society for the study of human development

2006 SELF Conference
July 23-26, 2006
All sessions will be held at the Michigan League, 911 North University, Ann Arbor, MI,
on the University of Michigan campus
Sunday, July 23
2:00-6:00 pm
Registration - Kalamazoo Room (2nd floor)
6:30-8:00 pm
(2nd floor)
Session chair: Jacque Eccles
Opening address- Albert Bandura, “Towards an Agentic Theory of the Self”
R. Shavelson Award Presentation made by Herb Marsh
8:00-9:00 pm
Reception and Welcome
Monday, July 24
8:00-10:00 am
1st session of presentations session (4 panels total)
Michigan Rm
(2nd floor)
Eudaimonistic Identity Theory, (4 papers)
Chaired by Al Waterman:
Eudaimonistic Identity Theory: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives on Making
Life-Shaping Personal Decisions by A.S. Waterman
Optimal Experiences as an Expression of the Self: The Contribution of Eudaimonistic
Identity Theory to the Study of Intrinsic Motivation by R. Conti
Exploring Adolescent Self-Defining Activities and Identity Experiences in the United State,
Chile, and Italy by E.H. Sharp, J.D. Coatsworth & L. Palen
The Role of Eudaimonistic Identity Theory in Prevention Science and Positive Youth
Development by S.J. Schwartz
Henderson Rm
(3rd floor)
Classrooms, Teachers & Parents (5 papers)
Chaired by Jean Healey:
A Structural Model of Intelligence, Parental Involvement, Effort, Self concept and Math
Achievement Across Nationality In UAE by M. M. Abu-Hilal
Culture and Motivation in the Classroom: Students Motivation in English Learning in
America by X. Chen & L.M. Walters
Opening Doors? Self-Concept of Per-service Teachers in Relation to the Inclusion of
Children with Disabilities by J.B. Healey & K. Marder
Parental and Maternal Effects on Children’s Mastery Motivation by S.L. O’Donnell
The Self-Analysis of Teacher Identities in International Teaching Assistants by G. M.
Monday, July 24
8:00-10:00 am
(2nd floor)
Measurement (6 papers)
Chaired by Katrina Barker:
Unifying the Literature on Students’ Academic Motivation: A Multidimensional and
Hierarchical Representation of Students’ Goals and Academic Self-Concept by K. Barker,
M. Dowson & D. McInerney
What it Means to be Australian?: Psychometric Properties of a Newly Developed Instrument
and Preliminary Findings by R. Craven, & N. Purdie
The Measurement of Multidimensional Self-Concept in Adults with Mild Intellectual
Disability by R. Dixon, R. Craven & A. Martin
Gender and Grade Effects in the Structure of Academic Motivation and Engagement: A
Higher Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach by J. Green, A. Martin & H. Marsh
Exploring Student Engagement Through Classroom Use of Hypermedia Authoring by P.
Nanlohy, G. Munns, & R. Craven
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and a Short Measure of the Five-Factor Model of Personality
by P. Parker, A. Martin, M. Dowson & H. Marsh
Koessler Rm
(3rd floor)
Well-Being (5 papers)
Chaired by Tony George:
The Impact of Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence on Risky Behavior by Q. Dong
Causal Entities and Causal Relationships: The Role of an Expanded Conceptualization of
Attribution Theory in Explaining Student Adjustment in School by T. George, M. Dowson &
R. Craven
Predicting Successful Coping in College Students by J. Hagen, S. W. Aziz & S.R. Pacynski
Maintaining Self-Esteem during the Transition to Parenthood: Evidence from a Nine Year
Follow-Up by B. Kalicki, W.E. Ftenakis, & G. Peitz
Sources of First-Year Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy by Y. Capa Aydin & W.E. Loadman
10:00-10:15 am
Break – Concourse (2nd floor)
10:15-11:45 am
Session chair: Kevin Miller
Keynote speaker— Ed Deci, “The Meaning of Self in Self-Determination Theory”
11:45-1:00 pm
Buffet Lunch and Poster Session (36 posters, see attached)
Concourse, Hussey & Vandenberg Rooms (2nd floor)
1:00-2:30 pm
(2nd floor)
Session chair: Ulrich Trautwein
