25850,"opposing viewpoint topics",5,,,40,http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=opposing+viewpoints,2.7,608000,"2015-12-20 20:37:11"

Topic/Resource List:
1. U.S. Human Rights Intervention: The United States is justified in intervening in the internal
political processes of other countries to attempt to stop human rights abuses.
 SIRS Researcher: Search “Ethnic Relations”. Overview page article is titled “Should the U.S.
and its Allies Intervene in Conflicts Where there are Human Rights Violations?” Perfect resource
with a Pro/Con section, Essential Questions, and an abundance of helpful, targeted links.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Searching “Human Rights” opens up a host of options
concerning intervention, on both the Pro and Con sides of the argument.
2. U.S. Anti Drug Policy: The continuation of current U.S. anti-drug policies in Latin America
will do more harm than good.
 SIRS Researcher: Search “International War on Drugs” for a Pro/Con page with a series of
targeted arguments and articles to support them.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: “Topic Browse” then “Drug Trafficking” leads to a very
comprehensive series of arguments on both sides of the issue
 CQ Global Researcher: Entering “Drug Trafficking” and clicking the “Crime in Latin America”
link results in a strong overview page with a lot of links and information.
3. Islamic Fundamentalism: Is there a place for Islamic law in Western countries?
 SIRS Researcher: “Islamic Fundamentalism” yields a great Pro/Con breakdown of the topic.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Searching “Sharia” yields great results, particularly in the
“Viewpoints” section.
 CQ Researcher: Searching “Sharia” leads to the overview that is the framing piece for the
original question.
4. Organ Trafficking: Can the smuggling of human organs be stopped?
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “Organ Trafficking” and click the link for a fantastic overview
page with targeted questions and viewpoints.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: “Topic Browse”, “Organ Donation” results in an excellent
argument page separated by Pro and Con sides.
5. Nuclear Proliferation: Should the U.S. and other nuclear countries prevent non-nuclear
countries from having these weapons?
 SIRS Researcher: Enter “Nuclear Weapons” for an excellent Pro/Con breakdown of the topic and
its various issues.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: “Topic Browse”, “Nuclear Weapons” results in an excellent
argument page separated by Pro and Con sides.
 Global Issues in Context: “Browse Issues and Topics”, “Conflict and Diplomacy”, “Nuclear
Proliferation”. Excellent resource with links to a ton of editorial and informational articles.
 ABC Clio: Issues: “Issues”, “Nuclear Weapons and Nonproliferation” yields a solid overview of
the topic.
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “Nuclear Proliferation” for an excellent overview page with links
and arguments neatly organized.
6. European Union: Will the European Union survive?
 SIRS Researcher: Search “European Union for a great breakdown of articles between Pro and
Con sides.
CQ Global Researcher: Search “European Union” to find three excellent overview pages; “The
New Europe”, “Future of the Euro”, and “Future of the EU”. Of the three, “Future of the EU” is
probably the most applicable.
7. Foreign Aid: Should the world give money to rebuild geographically challenged countries like
Haiti and Bangladesh?
 Global Issues in Context: “Browse Issues” then “Foreign Aid” results in a page offering a series
of targeted viewpoints and articles dealing with the topic.
 CQ Global Researcher: “Searching “Foreign Aid” yields a series of specific overview pages
dealing with foreign aid. The most helpful one for this topic might be “Rebuilding Haiti”, which
is an extremely strong resource.
8. Social Programs: Can European countries like Greece, Spain, and Italy still afford to provide
expensive social benefit programs in the face of extreme debt and economic crisis?
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “Social Programs” for an overview article dealing with the topic
“Can EU Nations Still Afford Expensive Welfare Programs?”
9. Islamic Sectarianism: Can Sunni-Shiite hostilities be resolved?
 CQ Global Researcher: Enter “Islamic Sectarianism” for an over view page titled “Can SunniShiite Hostilities be Resolved?”.
 Global Issues in Context: “Browse Issues”, “Society and Culture”, “Islam: Sunni and Shiite
Dispute” offers a great series of targeted links to applicable articles.
10. Iran: Should the U.S. launch a military strike against Iran in an attempt to halt its
development of a nuclear weapon? Or should the U.S. continue to pursue diplomatic relations
with Iran, while punishing its economy with sanctions?
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “Iran” to find an overview page titled “Rising Tension over
Iran”, which is probably the best resource available for the specific topic.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Searching “Iran” yields a portal page with a wealth of targeted
articles and viewpoints dealing with the topic at hand.
 Global Issues in Context: Search “Iran” for a portal page with an overview and selection of links
to applicable articles, photos, and statistics.
