The Minister`s Black Veil - Kaneland School District

American Literature
Mr. Webb
“The Minister’s Black Veil”
1. How does Hawthorne describe the veil?
2. How do the parishoners react to the veil?
3. What is the significance of the topic of the first sermon?
4. How does the quote by “the lady” that starts “how strange” summarize the short story?
5. What does “the man” mean by saying men are “sometimes afraid to be alone with
6. What does the veil become an appropriate symbol in the afternoon service?
7. In the paragraph describing the afternoon service, record the number of terms that
support Hawthorne’s intended mood.
8. What is the definition of “black”/”white”?
© Kaneland High School
English Department
American Literature
Mr. Webb
9. What does Minister discover about his marriage/the strength of this relationship with his
10. How does Hawthorne use “the wind”?
11. How does the world outside react to the veil?
12. What do Father Hooper’s final words disclose about his possible reasoning for wearing
the veil?
© Kaneland High School
English Department