MKT 470 – Strategic Marketing

Riyadh Philanthropic Society for Science
Prince Sultan Private University
‫مؤسسة الرياض الخيرية للعلوم‬
‫جامعة األمير سلطان‬
‫كلية إدارة األعمال‬
‫قسم اإلدارة والتسويق‬
College of Bus. Admin.
Dept. of Management & Marketing
MKT 470 - Strategic Marketing
Credits 3 (3,0,0)
Lecturer: Mr. Mahmoud Achouri
Room: A 255
Phone: #4548489-ext: 319
Class Session:
9:00 AM– 10:30 AM
Office Hours:
SUMTW: 10:30-12:30 am
Course description:
The course is concerned with strategic marketing planning. The focus is on
making strategic decisions and developing plans for implementing them. A
strategic market plan gives direction to a firm’s efforts and better enables it
to understand the dimensions of marketing research, consumer analysis, and
product, distribution, promotion, and price planning.
Strategic Marketing examines the concepts and processes in market-driven
strategies. The course is designed around the marketing strategy process with
a clear emphasis on analysis, planning, and implementation.
The course provides an overview of market- driven strategy, develops a
framework for the situation analysis, discuses designing market- driven
strategies, considers market focused program development & finally
examines implementing and managing market- driven strategy.
The general goal of the course is to enable the students to integrate the
various marketing tools into a consistent program aimed at achieving a
sustainable and profitable position in the market place.
Course Objectives:
To enhance each student’s awareness of strategic marketing & to gain
insight into its process.
To develop knowledge of practice and receive feedback in performing
skills that are essential to managing in the current environment and to
build skills in strategic marketing.
To make students put both concepts and processes into practice
through case studies, exercises, projects and discussion questions.
Strategic Marketing uses a process perspective to examine key
concepts and issues in selecting strategies, and expands beyond the
traditional focus of the marking mix. This allows students to visualize
direct applications of the concepts in the context of the working world.
To take an active part in the classroom experience to enhance learning
and application of skills.
Topics to be Covered:
Introduction and Overview
Introduction to Strategic Marketing; Review of the Marketing Mix;
The strategic mind: implications for creative and critical thinking in strategy
Chapter 1: Strategic Market Management- An Introduction and Overview
Select a case from Recommended Cases
Article: What is “Market Oriented”?
Chapter 2: External Analysis and Customer Analysis
Case: Zipcar
Article: The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning
Chapter 3: Competitor Analysis
Case: BMW
Article: Hardball: Five Killer Strategies for Trouncing the Competition
Chapter 4: Market/Submarket Analysis
Case: Zara
Article: Blue Ocean Strategy
Chapter 5: Environmental Analysis and Strategic Uncertainty
Case: Wal-Mart 2005
Article: Strategy as Active
Chapter 6: Internal Analysis
Case: Kodak and the Digital Revolution
Article: Types of Strategy: Which Fits Your Business?
Chapter 7: Creating Advantage, Synergy and Strategic Philosophies
Case: Apple Computer, 2006
Article: Strategy as a Work in Progress
Chapter 8: Alternate Value Propositions
Case: Intel: Microprocessors at the Crossroads
Article: Curveball: Strategies to Fool the Competition
Chapter 9: Building and Managing Brand Equity
Case: On-Line Music Distribution in a Post-Napster World
Article: The Lure of Global Branding
Chapter 10: Energizing the Business
Case: Samsung Electronics Alternate
Article: Strategy and your Stronger Hand
Chapter 1: Leveraging the Business
Case: Google
Article: The Fundamental Dimensions of Strategy
Chapter 12: Creating New Businesses
Case: Southwest Airlines
Article: Strategies that Fit Emerging Markets
Chapter 13: Global Strategies
Case: Robert Mondavi and the Soft drink Industry
Article: Global Gamesmanship
Chapter 14: Setting Priorities for Businesses and Brands – The Exit, Milk,
and (Day) Consolidate Options
Case: Asahi Breweries
Article: Core Objectives: Clarity in Designing Strategy
Chapter 15: Organizational Issues
Case: 3M Optical Systems
Article: The Importance of Structure and Process to Strategy Implementation
Final Project Presentations
Required Text: Strategic Market Management, 8th edition by: David A.
Aaker - Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Recommended References:
David W. Cravens, Charles W. Lamb, & Victoria L. Crittenden. Strategic
Marketing Management –Cases, 7th Edition. McGraw- Hill / Irwin, 2002.