IMPERIALISM Homework: 3 one-page essays
Due date: Thursday, 1/15/15
Directions. Using your notes, homework assignments and the chart below, write a one page short
response essay on the impact of imperialism for each of the following: China, India, and Japan.
Start with a broad thesis statement: “Imperialism had a powerful impact on the people of
_______________.” How can you create a more evaluative thesis statement? To earn full credit this
assignment must be typed. You must use and explain all of the vocabulary terms listed below. Each
one page essay must have an opening and closing sentence.
1) Africa
 Scramble for Africa (1880-1914)
 Berlin Conference-new boundaries
(1884) led by Bismarck
(explain www.ce info)
 Social Darwinism (justification of
Imperialism—late 1800s)
 White Man’s Burden (1900); poetic
expression of Social Darwinism
 Raw materials (economic cause):
 New Markets (place to sell goods)
 Zulus defeated—late 1800s, South
 Boer War (circa 1900) South Africa
 Infrastructure improves (+ effect)
 Unintended consequence) Africans
rebel, this causes nationalism
and independence after WWII
3) India
2) China (Review chapter 27 responses)
 1800: ethnocentrism (define it) led to
Isolation (when?)  China fell behind Europe
in weapons technology
 McCartney Mission. When?
 Britain sold Opium to the Chinese
 This caused the Opium War (Who
won? Why?)
 Treaty of Nanjing (negative effect)
  spheres of influence (economic
zones of control)
 Taiping Rebellion (cause, result)
 Boxer Rebellion (cause, result)
 fall of Qing (last) dynasty 1911
 Sun Yat Sen and the nationalist party
(Kuomintang) (create the Chinese
Republic). Was it strong or weak?
Why? (see imperialism notes)
4) Japan (Thesis: Compare Japan’s response to
Western intervention with the responses of India and China)
 British East India Company (when?
1600s) [beginning of British domination]
 Reason: Britain wanted raw materials
(cotton) & a new market for finished goods
 Battle of Plassey (1757) (impact?)
 Sepoys (who)
 Sepoy Mutiny (1857) (cause, result)
 Amritsar Massacre (1919) (cause, result)
(Gandhi’s passive resistance, boycotts, fasting)
 Salt March (1930) (explain: 240 miles;
declaration of independence)
 Positive effects: Infrastructure,
caste system weakened, India adopts a
parliamentary democracy
 Negative effect: Hindu/Muslim conflict;
(Britain’s divide/conquer policy made this worse)
 India gains independence (1947, after
 Pakistan created as a separate Muslim
(Review chapter 27 #1 and #6)
 Tokugawa Era, Japan was isolated
 Matthew Perry (U.S.) arrives in 1853
(How does this affect Japan?)
 Meiji Restoration (define it)
(How did this affect Japan?)
 Japan gets raw materials through force
(Sino-Japanese War 1895 &
Russo-Japanese War 1905)
 Japan commits atrocities in China;
U.S. threatens to quit selling them
Oil (term: embargo); Japan bombs
Pearl Harbor
 U.S. enters WWII; defeats Japan
at Hiroshima with atomic bomb
 Japan becomes a peaceful trading nation
after WWII