Reading Bingo Book Reports

Reading Book Reports/Book Talks
1st Semester 2011-2012
Having students continually reading is so important. Every month students will be
responsible for a book report or a book talk. Each month, they will be responsible for
reading one of the genres listed below. After reading their book they will have a project to
complete or a book talk to do. Listed below are the guidelines for the books chosen.
-Each book will need to be at least 100 pages
-Students will get to choose the books they read
-Students should bring books to school to read whenever
they have extra time during the day
Students will receive rubrics for each project so they can check over their work to make sure
they have all that is required. After the first due date, we will be discussing in class the
guidelines and rubric for the next project. The rubric will come home 2 weeks before the due
date for the book reports. The dates each book report/book talk is due are as follows:
Due Date
Sept. 21
Free Choice
Book Report in a Bag
Oct. 19
Book Talk
Nov. 22
Award Winner
Book Sandwich
Dec. 15
Realistic Fiction
Book Talk
If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know! Thanks for all you do to keep your
child reading!
Mrs. Hitchcock
Mrs. Wittman