Keynote speaker—Jari-Erik Nurmi, “Socialization and Self-development During
Adolescence: Thinking about and Acting Upon the Future”
2:30-2:45 pm
Break – Concourse (2nd floor)
Monday, July 24
2:45-5:10 pm
2nd session of presentations (3 panels total)
Henderson Rm
(3rd floor)
Cross Cultural/Cultural (7 papers)
Chaired by Dennis McInerney:
Developing a Standardized Measure of Student Motivation for Use in Diverse Cultural
Settings: An Overview of Research by J. Ali, & D.M. McInerney
Toward a Model of Acculturative Self-Concept by S.B. Lee
Predictors of Intention to Go on to University: Are These the Same Across Cultures? by
D.M. McInerney
Indian National Identity of Muslim and Hindu Minorities: An Eco-Cultural Perspective by
M.G. Husain & Nurjahan
A Multiple Goal Analysis of Female Japanese University Students’ Motivation by D. Da
Silva, D. McInerney, V. McInerney & M. Dowson
Psychological Influences of Student Achievement in Developing Countries: A Psychometric
Study of Future Goals by G. Nelson, D.M. McInerney, R. Craven & M. Dowson
Family and Motivation Effects on Reading and Mathematics Achievement: Country-,
School-, and Student-Level Analyses in 41 Countries by M. Chiu & X. Zeng
Koessler Rm
(3rd floor)
What is Moral Engagement and Why are We Mindful of It? (5 papers)
Chaired by Theresa Thorkildsen:
Why Explore Moral Engagement in Public Schools? by T.A. Thorkildsen
Working Hard or Hardly Working: How Adolescents Justify Cheating by C.J. Golant, & L.D.
Relations between Students’ Moral Engagement and Belief in a Just World by E. CambrayEngstrom & T.A. Thorkildsen
Future and Practicing Teachers’ Moral Engagement by E.M. Gates
Moral Identity as a Source of Moral Motivation by S. Hardy
(2nd floor)
Motivation (7 papers)
Chaired by Ulrich Trautwein:
Predicting Chinese Students’ Critical Thinking Performance: Critical Thinking Self-Concept,
Verbal Ability, Personality, and Need for Cognition by K. Hau, I.T. Ho, & Y.L. Ku
Interrelations among University Students’ Approaches to Learning, Regulation of Learning,
Cognitive Strategies, and Stress by A. Heikkilä, M. Niemivirta, J. Mieminen & K. Lonka
The Selves of Educational Psychology: Conceptions, Contexts and Critical Considerations
by J. Martin
Leadership in Schools and the Impact of Emotional Literacy by M. Nemec
Students’ Situational Interest: Fluctuation over Three Weeks by Y.-M. Tsai, M. Kunter, O.
Ludtke & U. Trautwein
Monday, July 24
Motivation (7 papers): -- cont’d
Fourth Grader’s Perspectives on Their Motivations for Reading by A.L. Hoa, A. Wigfield,
S.M. Tonks, & J.T. Guthrie
An Investigation of the Role of Motivational Processes, Personality Factors, the Use of
Learning Strategies, and Scholastic Aptitude in Academic Achievement by J. B. Sumerson
Tuesday, July 25
8:00-10:00 am
3rd session of presentations (4 panels total)
Henderson Rm
(3rd floor)
Identity (5 papers)
Chaired by Lynley Anderman:
Pursuing the Interface of Social and Academic Processes by L.H. Anderman & A. Kaplan
Conditions of Identity Change: A Look at the Role of Self-Esteem in Incorporating Labels
into the Self-View by E.K. Asencio
The Nature and Importance of Self-Concept for Indigenous Students by R. Craven, A. Martin
& G. Munns
Identity and Development in After-School Programs: Changing Experiences and Shifting
Adolescent Needs by J.N. Jones, & N.L. Deutsch
How Far can the Big Fish Swim? Extending the Reach of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect by
M. Seaton, H. Marsh, & R. Craven
Michigan Rm
(2nd floor)
Social Interactions (4 papers)
Chaired by Liat Hasenfratz:
Working Models of Attachment to Parents, Friends and Partners During Early Adulthood
and Their Relation to Self-Concept and Affect by E. Syngollitou & V. Daskalou
Self-Beliefs and Bullying: Unraveling the Relation Between Bullying, Being Bullied and SelfConcept for Upper Elementary School Aged Children by L. Finger, R. Craven & M. Dowson
Young Children's Social Self-Conceptions: Do They Have Any Significance? by L.
