Sample Essay template for the Heroic Journey

Sample Essay template for the Heroic Journey.
IntroBroad intro= In life we are often confronted with situations in which we are taken from our
comfort zone and experience new things which change us. This can be uncomfortable, and scary,
but by overcoming these challenges we become stronger, and better people.
Narrowed thesis= In the novel __________ the character ________________
undergoes a heroic journey, complete with a separation, a transformation, and a return.
Body #1Intro sentence= The first stage of the heroic journey is called the Separation.
Define the stage= In this stage the character is taken from his/her regular life, or comfort
zone, and is presented with challenges that have not been encountered before.
Give example from the novel= In _____________, _____________ blah blah…
Body #2Intro sentence= The second stage of the heroic journey is called the Transformation.
Define the stage= In this stage the character goes through experiences that change
Give example from the novel= In _____________, _____________ blah blah…
Body #3Intro sentence= The third stage of the heroic journey is called the Return.
Define the stage= In this stage we see that the character has changed in a significant way
from how he/she was at the beginning of the novel.
Give example from the novel= In _____________, _____________ blah blah…
Concluding paragraphNarrow= _________________ in the novel ______________ has undergone a heroic
journey in which he/she has become a new person.
Broad= It is these obstacles that we are presented with in life which make it not only
challenging, but also rewarding.
Heroic Journey Essay Marking Rubric /20
Introductory paragraph:
Body paragraph #2:
*Broad to specific intro /2
Topic sentence
Explain the stage
*Clear Thesis statement that
Supporting point(s)
“controls” all the info in the
Body paragraph #1:
Body paragraph #3:
Topic sentence
Topic sentence
Explain the stage
Explain the stage
Supporting point(s)
Supporting point(s)
Concluding Paragraph:
*Specific to broad
*Thesis is restated in a new
*Interesting Vocab/
Grammar/sentence variety
When writing your essay consider:
*have a clear structure to your essay
*have a topic sentence for each paragraph
*use transition words/phrases (firstly/secondly/finally)
*include a variety of sentence types
*use descriptive language to create imagery
*maintain your tense
*use interesting words and vary your vocab