Title: The Bean Trees Author: Barbara Kingsolver Date of

Title: The Bean Trees Author: Barbara Kingsolver Provide significant details about the author. Barbara
Date of Publication: March 1989
Kingsolver was born in Kentucky in the year of 1989.
She has gotten a college degree in biology and has been
Provide information about the period (literary, writing ever since. Her first book to be published is
historical, philosophical, etc.) The period when The Bean Trees. Barbara has received numerous
this book was written is was uplifting, spirited, and awards, such as the National Humanities medal. She
cultural period known as the 80’s.The price of
has 2 daughters and a husband who teaches in
materials and objects we very cheap compared to environmental studies. She says she believes her best
now. The technology in the 1980’s was very in
work is accomplished by writing and having a
advanced compared to now.
magnificent family.
Identify the genre and specify how this work fits Provide plot points (use bullets or graphic
its characteristics. The genre of this book is
fiction. The author relates the book with objects
that are used in the time period when this book was
 Taylor Greer (main character) is living with
published (the 80’s). I believe this book relates to
her mom and is currently a student in high
drama because it explains throughout the book the
school. Taylor has volunteered to help out at
breakup of Lou Ann and her husband. This book
a hospital.
also tells about the obstacles Taylor encounters
while on her trip to find a place away from her
 After Graduating, Taylor decides to leave
home to live.
Pittman County. Taylor has the idea that she
wants to drive her car out of Pittman and were
ever her car breaks down that is were she
wants to settle down.
 While at a bar in Oklahoma Taylor encounters
Draw an image or write your impressions. My
women who leaves her dead sisters baby in
overall opinion of the book is that it was a very
Taylor’s car and tells Taylor to drive off and
good and fascinating piece of writing. I could
leave with the child.
relate to some of the events that have happened in
 Taylor and the baby go to a Hotel in which
the book. In the beginning Taylor developed the
they stay in even though Taylor doesn’t have
excitement to travel the states and throughout the
the money. So Taylor offers to make beds in
book we hear about the obstacles she encounters
the morning if they can stay and Mrs. Hodges
while traveling, such as becoming a guardian of a
the mother of the man who owns the hotel
accepts their offer.
 When Taylor moves in with Lou Ann she and
Taylor create a friendship not only between
them but also between their children.
Identify and explain the use and effect of three
literary techniques:
1. A simile is the comparison of an object of the
words like and as.
2. A repetition is when the author repeats a word a
3. A simile is the comparison of an object of the
words like and as.
Cite and quote one example of each:
1. “You’re like a mud turtle. If a mud turtle bites you it
won’t let go till it thunders.” (Kingsolver30)
2. “His name’s Seattle I’m sure he’s the only one there
named Seattle.” (Kingsolver 69)
3. “All, of the baby’s clothes were way too big, with
sleeves rolled up and shirt tails wrapped around and
everything wet as mud boots and as hard to get off.
There was a bruise twice the size of my thumb on her
inner arm.”- (Kingsolver30)
Cite and quote three significant passages (use
ellipses to abbreviate and include page numbers)
Explain the significance of each passage or explain
how it relates to the work as a whole.
1. “All, of the baby’s clothes were way too big,
with sleeves rolled up and shirt tails wrapped
1. This passage is significant because it tells how turtle
around and everything wet as mud boots and as
was taken care of and what turtle has gone through
hard to get off. There was a bruise twice the size of before given to Taylor.
my thumb on her inner arm.”- (Kingsolver30)
2. “I let turtle see the adoption certificate and she
looked at it for a very long time… “That means
you’re my kid”, I explained, “and I’m your
mother, and nobody can say it isn’t so… so you’ll
always know who you are.” (Kingsolver311)
3. " She watched the dark high- way and
entertained me with her vegetable-soup song,
except that now there were people mixed in with
beans and potatoes: Dwayne Ray, Mattie,
Esperanza, Lou Ann and all the rest. And me. I
was the main ingredient."
Name of each
Relationship to other
2. This passage is significant because Taylor shows
that she doesn’t want turtle to think that someone else
is her mom and that Taylor accepted the responsibility
to take care of a child. This passage is also significant
because Taylor doesn’t want Turtle to get taken away.
3. This passage is significant because Turtle has grown
in personality, from being a child who doesn’t speak
and thinks everyone is her mom, to knowing who is her
mom (the main ingredient in her song). I think that
Turtle put Taylor as the main ingredient because Turtle
and Taylor have been through a lot together and plus
on the previous page Taylor tells Turtle how she is her
daughter and that Turtle can call nobody but her, mom.
