Night Essay Topics

Night Essay
As we wrap up our studies of Night by Elie Wiesel, you will complete an extremely WELL WRITTEN five-paragraph essay that focuses
on the ideas COMMUNICATED in Elie Wiesel’s novel, Night. We will work on each step of the writing process IN CLASS so make sure
you are HERE, you’re READY, you’re WORKING and you’re ON TOP OF YOUR GAME. Please begin this process by selecting a topic
for your essay. Please JOT DOWN any notes you have to HELP YOU IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS!
Elie Wiesel’s novel, Night, is an important piece of literature because of the invaluable lessons it teaches us about humanity and
inhumanity. The messages that he communicates to his audience are both powerful and significant. In a well-developed essay,
think about the specific lessons you learned and explain why you think it is important for other people to read this book.
In Night, Elie Wiesel changes drastically from the vibrant young man we meet at the beginning of the novel to the lifeless corpse
we leave at the end. Think about how the author communicates the moments that change his life forever. In a well-developed
essay, describe the changes that Elie undergoes. Be sure to focus on his character at the beginning, middle, and end of the
In Night, Elie Wiesel uses his words to communicate the realities of life during the Holocaust. This true story teaches us more
about this horrific period than can be learned in a history book. In a well-developed essay, select three themes of the Holocaust
and explain how they apply to the novel. (It may be helpful to reference your cruelty/kindness chart.)
How does Elie Wiesel use his memoir Night as a way to communicate to the world that people should not remain silent?
Consider Elie’s words about those who suffered, those who delivered the suffering, and those who remained silent and were
indifferent to this suffering. In a well-developed essay, explain the message that Elie is trying to deliver about silence. (It may be
helpful to consider the past, present, and future.)
Throughout Night, Elie Wiesel interacts with several people who strengthen or diminish his hope and desire to live. Both their
words and actions communicate messages to Elie. Think about his father, Madame Schachter, Juliek (the violin player), the
French girl, Rabbi Eliahou and his son, and the Nazis. Which of these interactions touched you the most? In a well-developed
essay, explain the effect these people had on Elie throughout his time in the camps.
Important Due Dates
Topic Selection/Brainstorm
Monday December 12, 2011
Tuesday December 13, 2011
Introduction/Thesis Continued
Wednesday December 14, 2011
Body Paragraph 1
Thursday December 15, 2011
Body Paragraph 2
Friday December 16, 2011
Body Paragraph 3
Monday December 19, 2011
Conclusion/Rough Draft
Tuesday December 20, 2011
Peer Editing
Tuesday January 3, 2011
Final Draft
Thursday January 5, 2012