered species
Organise a field trip. Observe and/or collect
minibeasts and record them and any
evidence (including plants) to show why the
habitat is suitable for them. Use
identification charts.
Find out how food chains can be built into
complex webs and weave one together.
Discuss what happens if one link in the
chain is removed.
Yr 5: Properties of materialsSV
Yr 5: Properties
Yr 5: Solubility
Yr 5: Separating mixtures
Yr 5: Thermal conductivity
Yr 4: Living things & their
Revise features of states of matter: solid,
liquid and gas. Rehearse properties of
materials. Study hardness and carry out
some enquiries related to other properties.
Introduce solubility as another property of
materials. Carry out an enquiry to find out
more about this property using salt and
Use magnets, filtering, sieving and
evaporating to separate a range of mixtures.
Discuss everyday examples of separating
mixtures by these methods and how these
changes are reversible
Yr 6: Evolution & inheritanceAL
Hamilton Trust-World War
Lesson links
Yr 6: Changes over time (A)
Yr 6: Offspring (C)
Yr 6: Evolution (D)
Yr 6: Darwin, Wallace &
Mendel (E)
A1-Britain declares war
Map work-locate countries
C1-Hitler prepares to invade
C2-White cliffs of Dover
A2-Gas masks & blackouts
Word process newspaper
Word process newspaper
Word process biography
Word process biography
Art & DT
Blitz silhouette pictures
Investigate using different
mediums-mood board
Create paint silhouette
Create oil pastel silhouette
Create pastel silhouette
Look at yet another property of materials:
thermal conductivity. Compare with
electrical conductivity. Discuss what
children wear in cold weather and relate to
other common objects. Carry out enquiries
with insulators for warm water and cold ice
Judaism-Taught by JC
Ten Commandments
The synagogue
Tout Le Monde
Family & hobbies
Tout Le Monde
Family & hobbies
Tout Le Monde
Family & hobbies
Tout Le Monde
Family & hobbies
Assembly based-JC
Tout Le Monde-Unit 3
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Term 3
Week 5
W/B 01.02
Hamilton Trust
Biographies & autobiographies
1A (Yr5-3 wks)
Historical stories 1B (3 wks)
Hamilton Trust
Historical terms glossary
Compare book, film & play
Play script features
Adapt narrative to play script
Dialogue punctuation
Speech verbs for ‘said’
Compare short stories
Write a book review
Yr 4: Times tables, factors
(Sum 7)
Yr 4: Partitioning, times tables
(Spr 11)
Yr 5: Multiplying & dividing
money (Spr 2)
Yr 4: Effects of change
Yr 5: Mental & written
operations (Spr 11)
Yr 4: Management
Discuss natural and human-led changes in
environments. Research and report on a
particular issue. Set up a litter enquiry.
Find out how habitats are managed Discuss
what happens to unmanaged habitats. Study
in depth a local habitat that is being
managed. Finish litter enquiry. Write Estate
Agent-style description for a minibeast
Yr 5: Properties of materialsSV
Yr 5: Irreversible changes
Yr 5: Heating & burning
Compare and contrast reversible and
irreversible changes. Blow up a balloon
using another reversible change caused by
acid on bicarbonate of soda.
Introduce another irreversible change –
burning. Compare this with heating.
Demonstrate the burning of many common
materials and identify what is formed.
Discuss fire safety.
