The Bean Trees Study Guide Questions.doc

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English II
The Bean Trees Study Guide Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES with the
correct information from your reading.
Chapter One- The One to Get Away
1. “But the day I saw his daddy up there like some old overalls slung over a fence, I
had this feeling about what Newt’s whole life was going to amount to, and I felt
sorry for him.” (Pg. 1)What does the above quotation suggest about Newt’s
2. Describe the “voice” or tone of the narrator.
3. How does Alice Greer compare to/contrast with Mr. Hardbine or Mr. Shanks in
terms of parenting skills? In what ways is Missy’s mother a “good” mother for
Missy? What qualities do you think Missy’s mother tries to instill in her
4. Who is Mr. Hughes Walter? How did he change Missy’s life?
5. What kind of future, as described in the following quotation, is Missy trying to
avoid by staying in school? What literary device is used? “Believe me in those
days the girls were dropping by the wayside like seeds of a poppyseed bun
and you learned to look at every day as a prize.” (Pg. 3)
6. What was Missy’s job?
7. How did Mama make Missy feel?
8. What kind of car did Missy buy? Describe the car.
9. What did Mama know as soon as Missy brought the car home?
10. What does Mama want to teach her? Why?
11. What two promises did Missy make to herself once she crossed to Pittman line?
Which did she keep?
12. Where did Missy’s car give out? What happened to it?
13. What was Missy’s impression of the Cherokee nation?
14. Who does Missy meet in the bar? Describe their interaction.
15. What message kept flashing across the television set?
16. Whom did the woman claim the child belonged to? What reason did she give for
handing the baby over?
17. What questions did Missy ask the child?
18. Who does Missy plan to call at the next phone booth?
19. What amazed Missy about the child instantly?
20. What did Missy change her name to? Why?
21. What is the significance of the name of the motel Taylor and the child stay at their
first night together?
22. What gender is the baby? What did Missy discover had happened to the baby?
23. What is the significance of the post card sent to Mama?
24. How are women (or girls) treated in Chapter One?
25. Why do you think Taylor decides to drive away with the child rather than take it
back into the bar? In what sense is it ironic that Taylor has a child to care for at
this point in her life?
26. What is a “home”? How does Taylor’s definition of “home” change in Chapter
One? (Think in terms of the comment she made in the letter to her mother about
taking her “head rights” with her.)
Chapter Two- New Year’s Pig
1. Describe the shift in narration in Chapter Two. Who is telling the story now?
2. Where did Lou Ann Ruiz live? With whom?
3. Why is it relevant that Lou Ann came from Kentucky?
4. What happened to her husband?
5. Why do you think Lou Ann and Angel’s marriage is in trouble?
6. Barbara Kingsolver is described by critics as a political activist who expresses her
ideas about political and social issues in her stories. Cite an incident in this
chapter that illustrates Kingsolver’s views on racial prejudice. State what you
believe she is saying about race in the incident you select.
7. One of the themes in this novel explores a woman’s role in society. What do each
of the following incidents from the chapter suggest to the reader about the
author’s views on this issue?
Lou Ann thinks, “it would not be so bad to go through your life as a pregnant
lady.”(Pg. 29)
Lee Sing compares feeding a girl baby with feeding the neighbor’s New Year pig.
The night club Fanny Heaven has a woman in a bikini painted on its front door.
8. What did Lou Ann see when she got off the bus at the Roosevelt Park stop?
9. Lou Ann must walk by two large pictures on the walls of the buildings near her
home. One is a large picture of Jesus and the other is the bikini-clad woman.
How does she feel about each of these displays?
10. What was Angel’s rodeo name? What was the significance of the name?
11. What did Angel take from the house?
12. What does the last paragraph of this chapter reveal to the reader about Lou Ann’s
Chapter Three- Jesus Is Lord Used Tires
1. How did Taylor react to Arizona? What made her decide to stay there?
2. What did Taylor name the baby? Why?
3. What shop did Taylor end up at to get her tires fixed?
4. Why does Taylor find “Jesus Is Lord Used Tires” and “1-800-THE-LORD” so
5. Briefly describe Mattie. Why do you think both Taylor and Turtle like Mattie?
6. What does Mattie show Taylor in the backyard? Where did Mattie get them?
7. Compare/contrast Mattie’s garden to the Garden of Eden and/or to Cisneros’
Monkey Garden.
