Spanish 9 Syllabus Spring 2015.doc.doc

Professor K. A. Thorne
Pierce College
Spring 2015
M/W 9:35—11:00
Spanish 9 (0686)
Hispanic Civilization
Course Description: This course serves as an introduction to Hispanic (Spanish) culture
and literature. It provides a broad overview of Spanish history, politics, economics, culture
and literature through a series of essays in our textbook, The Disinherited by Henry
Kamen (available in the bookstore). In addition to our textbook, we will read selections
from foundational Spanish texts such as Poema del mío Cid, The Celestina, La vida es
sueño, and Lazarillo de Tormes (versions in Spanish are available online; I will provide
English versions). Other selections will be assigned, and will generally be available online.
Although we will cover many centuries, this class will not present all material
chronologically, and does not pretend to be exhaustive or even complete; that is impossible
in 15 weeks.
Student Learning Outcomes: At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
a) Engage in discussion and critical analysis of Spain’s complicated social and political
history, understanding the greater themes that dominate that history: the Catholic
world view, liberalism and conservatism, rule by monarch vs. rule by the people,
self identity and marginality (tested via interview and/or presentation).
b) Write a well-organized and well-researched analytical essay on a major topic of
interest to Spanish history, culture and/or literature.
c) Read formal essays on history, culture and literature with the ability to understand
and synthesize the author’s main points and be able to summarize, criticize and
analyze those points both in conversation and in writing (tested via targeted exam
d) Connect works of literature to the major themes of the course; i.e., engage in
cultural criticism (tested via short essays).
How the Final Grade is Calculated:
Attendance, Preparation and Participation in Discussion, including quizzes on course
content: 25%
Exams (2): 25%
Presentation on Final Paper Topic: 25%
Final Paper: 25%
Attendance and Late Arrivals: If you miss more than one class this semester, your final
grade may drop by one full letter. Late arrivals or early departures may be counted as an
absence. DO NOT ARRIVE LATE. Make sure that you have the time to take this course,
since the reading load is fairly substantial. You should expect several hours per week of
reading (5-7 on average).
If you require special accommodations in order to be successful in this class, let me know
ASAP, and we will find alternate testing and/or class preparation methods as necessary.
off all cell phones and pagers before coming to class.
Follow rules for student conduct; failure to do so may result in
suspension from class.
If you are having difficulty with the materials required for the class, or any other issues that
might prevent you from being successful in Spanish 9, please consult with me ASAP. DO
NOT WAIT TOO LONG. I can help you if you need it, but only if you let me know
what you need.
By phone: 818-710-4331
By email:
At office hours: T/Th 12:30 to 2:00 or by appointment.
Office location: FO 2077 (in the bungalows behind the Freudian Sip and the bookstore).