Hasenfratz & R. Butler
Reflections on the Cronulla Riots 2005: Is There a History of Racial Bullying in Southern
Sydney Schools? by J. Healey, R. Craven & K. Marder
Koessler Rm
(3rd floor)
Possible Selves and Self-Regulation, (4 papers)
Chaired by Daphna Oyserman:
Possible Selves and Academic Outcomes: How and When Possible Selves Impel Action by D.
The Self-Regulatory Impact of Proximal and Distal Feared Possible Selves by D. Brickman,
D. Oyserman & M. Rhodes
Motivational Consequences of Evoking Possible Selves in Risky and Safe Contexts by M.
Destin & D. Oyserman
Possible Selves in Emerging Adolescence by M. Rhodes, D. Oyserman & D. Brickman
Tuesday, July 25
8:00-10:00 am
(2nd floor)
Well-Being (6 papers)
Chaired by Carissa Donovan:
Life Goals in Sociocultural Context: Implications for Well-being by S. Balan & R.
Physical Health and Psychological Well-Being: Measurement and Research by C. Donovan,
A. Martin & M. Dowson
Self-Esteem of Faculty Members from Three Institutions: A Comparison by Nurjahan & M.G.
The Effects of Materialism vs. ‘Positive’ Money Attitudes on Financial Behavior and WellBeing by D. Stone, S. Bryant, & B. Wier
The Affective Characteristics of Underachieving Intellectually Gifted Children by R. Dixon,
R. Craven & A. Martin
Measure of Self-Complexity by K. Anderson and B. David
10:00-10:15 am
Break – Concourse (2nd floor)
10:15-11:45 am
Session chair: Eric Dubow
Keynote speaker— Roy Baumeister, “The Agentic Self: Self-Control, Rational Choice,
and Free Will”
11:45-1:00 pm
Buffet Lunch and Poster Session (36 posters, see attached)
Concourse, Hussey & Vandenberg Rooms (2nd floor)
1:00-2:30 pm
Session chair: Pamela Davis-Kean
Keynote speaker— Jenny Crocker, “Egosystem and Ecosystem: Two Motivational
Frameworks for the Self”
2:30-2:45 pm
Break – Concourse (2nd floor)
2:45-5:10 pm
4th session of presentations (3 panels total)
Koessler Rm
(3rd floor)
Identity (4 papers)
Chaired by Avi Kaplan:
Facilitating an Exploratory Orientation in School by A. Kaplan & H. Flum
The Relational Facet of Exploration by H. Flum & A. Kaplan.
Tempest in a Gallimaufry II: Using Multilevel Systems Theory to Integrate "Self" and
"Identity" Theories by S.C. Peck
Identities and Achievement-Related Choices by Jacque Eccles
Tuesday, July 25
2:45-5:10 pm
Henderson Rm
(3rd floor)
Indigenous Studies (6 papers)
Chaired by Rhonda Craven:
Reconceptualising Indigenous Historians’ Contributions to Australian History by F.
Reports of Self-Concept, Academic Motivation and Perceived Discrimination for Indigenous
Secondary Students; Untangling the Web by G. Bodkin-Andrews & R. Craven
Teaching Aboriginal Studies: Improving Professional Practice in NSW Schools by J. Mooney
& R. Craven
Self-Concepts of Indigenous Australian Students in the Secondary Senior Years by D. Wray,
R. Craven & G. Munns
The Mental Health of Indigenous Australians: Inequities and New Directions by G. BodkinAndrews & R. Craven
Senior Hospital Registrars: From Failure to Success in Examinations by P. Tremayne & R.
(2nd floor)
Motivation (7 papers)
Chaired by Dirk Tempelaar:
Toward an Agentic Theory of Foreign Language Learning by S. Brewer
The Relationships and Impact of Perceptions of Ability, Perceived Competence and
Motivational Orientation on Approaches to Learning in HE Students by R.J. Lawson
Crossing the Great Divide: The Motivation and Engagement Framework in Action by G.