8. “In Tucson, it was clear that there was nobody overlooking us all. We would just
have to find our own way.” (Pg. 47) In what ways does the above passage
suggest to the reader that life for Taylor in Tucson will be different than life in
Kentucky? How do you think Taylor feels about this difference?
9. Who is Sandi? Where does Taylor meet her? What did she love?
10. What does Sandi tell Taylor she can do for child care?
11. What is Sandi referring to in the following passage from the story?
“ ‘She’s not really mine.’ I said. ‘She’s just somebody I got stuck with.’
Sandi looked at both of us, her elbow cocked on her hip and the salad tongs
frozen in mid air.
‘Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.’ ” (Pg. 52)
Chapter Four- Tug Fork Water
1. Who was visiting Lou Ann? Describe them.
2. What does Granny Logan want Lou Ann to do? What was her response?
3. List two reasons Lou Ann decides not to tell her mother that she and Angel are
4. What present does Granny Logan give Dwayne Ray? What was it for? What
happened to it?
5. Cite incidents from the story to support or refute the following statement: Even
though Lou Ann loves her mother and grandmother she is relieved to see them
6. What is Lou Ann’s conflict in Chapter Four? How does she resolve it? What
does this say about her character?
7. What does Chapter Four say about the bonds between women?
8. What does the Tug Fork water symbolize?
Chapter Five- Harmonious Space
1. This novel is rich in amusing and descriptive similes, metaphors, and other
literary terms. For example, Taylor describes Tucson’s railroad system as “a kind
of artery…bringing the city a fresh load of life, like a blood vessel carrying
platelets to circulate through the lungs. Nowadays, if you could even call the
railroad an artery of Tucson, you would have to say it was a hardened one.” (Pg.
Find another example of a simile in this chapter that is both descriptive and
2. Describe the Republic Hotel.
3. Describe Fei, La-Isha, and Timothy. How are they different from Lou Ann?
4. Taylor is also described as being “sassy.” For example when she is told there are
four different toxins in a hot day, Taylor replies, “I would have guessed seven or
eight.” (Pg.70)
Cite another amusing instance in this chapter of Taylor’s “sassy” personality.
5. Aside from amusing similes, and sassy conversations, this novel contains physical
humor. Why is Snowboots the cat funny?
6. What was the fight between Taylor and her Burger Derby manager about? How
did it end?
7. Where does Taylor end up living?
8. List two fears Lou Ann expresses to Taylor in this chapter. What do Lou Ann’s
fears suggest about her overall personality?
9. What evidence is there in this chapter that it will be good for Lou Ann to have
Taylor move into Lou Ann’s house?
Chapter 6- Valentine’s Day
1. Where did Taylor get a job? Why was she hesitant? What was offered to Taylor
that made her take the job?
2. Explain how the phrase used to describe Turtle fits her: “Turtle’s main goal in
life…seemed to be to pass unnoticed.” (Pg. 78)
3. Describe the action at Mattie’s shop. Why did she refer to it as a sanctuary?
4. What does the description of Mattie’s garden in Chapter Six suggest?
5. What put Taylor in a bad mood? When Taylor confronted Lou Ann, how did she
6. What is Taylor’s theory about staying with one man for your entire life?
7. Find an example of hyperbole on the last page of the chapter.
8. Describe the attitude toward men on the part of the characters and author in
Chapter Six.
Chapter 7- How They Eat in Heaven
1. Describe Esperanza and Estevan. Who brought them to the picnic?
2. How did Esperanza react to Turtle? Why?
3. What was Turtle’s first word?
4. Who did Lou Ann have over for dinner? What was the occasion?
5. Why is Mattie on television? What does her appearance on television suggest to
the reader about the reasons Esperanza and Estevan are living in Mattie’s house?
6. What did Estevan say his and his wife names were at the dinner party?
7. Can you yet see what Mattie does for people like Estevan and Esperanza? What
clues earlier in the story hinted at her activities?
8. List two ways Edna and Mrs. Parsons illustrate their ignorance and disregard for
cultures and customs different from their own.
9. What gift did Estevan give Taylor?
10. How is Estevan different from the other male characters we’ve seen?
11. One of the overall themes of this novel is the beauty to be found in appreciating
the customs of other cultures. How does the story about heaven that Estevan tells
at the end of the chapter relate to this theme?
