Spring, 2011 - Laney College

Laney College P.E. Department Syllabus Spring Semester 2011
Beginning Swimming, PE 033A
Marcia Benjamin, Instructor
Please contact me by email:
Please visit my website at:
or start at “www.laney.edu,” go to “Site Index” then look for my name.
Office Hours: Fridays 1000-1100 (pool)
suit, towel, goggles (mandatory by second class)
NEW FOR 2011 – no more Add Cards!! You must register electronically
033 (Beginning Swimming)
MW 1100-1150
Course Level Student Learning Outcomes: (Lap Swimming/Long Distance)
 Demonstrate improvement in water orientation
 Demonstrate improvement in stroke mechanics
 Demonstrate improvement in swim distance
Attendance Policy
& Grading:
Based on departmental grading policies for attendance. Classes may be made up in
another Peralta P.E. class with make-up slip (limit of three make-ups). No more than
three hours may be missed each semester to get an A grade. Class meets rain or shine.
PE classes do not meet Finals week. ** Asterisked classes are offered credit/no credit.
Beginning classes are primarily designed to be instructional in nature. All of the competitive
strokes are taught as well as instruction in treading water and diving. Interval training is
No class the following days:
 Fri.-Mon., Feb. 18-21 (Presidents’ Day)
 Mon.-Sat., Apr 18-23 (Spring Recess)
 Thu., May 19 (Malcolm X Day)
 Tues., May 17 (last PE Class)
Week 1-4 (1/24-2/16):
Week 5-8 (2/21-3/16):
Week 9-12 (3/21-4/13):
Week 13:
Week 14-16 (4/25-5/11):
Week 18 (5/10-5/18):
Important Dates:
 Feb. 5 (last day to add)
 Feb. 24 (last day to drop without “W”)
 Apr. 25 (last day to drop with “W”)
Intro, Freestyle, Flutter Kicking,
Back Float, Back Kicking
Freestyle Arms, Breathing; Backstroke
Dolfin Kick, Butterfly, Breaststroke
Spring Break
Diving, Turns, Aerobic Conditioning
Laney College P.E. Department Syllabus Spring Semester 2011
Lap Swimming/Long Distance Swimming, PE 046/029
Marcia Benjamin, Instructor
Please contact me by email: msbenjamin@peralta.edu
Please visit my website at: http://www.laney.edu/mbenjamin/
or start at “www.laney.edu,” go to “Site Index” then look for my name.
Office Hours: Friday 1000-1100 (pool)
suit, towel, goggles (mandatory by second class)
Course list (each course has two “names”, but is the same content):
NEW FOR 2011 – no more Add Cards!! You must register electronically
046 (Lap Swimming) **
029 (Long Distance Swimming)
TuTh 1200-1250
TuTh 1200-1250
Course Level Student Learning Outcomes:
 Identify personal physical fitness level
 Improve swimming times
 Demonstrate proper skill drills and improvement in stroke mechanics
Attendance Policy
& Grading:
Based on departmental grading policies for attendance. Classes may be made up in
another Peralta P.E. class with make-up slip (limit of three make-ups). No more than
three hours may be missed each semester to get an A grade. Class meets rain or shine.
PE classes do not meet Finals week. ** Asterisked classes are offered credit/no credit.
Lap Swimming/Long Distance classes are primarily designed to be swimming workout classes.
Instruction is given in interval training, stroke mechanics, and anaerobic and aerobic
conditioning. Periodic evaluation is made by means of challenge sets. Upper intermediate
level is required.
No class the following days:
 Fri.-Mon., Feb. 18-21 (Presidents’ Day)
 Mon.-Sat., Apr 18-23 (Spring Recess)
 Thu., May 19 (Malcolm X Day)
 Wed., May 18 (last PE Class)
Important Dates:
 Feb. 5 (last day to add)
 Feb. 24 (last day to drop without “W”)
 Apr. 25 (last day to drop with “W”)
Overview (approximate timeline; class skill level will influence how long we stay with each topic)
Week 1 (1/21):
Week 2 (1/25-1/28):
Week 3 (2/1-2/4):
Week 4 (2/8- 2/11):
Week 5 (2/15- 2/18):
Week 6 (2/22- 2/25):
Week 7 (3/1-3/4):
Week 8 (3/8-3/11):
Week 9 (3/15-3/18):
Intro and conditioning
Intro and conditioning
Freestyle (15-min. swim)
Backstroke (400 kick)
Sprint (4x100)
Week 10 (3/22-3/25): Freestyle (15-min. swim)
Week 11 (3/29-4/1): Free/Back (400 kick)
Week 12 (4/5-4/8): Spring Break
Week 13 (4/12-4/15): IM
Week 14 (4/19-4/22): Sprint (4x100)
Week 15 (4/26-4/29): Freestyle (15-min. swim)
Week 16 (5/3-5/6): Back/Breast (400 kick)
Week 17 (5/10-5/13): Butterfly/Sprint
Week 18 (5/17-5/20): Open Water (4x100)