Munns, R. Craven & A. Martin
Justifications for Cheating: Not Just About Me, but Also About You by T. Murdock
Understanding English Language Learner Self-Concept by S.J. Mercer
The Relationship Between Students' Self-Theories & Goal Orientations and Achievement
Motivations, and the Impact of all Three on Course Performances in a Range of Academic
Subjects by D. Tempelaar, S. Schim van der Loeff & W. Gijselaers
Between-student and within-student Variation in Effort on Homework: The Role of
Conscientiousness, Parental Attitudes and Parental Help, Homework Characteristics, and
Homework Motivation by U. Trautwein & O. Ludtke
Wednesday, July 26
8:00-10:00 am
5th session of presentations (3 panels total)
Koessler Rm
(3rd floor)
Development and Motivation (5 papers)
Chaired by Marja-Liisa Malmivuori:
The Development of Motivation-Related Self Beliefs and Their Influence on School-Related
Intentions by A.M. Conley, K.S. Cortina & S.A. Karabenick
Latent Growth Curve Analyses of the Development of Competence Perceptions and
Academic Interest and Their Relations to Gender and Achievement by M. Niemivirta
A Comprehensive Multilevel Model Meta-analysis of Self-Concept Interventions by A.
O’Mara, H. Marsh & R. Craven
Stability and Change in Students' Achievement Goal Orientation Profiles Across the
Transition to Upper Secondary Education by H. Tuominen, K. Salmela-Aro & M. Niemivirta
Development of Students' Self-Systems by M. Malmivuori
Henderson Rm
(3rd floor
The Interpersonal Dimensions of Teacher’s Self: Where Have We Been and Where Are
We Going? (5 papers).
Chaired by Heather Davis; discussants: H. Davis & A. Hoy:
The Effects of Teaching Efficacy on Students’ Motivation, Perceptions of Relationship
Quality and Academic Achievement by J. Summers
From Social Support to Classroom Beliefs and Behavior: A “Top-Down” Analysis of
Teacher Motivation by K.D. Ciani
Students’ Perceptions of Connectivity in Distance Education by E. Straub
Teachers’ Understandings of Connectivity in an Elementary Classroom by M. Newberry
Teachers Metaphors and Use of Touch in the Classroom: Does Touching making you a
“Risky” Person? by C. Andrezejewski,
(2nd floor)
Measurement (6 papers)
Chaired by Maureen Tatlow:
Developing the Sport Social Support Scale: Examining the Discrepancy between Perceptions
of Parents, Coaches and Athletes by J. Cheng, A. Martin, M. Dowson & P. Tremayne
"A Me Dis": A Study of Jamaican Adolescent Identity Construction using a Graphical
Measure by G.M. Ferguson
Correspondence between Paper and Pencil Measures of Competence and a Cognitive
Interference Task in Depressed and Nondepressed 8th Grade Students by J.M. Martin, J.K.
Gill & L.L. Brown
An Observational Analysis of the Needs for Emotional Literacy by M. Nemec
Using Children's Drawings to Access Important Aspects of their Social and Active SelfConcepts: A Comparative Exploratory Study by M. Tatlow, & S. Guerin
The Role of Qualitative and Idiographic Methods in Self-Concept Research: A Critical
Review by M. Tatlow & S. Guerin
Wednesday, July 26
10:00-10:15 am
Break – Ballroom (2nd floor)
10:15-12:15 pm
6th session of presentations (3 panels total)
(2nd floor)
Race, Gender, Stereotypes (6 papers)
Chaired by Gabriel Nagy:
Stereotype Threat and Achievement Goals by A.S. Beauchamp & V. Peyton
Can Children's Assessments of Others' Abilities Help to Explain Gender Differences in
Academic Self-Concepts? by S. Frühauf
The Development of Students' Mathematics Self-Concept in Relation to Gender: Different
Countries, Different Trajectories? G. Nagy, H.M.G. Watt, U. Trautwein, O. Lüdtke, J. Eccles
& J. Baumert
Collective Identity in German Secondary Schools by M. Knigge & B. Hannover
Exploring the Usefulness of an Ecological Model in Understanding the Development of
Teacher's Ethnic Stereotypes and Pupils' Perceptions of Themselves as Targets of Racism by
P. Stevens
Boys' Goal Orientations, Self-Concept and Achievement in the Transition from Single Sex to
Coeducation by S.M. Yates
Henderson Rm
(3rd floor)
Ecosystem and Egosystem Modes of Motivation, (5 papers)
Chaired by Jennifer Crocker:
Effects of Ecosystem and Egosystem Goals on Well-Being by J. Breines, J. Crocker, & J.