Yr 6: Evolution & inheritanceAL
Yr 6: Plant & animal
adaptations (F & G)
A3-Bomb shelters & The Blitz
Advantages & disadvantages
Word process biography
Word process biography
Art & DT
Blitz silhouette pictures
Create silhouette collage
Finish collage-evaluate
Judaism-Taught by JC
Hashanah/Yom Kippur
Yr 4: Living things & their
Hamilton Trust-World War
Lesson links
Week 6
W/B 08.02
Cycle B 2015-2016
Assembly based-JC
Tout Le Monde-JC-Unit 3
Tout Le Monde
Family & hobbies
Tout Le Monde
Family & hobbies
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Week 1
W/B 23.02
Term 4
Week 2
W/B 02.03
Cycle A 2014-2015
Week 3
W/B 09.03
Week 4
W/B 16.03
Hamilton Trust
Non chronological reports (2
Drama (3 weeks)
Hamilton Trust-NEW
Yr 4: Electricity-AL
Identify features & structure
Spelling prefixes –sure –ture
Compare simple & compound
Use commas to separate
Plan leaflet or poster
Yr 4: Time, timetables & coordinates (09)
Compare & contrast
descriptive writing
Use formal language
Use pronouns
Plan & write a school
Picture a scene
Explore old fashioned words
-ible & –able suffixes
Read & act out part of a play
Compare ways of
communicating direct speech
Write a short play script
Use of contractions
Yr 4: Multiplication & division
Yr 4: Multiplication & division
Yr 4: Place value (01)
Read and tell the time to nearest minute on
digital and analogue clocks. Use am, pm,
12-hour/24-hour time. Work out time
intervals crossing the hour. Read and work
out questions from simple timetables. Read
and plot co-ordinates
Revise all times tables up to 12 × 12. Find
factors of numbers up to 40. Use tables facts
and place value to multiply multiples of 10
and 100 by single-digit numbers.
Use partitioning to multiply 3-digit numbers
by single-digit numbers, using written
multiplication grid or ladder method. Know
the 11 and 12 times tables. Use written
division chunking method to divide 2-digit
numbers by 1-digit numbers.
Yr 5: Perimeter, area & volume
Yr 5: Number & place value
Find the perimeters of rectangles and
composite shapes; work out the missing
lengths of sides in order to find perimeters;
find the area of rectangles
Multiply and divide whole numbers and
those involving decimals by 10, 100 and
1000; round to the nearest tenth or whole;
use counting up to subtract pairs of numbers
with the same number of decimal places
Yr 5: Addition & subtraction
Yr 5: Number & place value
Use column addition to add and subtract
four-digit and five-digit numbers; add and
subtract numbers mentally
Compare and order negative numbers.
Count back in steps through zero. Mental
addition and subtraction
Yr 4: Mains electricity vs
Yr 4: What is a circuit?
Yr 4: Electrical conductors
Yr 4: Cables and plugs
Make a simple circuit and recognise
when/why a circuit will not work.
Understand that a circuit needs a source of
power. Use pictures to represent
components of an electrical circuit in
Carry out an enquiry to find out which
materials are good electrical conductors and
which are good electrical insulators. Where
might these materials be used? Discover
what to do if someone has an electric shock.
Relate the electrical conductivity of
materials to their uses in wires and plugs
and find out how to wire a plug
successfully. Understand that wires are
coloured to keep people who are colour
blind safe. Study the phenomenon of static
Most widely used sources of electricityelectricity can be dangerous so care needs to
be taken. Design a poster to highlight the
potential dangers of electrical appliances at
Yr 5: Living things & their
Hamilton Trust
Life in Tudor times
Yr 5: Flowering plants Recap on
Yr 5: Mammals Discuss the life cycle
life cycles of flowering plants. Plant some
seeds to germinate. Explain that plants can
also reproduce asexually. Plant bulbs,
corms, tubers and cuttings of roots, stems &
leaves to see if they can propagate new
Yr 5: Non-flowering plants
Shops & signs 02
Tudor shops and signs: the fact that signs
were pictures as most people could not read
and about what sorts of products were sold.
Plan a Tudor street scene, making signs and
Use place value to add or subtract to and
from 4-digit numbers. Place 4-digit numbers
on a line. Round 4-digit numbers to the
nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Count on and back
in steps of 25 and 1000.
of humans. Compare & contrast with those
of other mammals, e.g. kangaroos and dogs.
Identify features of mammals. Explain that
there are two unusual mammals that lay
eggs. Watch videos of the live birth of
humans and other mammals.
Yr 5: Birds Recap on the structure of
Comparing rich & poor
Tudor schools 06/06a
Illnesses & diseases 07
Compare rich and poor homes, clothes &
Discover that the types of subjects and
punishments were very different in Tudor
schools. Learn about the Hornbook which
was used to help children read and write.