Chapter 8- The Miracle of Dog Doo Park
1. What was Mama’s news? How did Taylor react?
2. Who stopped by to see Lou Ann? What questions does Taylor ask Lou Ann?
What was her response?
3. How does Estevan explain Mrs. Parsons’ insensitive comment that “the woman
and kid who got shot must have been drug dealers”?
4. Where did Mattie claim to be going when she would leave for a few days? What
do you thing she was doing?
5. Define the term “failure to thrive,” which the doctor uses to interpret Turtle’s test
6. Find an example of a metaphor in this chapter illustrating the theme that life will
continue even under horrible and dangerous conditions. HITNS: It can be found
around the time the doctor reveals Turtle’s condition, and it reflects the themes of
motherhood and of nature.
7. Why is Lou Ann upset that Angel is leaving to join a rodeo?
8. What was Turtle’s new name? Why did Taylor rename her?
9. In what ways is Turtle’s talking unusual?
10. What does the “Miracle of Dog Doo Park” refer to?
Chapter 9- Ismene
1. What did Esperanza attempt? How?
2. What does Estevan tell Taylor happened in Guatemala? What was the connection
to Turtle?
3. Why was Ismene taken and not killed?
4. What choice did Estevan and Esperanza make regarding their daughter?
5. How does Taylor try to justify her ignorance concerning the situation in
Guatemala? What political statement and personal message do you think
Kingsolver is trying to send to her readers in this chapter?
6. How does all of this new affect Taylor?
7. How does Taylor feel about Estevan?
Chapter 10- The Bean Trees
1. A proverb is a short saying that states a basic truth about life. Find an example of
a proverb in this chapter and explain its meaning.
2. What does the name Esperanza mean in Spanish? List two pieces of wisdom or
advice Taylor offers to Esperanza in hopes of cheering her up.
3. Critics describe this story as one of inspiration, love, and strength. Find an
incident in this chapter illustrating that Taylor possesses each of those qualities.
Remember that physical strength is the least valuable form of strength—that’s not
what you’re looking for.
4. What did Taylor realize about Edna Poppy?
5. What advice did Taylor give Esperanza?
Chapter 11- Dream Angels
1. How does Lou Ann demonstrate more confidence in herself in Chapters Ten and
2. “Having a job of her own seemed to even out some of Lou Ann’s wrinkled
edges.” (Pg.152) Why do you think Taylor likes Lou Ann better since she began
working at Red Hot Mama’s?
3. Describe Lou Ann’s dream.
4. State a generalization about life based on the following passage from the story:
“You were just looking for a disaster, that’s all. You can’t deny you hunt for
them, Lou Ann, even in the paper. If you look hard enough you can always come
up with what you want.” (Pg. 155)
5. What was in the package from Montana? Who was it from? What did the sender
6. Taylor believes Lou Ann will eventually decide to follow Angel to Montana. Do
you agree or disagree with Taylor’s prediction about Lou Ann? Cite incidents
from the story to support your answer.
7. What evidence is there in this chapter that Taylor is an optimist? How is her
optimism about the world shaken by the plight of Esperanza and Estevan?
8. Where did Esperanza and Estevan have to move? Why?
Chapter 12- Into the Terrible Night
1. When do the Indians celebrate New Year’s day?
2. Find an example of personification on page 161.
3. Kingsolver is praised for her vivid descriptions of the Southwest. List two
examples of unique natural phenomena Taylor experiences after this first summer
4. What did Taylor notice about Turtle after she ran into the house?
5. What happened at the park? Who was Turtle with?
6. What did the medical examiner find on Turtle?
7. Why do you think Taylor decides to chase the bird out of the house instead of
holding and comforting Turtle?
8. How did Taylor change after this incident? Why?
9. In what way is Taylor’s disillusionment about her ability to help Turtle similar to
Taylor’s disillusionment about the world’s unwillingness to help people like
Estevan and Esperanza?
10. What does the snake symbolize in Chapter Twelve? Think about what is going on
at home with Turtle.
11. Assume the last paragraph in the chapter is an example of foreshadowing. What
do you think Taylor might do to try and correct Turtle’s and Estevan’s problems?