Exploring the Motivational Systems of the Self: What is the Relationship between Disordered
Eating Symptomotology and the Egosystem? by T. Granillo & J. Crocker
Getting Unstuck: Effects of Egosystem and Ecosystem Goals and Mindfulness on Emotions
by L. Matison & J. Crocker
Self-Improvement: Effects of Egosystem and Ecosystem Motivations by S. Moeller & J.
Self-Affirmation and the Ecosystem: Affirming Values Increases Feeling of Connectedness by
Y. Niiya, P. Denning & J. Crocker
Koessler Rm
(3rd floor)
Identity (4 papers)
Chaired by Nola Purdie:
Motivational Beliefs About Personal and Other Academic Success: Are There Cultural
Differences? by D.M. McInerney
Relation of Identity and Aggression among Ethnic Minority Adolescents by T.E. Kim
Being Australian and being Indigenous: What's the difference? by N. Purdie & R. Craven
Young People’s Perceptions of What it Means to be an Australian by N. Purdie & R. Craven
12:00-1:15 pm
Sit-down luncheon with topic tables for discussion
Concourse, Hussey & Vandenberg Rooms (2nd floor)
Wednesday, July 26
1:15-2:45 pm
(2nd floor)
Session chair: Bill McKeachie
Closing Keynote speaker—Herb Marsh, “Self-Concept Theory, Measurement and
Research into Policy-Practice: A Methodological-Substantive Synergy”
2:45-3:00 pm
Break - Ballroom
3:00-5:00 pm
7th session of presentations (3 panels total)
Henderson Rm
(3rd floor)
Development and Motivation (4 papers)
Chaired by Oksana Malanchuk:
Motivation in Transition to Careers: The Case of Information Technology: What Gets People
In and What Keeps Them In? by J.L. Garrett, E.E. Messersmith, O. Malanchuk, P.E. DavisKean & J. Eccles
Self-Concept and Its Relationship to Aspirations of Rural-Urban Indigenous Students to
Education and Career Choice by K. Marder & R. Craven
Self-Regulation of Academic Effort: How Individuals Change or Maintain Their Educational
Goals during the Transition to Adulthood by E. Messersmith & J. Schulenberg
What Can Free the Spirit? Motivating Indigenous Students to be Producers of Their Own
Educational Futures by G. Munns, R. Craven & A. Martin
(2nd floor)
Health/Special Populations (5 papers)
Chaired by Eric Anderman:
Relations of Classroom Goal Structures to Changes in Self-Efficacy Beliefs in
Pregnancy/HIV Prevention Programs for Adolescents by E.M. Anderman, P.K. Cupp, D.
Lane, R. Remer & S. Shukla
Effect of Nutrition Courses on Self-Efficacy for Dietary Fat by C.L.S. Arnold
Self-Concept and Body Image in Adolescent Anorexia by T. Ha, H. Marsh, C. Halse & A.
When the Relationship Becomes Her: Revisiting Women’s Body Concerns from a
Relationship Contingency Perspective by D.T. Sanchez, & T.N. Kwang
Self-Determination Theory: A Case for Evidence-Based Healthcare Provision within the
WHEEL Project by E. Borkoles, S. Carroll, & R. Polman
Koessler Rm
(3rd floor)
Culture and Self an Intersectionality Perspective (4 papers)
Chaired by Ramaswami Mahalingam
The Self as Site of Political Engagement and Resistance in a Native American Counseling
Center by J.P. Gone
Race Self Complexity, Narrative Identity, and Psychological Adaptation: What are the
Experiences Constructed in Autobiographical Race Narratives? by C. Winston & A.