Look at the types of diseases that the Tudors
caught and how many people died as they
did not understand how they were passed
Study the life cycles of some non-flowering
plants, e.g. algae, mosses, liverworts, ferns
and gymnosperms, i.e. conifers. Compare
them to flowering plants. Make careful
observational drawings of representative
plants, enlarging some details.
eggs (looked at in Year 2). Explain that
migration is part of the life cycle of many
birds. Draw a bird life cycle.
doing more research into what work people
AH to teach
Art & DT
Tudor portraits
Look at facial features-eyes,
lips, ears, nose and draw
Look at face proportions
Draw own face accurately
Investigate different
materials for portrait
Draw outline and start
Journey of life and death
Assembly based-JC
Who is my neighbour?
When I needed a neighbour
Whose neighbour are you?
What do Christians believe?
American sports
American sports-basketball
American sports
American sports
American sports
Tout Le Monde-JC
Tout Le Monde
Tout Le Monde
Tout Le Monde
Tout Le Monde
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Term 4
Cycle A 2014-2015
Hamilton Trust
Non chronological reports (2
Week 5
W/B 23.03
25th Hever Castle
List playscript features
Subjunctive form of verbs
Write own playscrpt
Week 6
W/B 30.03
Monday & Tuesday
Rehearse & act out play
Yr 4: Subtraction (02)
Yr 4: Revision/Easter Maths
Use written subtraction, expanded then
compact decomposition to subtract pairs of
3 and 4-digit numbers. Use mental
subtraction by counting up to subtract pairs
of 4-digit numbers.
Yr 5: Revision/Easter Maths
Drama (3 weeks)
Hamilton Trust-NEW
Yr 5: Place value & decimals
Read Roman numerals to 1000 (M) and
recognise years written in Roman numerals.
Revise 2-place decimals. Introduce 3-place
decimals. Mental multiplication and division
by 10, 100, 1000.
Yr 4: Electricity-AL
Yr 4: Switches & brighter
Discover that switches are used to break an
electrical circuit. Design, make and test their
own switch. Set up an enquiry to find out
how changing the number of components in
a series circuit can make a bulb brighter or
Yr 5: Amphibians & insects
Yr 5: Living things & their
Look at examples of other insect &
amphibian life cycles. Understand
differences between complete & incomplete
metamorphosis. Compare with mammal &
bird life cycles.
Hamilton Trust
Life in Tudor times
Crime & punishment 07/08/09
AH to teach
No Science
Yr 5: Scientists Discuss the work
Yr 5: Enquiry findings Summarise
that naturalists & animal behaviourists carry
out-why it is important. Watch video clips
of some of these scientists at work. Research
& write a biography of a well-known
the findings of the Strand-look at some
unusual plants and animals from elsewhere
in the world, including other egg-laying
animals. Complete their observations of
flowering plants, plant propagation
enquiries. Write reports of their findings.
No topic
The laws and punishments of today are very
different from those in Tudor times.
Investigate different crimes & the
punishments if caught.
Art & DT
Tudor portraits
Continue collage
Finish collage and evaluate
Other faiths
American sports
American sports
No P.E
Tout Le Monde-JC
Tout Le Monde
Tout Le Monde
Journey of life and death
Assembly based-JC
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Term 5
Cycle A 2013-2014
Hamilton Trust-Fiction
Beowulf (3 weeks)
Week 1
W/B 20.04
Week 2
W/B 27.04
SATS revision (1 week)
Identify features
Use of language to portray
Simple, compound & complex
Descriptive writing
Relative clauses & pronouns
Retell a scene from a
different viewpoint
Similes & metaphors
Hamilton Trust
Yr 4: Addition & subtraction
Yr 4: Area, perimeter & coordinates (4)
Written subtraction using
decomposition. Written addition
using compact column addition.
Area of rectilinear shapes &
perimeter of rectilinear shapes.
