APPARTS athens.doc

Primary Source Analysis
Document: title
Pericles’ funeral oration
this? What do we know
about the author? What
might influence their
Pericles (495 – 429 B.C.E). He was a well-respected young noble,
who dominated Athenian politics and society during the 460s-420s
B.C.E. He was a prominent and influential statesman, and general of
Athens during the city’s Golden Age, specifically the time between
the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. He wanted to exalt the name of
Athens, that is why he also promoted the arts and literature and
thought Athens was the best city so far.
Place – Where and when
was it created -
In the winter of 431-430B.C.E after the opening battle of the
Peloponnesian war.
Prior Knowledge
What do we know about
where this was created?
What have we learned about
this topic? Society that may
be relevant?
The Peloponnesian war was an ancient Greek war fought by Athens
and its empire against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.
Although Athens was, at the beginning of the war, the most powerful
and settled city-state, when the war came to an end, Sparta emerged
as the leading Greek city-state.
Who is the intended
audience? How might they
receive this? – quotes to
support your claims?
Athenians. Pericles addressed not only the soldiers that had survived
the first battle, but also the relatives of those soldiers who had died.
"So died these men as became Athenians. You, their survivors, must
be determined to have as unfaltering a resolution in the field, though
you may pray that it may have a happier outcome.
“Comfort, therefore, not condolence, is what I have to offer to the
parents of the dead who may be here…”
Reason for Creation
What is the purpose of this
document? Read between
the lines, support claims
with a quote
He wanted to make sure that the people understood that those who
had died, had done so with honor because they fought for their state,
and that dying for Athens was totally worth it because it was the best
structured state. And to ensure that people would support him with
the war.
"...Take these as your model, and recognize that happiness comes
from freedom and freedom comes from courage; never decline the
dangers of war.”
The Main Idea
Support with quotes
Athens was the best city-state that existed, therefore, it is worth
dying for, and thus, keep fighting to enlarge the city further.
Author – Who created
How does this relate to the
big picture? What can it tell
us as historians? Relate to
ESPIRIT if possible
This speech is significant because it shows us, how leaders persuaded
people in order to get them to support what they do as the
government. Also, that a government always is going to put the other
governments down, glorifying its own state, so that patriotism would
grow among the people. It also tells us that rivalry between societies,
to gain control over others, had been the cause of the wars, until