Attending to the Psychology of Others: Rethinking Culture and Self in a Global World by S.
Social marginality and Idealized Cultural Identities by R. Mahalingam & J. Roopnarine
2006 SELF Conference
July 23-26, 2006
Monday, July 24 (11:45-1:00 pm)
Buffet Lunch and Poster Session
Concourse, Hussey and Vandenberg Rooms (2nd floor)
(37 Posters)
A-01 A Case Study of a Coach-Athlete-Parent Triangle in Figure Skating at Elite Level by J. Cheng, A.
Martin, M. Dowson & P. Tremayne
A-02 Affective Relationship to Parents and Teachers in Children with an Illusion of Incompetence by S. Côté,
T. Bouffard, C. Vezeau, M. Larouche &. M Roy
A-03 Parental Factors Associated with Children's Perceived Competence and Intrinsic Motivation by F.
Cottin, T. Bouffard, & C. Vezeau
A-04 Relationships Explained: The Role of an Integrated Conceptualisation of Attachment and Attribution
Theories in Explaining Student Adjustment in School by T. George, M. Dowson & R. Craven
A-05 Meet the Parents: Mother and Fathers' Contextual and Psychological Resources Associated to
Adolescents' Perceptions of Parental Autonomy Support by F. Guay, C.F. Ratelle, Duchesne & C.
A-06 Perceptions of Family Functioning and Self-Concept in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa by T. Ha, H.
Marsh, C. Halse & A. Martin
A-07 Discrepancy Effects in Big Five Traits: Ideal and Actual Self-Concept in Three Countries by M. Lynch,
& R. Ryan
A-08 Dispositional and Situational Factors in the Willingness to Seek Support: The Role of Traits and
Autonomy Support in Emotional Reliance by M. Lynch & R. Ryan
A-09 A Program to Promote Self-Regulated Learning at University by P. Wagner, B. Schober, R. Reimann, P.
Gradinger, D. Lapka & C. Spiel
An Investigation of Significant Differences across Seven Cultural Groups on the Inventory of School
Motivation (ISM) by J. Ali & D.M. McInerney
Do Values and Interests Shape the Use of Learning and Help Seeking Strategies? by S. Brickman, B.
Miller, M. Dowson & D.M. McInerney
Psychometric Model of Future Oriented Motivation and Self-Regulation by S. Brickman, M. Dowson &
D.M. McInerney
Comparing EFL Motivation and General Academic Motivation by D. Da Silva, D. McInerney, V.
McInerney & M. Dowson
The Psychometric Structure of the Self-Regulation of Academic Motivation by M. Dowson, S. Brickman,
D. McInerney & S. Gonzalez
Monday, July 24 – Poster Session
School Self-Evaluation: A Psychometric Test Case by M. Dowson & G. Nelson
Contextual Pictorial Representations of the Self and Motivational Fields: Social-Autograph and
Motivational Balance by C. Mamali
Specifying Causal Relations between Students' Goals and Academic Self-Concept: An Integrated
Structural Model of Student Motivation by K. Barker, M. Dowson & D.M. McInerney
Students in Science and Engineering Programs and Academic Motivation: The Mediation Role of
Gender Stereotypes Beliefs by M.-N. Delisle, C. Senécal, F. Guay & S. Larose
"Still Not There": Women's Under Representation in Technology Oriented Careers by N. DiDonato &
A. O’Donnell
Investigating Self-Concept and Health-Related Quality of Life by C. Donovan, A. Martin & M. Dowson
Are Motivational Resources Important Correlates of Intraindividual Changes in Teachers' Burnout? by
C. Fernet, Senécal & F. Guay
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Adherence to Dietary Self-Care
Activities among Diabetic Adolescents by S.A. Fernet, Senécal & F. Guay
Assessing Bullying, Being Bullied and Self-Concept: A Psychometric Evaluation of the Adolescent Peer
Relations Instrument and Self-Description Questionnaire II for Upper Primary Aged Children by L.
Finger, R. Craven & M. Dowson
Expectations about High School, Anxiety and Self-Esteem: Differences between Grade 6 Children
Affected or Not by an Illusion of Incompetence M. Fleury-Roy, Sarrat-Vézina, M. Roy & T. Bouffard
Academic Motivation and Engagement: Examining Relations with Key Educational Outcomes by J.