Three adjectives Purpose/function in story (specify round or
that describe
1. Taylor Greer
2. Mama
1. Daughter of Mama and
1. responsible ,
mother/guardian of turtle.
hardworking ,
She has a job at "Lord
used Tires."
2. caring,
prepared ,
3. Turtle
2. Mother to Taylor
4. Lou Ann
3. Daughter of Taylor. She
was just left in Taylor’s
3. adaptable,
car by some lady.
fearless, quiet
1. Round. Taylor's purpose in the story is to
take care of Turtle.
2. Flat. Mama's purpose in the book was to
take care of Taylor as a child and to guide
her to make the write descions and it will
shape Taylor's future. Also Mama helped
Taylor some what get over the fear of tires.
3. Round. Turtle is the daughter of Taylor
after being dropped off in Taylor's car by a
lady. As the story continues we see the
5. Angel
6. Estevan
obstacles Taylor and Turtle face as they
continue their journey throughout the book.
4. A mother like figure to 4. sensitive,
Taylor. Taylor moves in fearful, worried
with her.
5. Husband to Lou Ann
but he has left her
6. happy, nice,
8. Mattie
9. Esperanza
4. Round. Lou Ann was left by her husband
Angel. Lou Ann’s main purpose in the story
5. cruel, selfish , was posing a mother like figure to Taylor
and Turtle and taking care of them while
6. Married to Esperanza.
Friends with Taylor and
7. generous,
7. Hotel lady who lets
Taylor and Turtle stay for
8. helpful,
interesting, kind
8. Works with Taylor at
Lords used tires.
9. happy, nice,
9. Married to Estevan.
5. Round. Angel was a disappearance in the
beginning of the story he left Lou Ann.
When Lou Ann's mother visited he showed
up because Lou Ann didn't want her mother
to see her all lonely.
6. Flat. Estevan became good friends with
Taylor and he has a jealous wife who creates
drama throughout the book.
7. Flat. Mrs. Hodge was very caring she let
Taylor stay even though she didn't have
money to pay for a room. She got a break
because Taylor had offered to make beds if
she could stay.
8. Flat. Mattie's purpose in the book was to
be a good friend to her and to be caring to
Taylor and Turtle.
9. Flat. Esperanza's purpose in the book was
to create drama and to cause problems
between her and Taylor.
Significant Quotations:
Taylor has just
" I'll take anything you've got,
and I'll clean up after myself,
and tomorrow morning I'll change
Turtle and has to find
where warm to rest
before the
any bed in this place or anything
Else you want me to do. It's just for one
baby becomes sick
from wearing
This quote is important
because it shows
Taylor is willing to take the
of taking care of a child and
is willing to
Sacrifice some things.
Damp clothes and the
weather is cold.
“You’re like a mud turtle. If a mud turtle
bites you it wont let
Taylor and Turtle just
got to the hotel
go till it thunders."
and Taylor is giving
Turtle a bath.
“Knowing that Turtle's first uttered word
was a laugh brought me to no end of relief."
This quote is important
because Turtle is
Clinging to Taylor, which
leads me to believe that
Turtle likes her.
Taylor and Lou Ann
This quote is important
are in the car with their
because that was the
First thing Taylor ever heard
And Turtle's first peep
from Turtle, since the
out of her mouth was a
beginning she has had her.
“Taylor, remember that time you were mad Taylor and Lou Ann
at me because you didn't want is to act like are talking and Lou
a family? That all we need was a little dog Ann slowly brings
This quote is important
named spot?
up the topic about her
Well don’t get mad, but I told somebody at saying that. Which then
It shows how Lou Ann
work that you and Turtle and Dwayne Ray leads to Lou Ann
thinks of Taylor, as her
were my family. Somebody at work said,’
family. This quote shows
Do you have a family at home?' And I said Asking Taylor if she
how close Taylor and Lou
'sure,' without even thinking. I meant you
still has Taylor and
Ann truly are.
all... stuff
that’s when Taylor tells
Lou Ann that she has
No body else know."
adopted her.
Taylor was showing
This quote is important
Turtle her
because it shows that
“That means you’re my kid," I explained, "
and I'm you mother, and nobody else can
adoption for saying that Taylor doesn't want Turtle to 311
say it isn't so. I'll keep that paper for you till
Turtle was
think that
your older, but it's yours."
Her child.
Any one else is her mother.