My Brother Sam Is Dead Stations Checklist

My Brother Sam Is Dead Stations Checklist
Name: _______________________________________
Station 1: You must complete TWO of the following:
_________ My Brother Sam Is Dead Book Cover
_________ Recruiting poster for Patriot militia & recruiting poster for Loyalist militia
_________ Graphic novel chapter to replace any chapter in the novel.
_________ Coded Message.
Station 2: Each group member must complete TWO of the following:
_________ Letter from Sam to Tim explaining why he left
_________ Letter from Tim to Sam asking why he left
_________ Letter from Sam to his dad apologizing for leaving but explaining why he had to do it.
_________ Letter from Mrs. Meeker to Sam asking him to come home.
_________ Letter from Betsy to Sam telling him what’s going on in Redding.
Station 3: Each group member must complete ONE of the following:
_________ video journal of Tim after hearing about his brother’s sentence.
_________ video journal of Sam expressing WHY he is fighting for the Patriot cause
_________ video journal of Mrs. Meeker after she’s learned that Sam has run off to fight for the
_________ video journal of Mr. Meeker after he has had the fight with Sam about joining the
Patriot militia.
_________video journal of Betsy after she has learned of Sam’s sentence.
Station 4: Each group member must complete TWO of the following:
________ Obituary of Sam’s death in a Patriot newspaper AND a Tory newspaper.
________ Eulogy for Sam to be read at his funeral
________ collage tribute to Sam highlighting Sam’s life accomplishments.
________ news article of Sam’s execution published in a Tory Newspaper