Green, A. Martin & H. Marsh
Motivation and Engagement in Young Children: How Well Does a High School Conceptualization
Generalize to Junior School? by A. Martin, R. Craven & G. Munns
Cooperative Behavior in a Prisoner’s Dilemma- A Terror Management Perspective by K. Tremayne &
G. Curtis
The Concept of Preparatory Efficacy: Can Self-Doubt Be Beneficial to Performance by J. Wood & D.L.
D-01 Internal Orientation to Ministry: A Secularization Perspective on the Structure of Ministry Coping by
M. Dowson, M. Miner & G. Nelson
D-02 Evaluating the Link between Change in Happiness Levels and Dietary Supplementation of Omega-3
Fatty Acids by M. Dowson & S. Gonzalez
D-03 Women's Depressive Symptomatology during the Transition to Motherhood: The Effects of Competence,
Relatedness, and Autonomy by L. Gauthier, C. Senécal, F. Guay & T. Pierce
D-04 Do You See What I See? Self Perceptions and Depressive Affect in Youth with a Hidden Congenital
Deformity by J.K. Gill & J.M. Martin
Monday, July 24 – Poster Session
D-05 Self -Perceptions and Depression in Adolescents with Disfigurement by J.M. Martin, L.L. Brown & J.K.
An Oral History: Ngarabal and Biripi Elders' Perspectives and Experiences of Australian History by F.
Motivational Behaviors and Cognitions of Indigenous Australian Secondary Students by G. BodkinAndrews & R. Craven
Multifaceted Self-Concept of Indigenous Australian Secondary Students; Structure and Relations to
Other Academic Variables by G. Bodkin-Andrews & R. Craven
Perceived Discrimination and Indigenous Australian Students' School Related Attitudes by G. BodkinAndrews & R. Craven
2006 SELF Conference
July 23-26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25 (11:45-1:00 pm)
Buffet Lunch and Poster Session
Concourse, Hussey and Vandenberg Rooms (2nd floor)
(37 Posters)
A-001 Self-Reported Resilient Behaviors of Seventh and Eighth Grade Students Enrolled in an Emotional
Intelligence Based Program by V. Castro
A-002 Impact of a 9 Weeks Physical Education, Recreation and Life Skills Program on Low Socio-Economic
Background Children by X. Jiang & L.E.K. Prosser
A-003 Academic Gender Stereotypes and Perceptions of Competence in Young Adolescents by B. KurtzCostes, K. Copping & S. Rowley
A-004 Is it the Media that Makes them Hyper? A Review of Literature at the Intersection of Student
Hypermedia and Engagement by P. Nanlohy, G. Munns & R. Craven
A-005 Probing the Effectiveness of School Physical Education Programs with Physical Activity Outdoor
Programs in Enhancing Physical Self-Concept by G. Richards & K. Johnson
A-006 Relationship Between Children's Perfectionism and Their Perception of Parental Valuation of Learning
Goals and Their Conditionality of Emotional Support by M. Roy, T. Bouffard, G. Marcotte & V. Dubois
A-007 "Hearing What They See." Linking Student Efficacy and Engagement to Teacher Attitudes and Practices
by C.M.B. Tyler, K.M. Tyler & A.W. Boykin
B-001 Self-Concept in Elementary School Students: Comparative Analysis between Japan and the United
States by H. Inoue
B-002 Narcissism, Self-Construal and Field Dependence by S. Konrath, B. Bushman & T. Grove
B-003 The Context of Coping: Investigating Situational and Individual Factors by T.N. Kwang & L.P. KohnWood
B-004 Academic Self-Efficacy Expectancies in the Portuguese Context: An Exploratory Study Using
Confirmatory Factor Analysis by S.P. Neves & L. Faria
B-005 Special Educational School Graduate's Self-Concept which are Made of Interpersonal CommunicationExamination of Self-Image by M. Ono
B-006 Early Development of Self Concepts by M. Parkinson
B-007 Psychometric Properties of the Exercise Self Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-E) Among College Student
Exercisers by B.D. Rockafellow, A.S. Collings, K.K. Saules & N.E. Angelella
Tuesday, July 25 – Poster Session
C-001 Which Group Matters? Relating Beliefs about the Academic Abilities of Race and Sex In-Groups and
Out-Groups to the Academic Self-View of Black Adolescents by A.B. Evans, S.J. Rowley & B.E. KurtzCostes
C-002 Identity Statuses and Prosocial Behaviors in Young Adulthood by J.W. Kisling & S.A. Hardy
C-003 Adolescents' Self Identities and Sexual Risk Taking Behavior by M. Longmore, P. Giordano & W.
