Ms - mjanosik

Ms. Gerycz
The Lord of the Flies: Final Review
Know the following characters and the corresponding symbolism:
the littluns
the conch
the spectacles
the fire
the island
the Lord of the Flies
the breaking of Piggy’s glasses
the masks
the shattering of the conch
Percival Wemys Madison
1. The only two characters whose thoughts Golding reveals are
2. The shattering of the conch symbolizes the end of
3. Golding’s central theme in this novel is that
4. One of the ironies of the novel is that Jack says they aren’t
5. Golding uses Roger symbolically to represent
6. Golding specifically sets the story on an island to
7. The conflict between Ralph and Jack is directly an example of
8. Percival Wemys Madison symbolically represents
9. Simon can be characterized as
10. The protagonist of the novel is
11. The major antagonist of the novel is
12. The conflict Ralph feels about giving up his position as chief is
13. The point of view Golding uses to tell the story is
14. The reader knows that the parachutist is the real beast, but the boys do not. This
is an example of
15. The Lord of the Flies symbolizes
16. Why do the boys need Piggy on the island?
17. Why does Jack think he should be chief?
18. Who is the odd member of the choir?
19. Who goes hunting?
20. Where does Ralph build the shelters?
21. How does Jack kill the pigs?
22. What is Ralph’s main goal?
23. Who kills Simon?
24. Why do Ralph and Piggy go to Castle Rock?
25. Who kills Piggy?
26. Where does Ralph get a stick to protect himself?
27. Explain two symbols used in the novel.
28. Explain two types of literary devices used in the novel.
Essay: (25) In a well-written essay, answer one of the following questions. Use welldeveloped examples, details, and quotes from the novel to support any statements made.
A. Socrates suggests that the model citizen of any society should be wise,
courageous, moderate, and just. Consider the behaviors and
characteristics of Ralph, Jack, Piggy, and Simon. Based on behavior and
characteristics, which character do you think Socrates would invite to
become a member of his model society? Why? Why not the others?
B. One of the themes of the novel is that only the fittest will survive. Given
the setting and the circumstances of the novel, what strengths or
adaptations are necessary for a person to survive on an island? Why do
Simon and Piggy not survive?
C. Ralph, Jack, and Piggy all have specific ideas about how to survive on
an island. Summarize each boy’s plan. Evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of each plan. Create your own plan for survival. (Your plan
may include strategies and ideas that were part of the character’s plan.)
D. Each character in the novel represents a type of person who is found in
most societies. Think about the words, actions, and strengths and
weaknesses of each character. Create a perfect human being by taking
from each character the qualities, characteristics, behaviors, and
strengths you think a person should have. Explain your choices.