Use co-ordinates in the first
Yr 5: Multiplication, division &
percentages (3)
Yr 5: Angles & polygons (4)
Yr 4: Materials-JC
Week 4
W/B 11.05
SATS week
Yr 4: Fractions & decimals (5)
Yr 4: SATS Week
Multiply and divide by 10 and
100 to give tenths and
hundredths. Know equivalent
0.1s, 1/10s, 0.01s, 1/100s.
Yr 5: Fractions & subtraction
Yr 5: SATS Week
Multiply and divide numbers
mentally using known facts.
Express remainders as fractions.
Solve word problems.
Understand percentages as parts
of 100. Find simple %.
Measure and draw angles using
a protractor. Recognise acute,
obtuse and reflex angles. Know
that angles on a straight line add
up to 180° and use this to find
missing angles. Know that
angles around a point add up to
Yr 4: Sorting materials
Yr 4: Properties
Yr 4: Solid or liquid?
Yr 4: Mixtures of solids
Look at a range of solids & liquids-group
them in Venn diagrams. Investigate some
materials that are difficult to classify &
create a list of the properties of solids &
liquids as different states of matter.
Measure the volume of liquids. Discover
that the volume of a liquid remains constant
when poured into different shaped
containers. Understand that some solids can
appear to act like liquids.
How liquids & solids solidify & melt at
different temperatures. Investigate how the
size of particles in a liquid (or a solid acting
like a liquid) can affect its viscosity.
How to separate some materials that have
become mixed up in the kitchen. Make own
graded sieve & / or sorting machine.
Yr 5: Eclipses and seasons
Yr 5: Earth and Space-AL
Week 3
W/B 04.05
Bank Holiday-Monday
SATS revision
Yr 5: Day and night
Why day and night occur on
Earth and why day length
changes throughout the year.
They investigate movement and
length of shadows during a
sunny day – a sundial. Graph
changes in day length during the
The Sun’s a million times larger
in volume than the Earth so how
can its rays be obscured by the
much smaller Earth and Moon?
Children discover how eclipses
are created and how the Earth’s
tilt on its axis creates seasons.
Then describe the seasons in the
Use equivalence to compare and
order fractions. Convert
improper fractions to mixed
numbers. Add and subtract
fractions. Use written method
column subtraction to subtract
pairs of 5-digit numbers.
Yr 5: Moon phases and stars
Look at the lunar cycle and use
the correct terminology and
identify common constellations.
Yr 5: Planets
Find out more about the planets
that make up our solar system.
Investigate their distances from
the Sun and collect data for a
fact file to report back to the
rest of the class
Anglo Saxons-Hamilton Trust
Pagan Britain-AD 410-600
Introduction-timeline (A1)
The invaders-Angles, Saxons,
Jutes (C1)
Anglo Saxon warriors (C3)
Anglo Saxon
society/settlements (B1/2)
Research Bayeux Tapestrylook at patterns.
Design own
Belonging to a group
Practise embroidery stitches
No Art-Bank Holiday
Start stitching own
embroidery panel
Confirmation and believers
Bar Mitzvah
Tout Le Monde-JC
Unit 4-Rooms in a house &
Unit 4-Rooms in a house &
Unit 4-Story of Goldilocks &
the Three Bears
Unit 4-Story of Goldilocks &
the Three Bears
AH to teach
Art & DT
Becoming an adult
Flutes & Show practice
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Hamilton Trust-Fiction
Beowulf (3 weeks)
Term 5
Week 5
W/B 18.05
Structure of stories-plan own
Punctuation used in dialogue
SATS revision (1 week)
Hamilton Trust
Yr 4: Fractions, decimals &
length (6)
Compare and order number
with 2 decimal places. Add and
subtract 0.1 or 0.01 to or from
numbers with 2 decimal places.
Yr 5: Multiplication & division
Find common multiples and
common factors. Solve
problems requiring scaling by
simple fractions. Recognise and
use square numbers and cube
Yr 4: Materials-JC
Yr 4: Adding solids to liquids
Yr 4: Filtering
How solids can be separated from the
liquid? Sieving again! Investigate which
material is the best to use for mopping up
the liquid
Some solids dissolve in liquids & cannot
then be separated by sieving or filtering.