C-004 Learning from Failure Goals Reduce Concerns about Proving Self-Worth by Y. Niiya & J. Crocker
C-005 Support for a Reciprocal Effects Model of Self-Concept and Academic Achievement Through a Contrast
of Multidimensional and Unidimensional Approaches by A. O’Mara, H. Marsh & R. Craven
C-006 Activation of Smoker Self-Beliefs is Systematically Associated with Self-Efficacy to Abstain from
Smoking by H. Orom, D. Cervone, D. Artistico, W.G. Shadel & J. Kassel
C-007 A Pooled Case Comparison: How Does SES Influence Self Beliefs? by R. Poirier & A. Bischoff
C-008 Relationship between Physical Self-Perceptions and Body Composition Following a 10 Week Exercise
Program for Previously Sedentary Participants by R. Polman & E. Brokoles
C-009 Relationships between Impostor Feelings, Negative Illusory Bias, Self-Esteem, Invitational Self and
Autobiographical Memory among Primary School Children by E. Sarrat-Vézina, T. Bouffard, S. Côté,
& M. Larouche
C-010 Reducing the Negative Consequences of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect: An Examination of SocioEconomic Status and Individual Differences in Learning by M. Seaton, H. Marsh & R. Craven
C-011 The Causal Relationships between Junior High Students' Achievement Goals, Academic Hope, and
Their Efficacy in Learning Language Arts and Mathematics by S. Tang
C-012 A Two-Year Study of the Relationships between Cognitive Distortions and Perceived Competence and
Self-Esteem by M. Vaillancourt, T. Bouffard, G. Marcotte, M. Fleury-Roy, M. Roy, & C. Vezeau
C-013 Compatibility of Physical Activity and Academic Performance among Hong Kong Chinese Primary
School Children: Conduct, Physical Activity and Self-Esteem as Determinants by C.C. Yu, S. Chan, F.
Cheng, R.Y.T. Sung & K. Hau
D-001 Physical Self-Concept: Can it be Measured Reliably; Is it A Relevant Construct; Is it Too Idiosyncratic
to be Useful as a Research Paradigm? by G. Richards
E-001 Can Independent and Interdependent Self Coexist? Comparisons of Self-Concept between the Hans and
the Aborigines in Taiwan by H. Lin, C. Lin, S. Liang & Y. Chung
E-002 Reconciliation: Why We Need to Teach Teachers to Teach Aboriginal Studies to all Australian Students
by J. Mooney & R. Craven
E-003 Finding Hope in Hopelessness: Future Goals and Aspirations of Papua New Guinean Students by G.
Nelson, D.M. McInerney, R. Craven & M. Dowson
E-004 Quality of Motivation Predicting Open vs. Defensive Interpersonal functioning: Autonomous and
Controlled Causality Orientation and Ethnic Prejudice by B. Neyrinck, W. Lens & M. Vansteenkiste
Tuesday, July 25 – Poster Session
E-005 "Because We Want to be There": Indigenous Students Participating in NSW Higher School Certificate
Aboriginal Studies by D. Wray, R. Craven & G. Munns
F-001 Development of Adult Identity by R.E.K. Doe
F-002 Exploring Key Dimensions of Motivation and Engagement in the Workplace by A. Martin
F-003 Personality and Work Place Outcomes: A Study of Ministers of Religion and Christian Teachers by P.
Parker, A. Martin & M. Dowson
F-004 Job Characteristics, Fatigue and Motivation—Is a Happy and Healthy Worker a Productive Worker? by
K. Tremayne, A. Martin, M. Dowson & S. Burden