11. Military Deployment: The U.S. federal government should substantially reduce its military
and/or police presence in one or more of the following: Afghanistan, Iraq, Japan, Kuwait,
South Korea, and Turkey.
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “Military Deployment” for a portal page focused on “World
Peacekeeping: Do Nations-States have a ‘Responsibility to Protect?’”.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Search “Military Deployment” for a series of targeted articles
for and against the continued U.S. presence in a variety of countries.
 ABC Clio Issues: “Browse Topics”, “U.S. As World Power” for a more general informational
take on the U.S. and its international military/police obligations.
12. Democratization: Does fostering democracy abroad make the world safer? Or is it
presumptuous of the U.S. to force other countries to adapt to the U.S. system of governance?
 SIRS Researcher: Search “Democracy” to find a Pro/Con-based portal page that represents the
single best source for this topic.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Search “Democracy” for a portal page featuring a wealth of
articles concerning fostering democracy on an international level. A great place to start.
CQ Global Researcher: Searching “Demoratization” results in a series of overview pages
focusing on whether democracy will succeed in specific countries/situations.
Global Issues in Context: “Conflict and Diplomacy”, “Democracy Movements” results in a solid
portal pace offering a variety of extremely specific articles on the topic.
13. Carbon Offsets: Should the world immediately reduce carbon emissions and reduce global
warming if that cut-back leads to reduced jobs and a slowdown in business.
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “Carbon Trading” for a solid Pro/Con treatment of the topic.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Select “Carbon Offsets” under “Topics” to find a great
informational overview page. Great place to get started/learn where/how to look.
 Global Issues in Context: Under “Environment and Climate Change” there are a variety of
excellent possible options including “Climate Change: Mitigation Strategies”, “Carbon
Footprint”, and specifically “Emissions Trading”.
14. International Adoption: Should countries like Russia and China stop foreign adoption?
 SIRS Researcher: “Leading Issues: International Adoption” is another excellent resource,
offering its own Pro/Con series of targeted articles.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Searching “Adoption” yields a portal page including a variety
of targeted articles about foreign adoption.
 CQ Global Researcher: “Report Summary: International Adoption” offers an excellent Pro/Con
treatment of the issue with a variety of links that make research for this topic remarkably easy.
 Global Issues in Context: Searching “International Adoption” takes user to a portal page with a
wealth of topic-specific articles.
15. North Korean Aid: Should the world immediately send humanitarian aid to North Korea, or
will that aid promote the current government?
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “North Korea” and select the first result “North Korean Menace”
for a solid Pro/Con setup of the topic with a well-organized series of pertinent links.
 Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Select “North Korea” from “Topics” menu for a solid overview
of the country and a portal page with more targeted articles.
 Global Issues in Context: Search “North Korea” to find the “North Korea: Famine and
International Aid” portal page, which compiles a huge amount of helpful links to aid the research
16. Space and the Military: Should the world adopt a global treaty to prevent hostilities in space?
 Facts on File: Issues and Controversies: Type in “Militarizing Space” for an excellent
breakdown and series of links.
 CQ Global Researcher: Search “Space”, and select the first result (“Space Weapons”) for a great
Pro/Con breakdown of the need for international space treaties.
 ABC Clio Issues: Browse “Issues” to find “Space and the Military: Overview”, which is a great
place to start/familiarize oneself with the topic.
17. Online Terrorism: Should international websites that promote terrorism be shut down, or does
that violate the Western ideal of free speech?
 Facts on File Issues and Controversies: “Crime and Terrorism” from Subject Index, then
“Terrorism and Counterterrorism”, then “Cybersecurity”. Great Pro/Con breakdown, solid links,
and a neatly-presented overview of the topic.
 CQ Global Researcher: “Browse Reports by Topic”, then “Defense and National Security”, then
“Cybersecurity” for a comprehensive Pro/Con workup of the topic. Some of the other options
under the “Defense and National Security” umbrella involving terrorism more specifically will
be helpful as well.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Find “Terrorism” under the “Browse Topics” menu for an
overview and portal page. Necessary to sift through a significant amount of articles to find ones
dealing with this topic specifically.
18. U.N. Peacekeeping: The United Nations should be given a permanent military force so that it
can intervene when the Secretary General believes it to be necessary.
 Facts on File Issues and Controversies: “International Affairs” under “Subject Index” followed
by “War, Weapons, and Military Forces”, then “U.N. Peacekeeping” results in a solid argument
page for the topic.
 SIRS Researcher: Search “United Nations” for a Pro/Con-based portal page offering a series of
links germane to the topic.
 CQ Global Researcher: “Browse Reports”, then “United Nations”, then “World Peacekeeping”
for a well-organized Pro/Con-based overview page offering a wealth of information on the topic.
Other options under the “United Nations” umbrella could prove equally useful.