Chapter 13- Night-Blooming Cereus
1. What does the narrator say is the difference between sadness and depression?
Kingsolver incorporates important political and social issues into the plot of this
novel. What facts does she reveal to the reader about child abuse in this country?
2. How did Turtle recover from the incident in the park?
3. What does the Night-Blooming Cereus symbolize? Think about the use of the
theme of beauty in the novel, the scene’s setting, and the recent plot events.
4. What problem did Taylor face from Child Protective Services? In the state of
Arizona, what happens to an unclaimed child? How long did Taylor have?
5. What were the procedures for an adoption?
6. In what ways does Cynthia help Taylor look for a way to adopt Turtle? What do
you think the cameo brooch Cynthia wears might represent in this story?
7. What was Taylor’s plan?
8. What did Virgie May want Turtle and Dwayne Ray to see? Why was it so
9. Where are Taylor, Esperanza, Estevan, and Turtle headed? Why?
10. What do you think the dead blackbird mentioned in the last paragraph of this
chapter might represent in this story?
Chapter 14- Guardian Saints
1. Where did Immigration stop the car? Describe the incident. What was the
2. Where did they stay in Oklahoma City? What had changed?
3. Where did they go the next day? What had changed? What did Taylor find out?
4. Where do they go after the bar?
5. What do Estevan and Esperanza have in common with Taylor?
6. Why do you suppose Estevan and Esperanza decide to accompany Taylor on her
search for Turtle’s relatives instead of going directly to the arranged destination in
7. When a person believes in providence they are trusting themselves to the care of a
higher power, God or nature. What evidence is there in this chapter that Taylor
believes in providence?
Chapter 15- Lake o’ the Cherokees
1. This novel is written in first person narration. One of the advantages in this style
of storytelling is that Taylor adds her own colorful metaphors to help describe
feelings. For example, she describes the disappointment she felt on her first trip
through Oklahoma with the story of a woman who discovers her diamond
necklace is made of rhinestones. Find another metaphor in this chapter which
helps to describe her feelings.
2. What does Taylor discover about the Cherokee Nation in Chapter Fifteen that
changes her impression of the area?
3. What did Turtle yell once they were in the Cherokee nation? Why was it
4. What changes were occurring within Esperanza?
5. What was Turtle doing with her doll at the lake? What did she tell Taylor had
happened to her Mama? What does she do with the doll?
6. What two wishes do you think Taylor makes when she and Estevan go for a boat
ride? Which one does she think is very unlikely to come true?
7. At the end of this chapter, Taylor asks Estevan and Esperanza for a favor, which
they quickly grant. What two possibilities might this favor be?
Chapter 16- Soundness of Mind and Freedom of Will
1. Describe how Taylor adopted Turtle.
2. Describe Esperanza throughout the adoption process.
3. What is the one moment in this story when Taylor comes close to losing Turtle?
4. After finishing with Mr. Armistead, Taylor, Turtle, Estevan, and Esperanza all
leave his office. Taylor says, “I could see the relief across Estevan’s back and
shoulders. He held Esperanza’s hand. She was still drying tears but her face was
changed. It shone like a polished thing, something old made new.” (Pg. 216)
Why do you suppose Esperanza shines “like a polished thing” after pretending to
give Turtle away to Taylor?
5. In what way is it ironic that Estevan and Esperanza are the best equipped people
to help Taylor legally adopt Turtle?
Chapter 17- Rhizobia
1. Where did Taylor bring Esperanza and Estevan?
2. Describe the church. What was its purpose?
3. Explain the quote: “All four of us had buried someone we love in Oklahoma.”
4. Who did Taylor call first? Describe the conversation.
5. Who does Taylor call second? What does she tell them? What did they ask for?
What was Taylor’s response?
6. Describe Lou Ann and Taylor’s conversation.
7. What is a “family”? How does this novel ask you to question your definition of
8. What does Taylor discover about wisteria? How is this discovery related to the
unifying theme of the novel?
9. How is “home” defined in terms of geography? How is it defined in terms of
10. State a generalization about life from the following passage in this chapter.
“I don’t think blood’s the only way kids come by things honest. Not even the
main way. It’s what you tell them, Taylor. If a person is bad, say, then it makes
them feel better to tell their kids that they’re even worse. And then that’s just
exactly what they’ll grow up to be.” (Pg.223)