Investigate materials to use as filters
Yr 5: Solar system
Yr 5: Earths and space-AL
Look at photographs of
Stonehenge and discuss how
this may have been built as an
astronomical clock a long time
ago. Create a simple mobile
orrery. Finish fact files.
Cycle A 2013-2014
Anglo Saxons-Hamilton Trust
Farming/cooking (B3)
AH to teach
Art & DT
Becoming an adult
Finish embroidery panel
Taking responsibility
Flutes & Show practice
Tout Le Monde-JC
Unit 4-Pirouette! Cacahuete!
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
Term 6
Cycle A 2013-2014
Hamilton Trust
Short stories-fantasy (2 wks)
Plays & dialogue (3 wks)
Shape poems (2 wks)
Hamilton Trust
Yr 4: Sound-AH
Yr 5: Water-RH
Week 1
W/B 01.06
Week 2
W/B 08.06
Week 3
W/B 15.06
Year 6 Trip week
Battle of Hastings puppet
Week 4
W/B 22.06
District sports
Meaning of proverbs
Homophones & near
Power verbs
Write own playscript
Maths investigations
Yr 4: Time & graphs (9)
Words containing the letter
string –ough
Modal verbs
Discuss & summarise a short
Answer questions
Yr 4: Multiplication & division
Annotate features of a short
Improvise a short story
Plan, write & edit own short
Find factors of numbers less
than 50. Use factors to carry out
mental multiplication. Product
of 3 single-digit numbers. Use
times tables and place value for
mental division of multiples of
10. Solve scaling problems.
Convert from cms to ms
Complete shapes with respect to
a line of symmetry. Recognise
and compare acute and obtuse
angles and angles of 90 degrees.
Compare and classify triangles
and quadrilaterals, based on
properties including types of
Yr 5: Multiplication (7)
Yr 5: Time & data (8)
Use written methods to
multiply: short multiplication to
multiply 4-digit numbers by
single-digit numbers and grid
method to multiply 2-digit
numbers and 3-digit numbers by
2-digit numbers. Use long
Read timetables using the 24hour clock. Calculate time
intervals and find a given
number of minutes or hours and
minutes later. Draw and
interpret line graphs and read
intermediate points. Solve
problems involving rate
Yr 4: Introduction to sound
Yr 4: Vibrations
Listen carefully to sounds in the
environment. Circus of
activities to describe sounds,
suggest how musical
instruments make sounds, why
animals prick up their ears and
why some have very large ears
Explain that all sounds are made
by objects vibrating and that
sound can travel through gases,
liquids and solids. Short
investigations about vibrations.
Make a string telephone with a
partner. Compare light and
sound waves
Briefly examine the structure of
the ear and how vibrations are
heard as sounds. Compare light
and sound waves further.
Discuss echoes and how bats or
dolphins use echolocation. Talk
about deafness
Yr 5: States of matter
Yr 5: Freezing & boiling
Compare the properties of the
Practice using thermometers to
Yr 5: Evaporation &
Yr 4: Shape, symmetry &
angles (8)
Read the 24-hour clock
converting times to am and pm,
both digital and analogue
formats. Find time intervals
using 24-hour clock. Read,
interpret, draw and describe a
time graph. Convert between
units of time
Yr 5: Place value & subtraction
Understand place value in
numbers with three decimal
places. Convert between kgs &
gs, ls & mls, ms & kms.
Compare and order numbers
with three decimals and place
on a line. Use written
No science due to trip week
Yr 4: Hearing sounds
Anglo Saxons-Hamilton Trust
three states of matter – solid,
liquid and gas. Water is used as
an example of a material that
can exist in all three states. Use
drama to model this
measure temperature accurately.
Find the freezing and boiling
points of water and discuss what
happens if you add salt to the
liquid. Use coloured ice cubes
to investigate properties of
solids and liquids
Crime and punishment (F4)
King Alfred the Great (F5)
Look at evaporation and
condensation of water as
reversible changes. Discuss
everyday examples and uses of
evaporation and condensation.
