Opening Scene: Macbeth


Opening Scene: Macbeth

Print out this handout.

Imagine you are a director for a production of Macbeth . As a director, use your imagination to think about where you might set this production—specifically, where would you set the opening scene. The stage directions say “a desert,” but consider setting this scene in a specific location: a suburban high school, a party, a room at Beacon,

Prospect Park, a concert, a basketball game, etc. Once you decide on your setting, answer the following questions:


How do the witches enter?


How do they move?


Are they old? Young? Male? Female? (In Shakespeare’s time they were played by males; in one modern production they were spiderwomen on a giant cobweb overhanging the stage.)


Do they like each other?


How is each witch different from the others?


How are they dressed? What are they carrying?


What do they do as they speak?

Put your notes on these aspects of the scene on the script—the following page. As the director, you want to make notes to yourself about how this action will take shape on the stage.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 . Macbeth

Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

Scene 1

[A desert place.]

[ Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches ]

First Witch

When shall we three meet again

In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

Second Witch

When the hurlyburly's done,

When the battle's lost and won.

Third Witch

That will be ere the set of sun.

First Witch

Where the place?

Second Witch

Upon the heath.

Third Witch

There to meet with Macbeth.

First Witch

I come, Graymalkin!

Second Witch

Paddock calls.

Third Witch



Fair is foul, and foul is fair:

Hover through the fog and filthy air.

[ Exeunt ]

Witches were believed to have familiar spirits; demons who helped them with their evil work. These familiars were usually animals or birds.

The first witch’s familiar is:

“Graymalkin” a cat

The second witch’s familiar is:

‘Paddock” a toad

The third witch does not name hers