Plan and carry out an
investigation into the factors
that speed up evaporation
Later kings/Doomsday Book
Taught by AH
Art & DT
No art due to rehearsals
Design and make own Anglo
Saxon shields
Becoming an adult
Taking responsibility
Taking responsibility
The Vikings (A1/2/3)
Taking responsibility
Flutes & Show Practice
Tout Le Monde-JC
Double up for PE-district
sports try outs?
Unit 5-Transport and travel
Unit 5-Countries
Medium Term Plan: Jupiter
No French
Term 6
Cycle A 2013-2014
Unit 5-story of Autour du
Hamilton Trust
Short stories-fantasy (2 wks)
Plays & dialogue (3 wks)
Shape poems (2 wks)
Hamilton Trust
Week 5
W/B 29.06
Speaking in different voices
Improvise a dialogue
Dialogue punctuation
Perform playscripts
Spell homophones
Write theatre reviews
Yr 4: Fractions, decimals &
division (10)
Compare narrative to
Possessive apostrophe with
plural words
Draft, write & edit own
Yr 4: Subtraction, addition,
multiplication & division (11)
Identify equivalent fractions,
including decimals. Find nonunit fractions of amounts. Solve
fraction word problems. Written
division by chunking of twodigit numbers by single-digit
numbers, answers less than 30
Use the written ladder method
to multiply 3-digit numbers by
single-digit numbers, estimating
answers first. Choose mental or
written methods to solve
addition, subtraction, division or
multiplication word problems
and calculations
Yr 5: Multiplication &
fractions (10)
Yr 5: Calculation (11)
Use written long multiplication
to multiply pairs of 2-digit
numbers. Use rounding to
estimate products. Multiply
fractions by whole numbers,
simplifying answers. Multiply
mixed numbers by whole
Yr 4: Sound-AH
Yr 5: Water-RH
Week 6
W/B 06.07
Yr 4: Investigate
Week 7
W/B 13.07
Exploring different calligrams
Creating simple calligram
Reading & reciting poetry
Possessive apostrophe
Writing a portrait poem
Yr 4: Problem solving?
Yr 5: Problem solving?
Use written column addition.
Use written column subtraction.
Choose a method to subtract.
Use short division to divide 4digit numbers, expressing
remainders as fractions. Solve
single and multi-step word
problems. Understand and use
Yr 4: Pitch and Loudness
Yr 4: Musical instruments
Discuss why sometimes it is
important to prevent sounds
travelling. Plan and carry out an
investigation to find out which
materials would be best to
muffle sounds
Demonstrate how to make high,
low, soft and loud sounds with
drums, string instruments and
wind instruments. Investigate
changes of pitch and volume of
virtual instruments. Create their
own instruments to investigate
in 'Musical instruments' session
Listen to a variety of musical
instruments and investigate how
they make sounds in more
detail. Explain how to change
the pitch and volume. Try out
each other’s instruments
Yr 5: Water cycle
Yr 5: Water in everyday life
Yr 5: Clean water
Explain how evaporation and
Remind children how important
Discover how many people
Week 8
W/B 20.07
Plan a descriptive poem
Extend sentences with more
than one clause
Write a spiral poem
Anglo Saxons-Hamilton Trust
condensation are involved in the
water cycle and describe all the
water cycle processes. Identify
the different forms of water that
are seen in various weather
conditions and the different
clouds that are seen in our skies
water is to all living organisms.
Look at how little of the water
present on earth is fresh and
therefore drinkable. Investigate
how animals and plants adapt to
arid conditions. Create posters
to encourage us to save water
across the world face real
difficulties in obtaining fresh
water and investigate how they
can be helped. Discuss how the
water we drink is purified and
compare different filtration
Viking Warriors (B1)
Story telling/Kennings &
riddles (E1/3)
Viking rulers
Music/Jewellery (E2/4)
The Norman invasion
Taking responsibility
Taking responsibility
Taking responsibility
Unit 5-Buying and sending a
Unit 5-Holiday song
Unit 5-Simple questions about
Anglo Saxon feast
AH to teach
Art & DT
No art due to rehearsals
Becoming an adult
Flutes & Show practice
Tout Le Monde-JC
Unit 5-Revision