Elective 9 – Learning with projects
Learning Circle – Phase 5
Name: Ishara Prahaladh (LC5)
My data-gathering question asked the questions:
What is computer literacy all about? How would this help a disable person?
What exactly is the importance of computer literacy in the lives of a
disabled person? Each of these questions will be answered separately.
What is computer literacy all about?
Before I go on to explain what my findings were during the course of this activity,
I would like to explain some basic concepts that every individual takes for
granted. For some people, computers are a fairly new concept and taking into
consideration that the school I am teaching in is a school for learners with special
educational needs, its important to start from the beginning.
I have often come to realise that new users are often frightened that they might
destroy the computer or even worse the computer might do something to them. I
frequently get this reaction from the learners at my school who have not seen a
computer ever before. To overcome this I always remind them of the three
computer principles that I feel is very important:
Computer principle one: Computers cannot bite and there is no reason to be
afraid of them!
You may think that all this talk is a bit crazy, but there are many people who have
a real fear for computers. This is called Cyberphobia. These are people who are
really afraid of computers. One the individual is able to overcome this; they will
be able to use these machines with ease.
Computer principle two: Computers are machines – not living creatures.
Always remember that computers are merely machines with no life of their own.
Although people often ascribe characteristics to them, or even give them names,
or draw them with faces, they still remain machines. If you can bear this in mind
you will probably never develop a fear of computers. Some people are afraid of
computers because they think that the computer will do something wrong whilst
they are using it. They think that if they make a mistake on the computer that is
the end! Computers will only do what you tell them to do.
Computer principle three: Computers are designed for imperfect humans.
Computers are designed with humans in mind. They are designed to be used by
people who are not perfect, who makes mistakes. Most computer programs have
features that show you the errors you have made and help you to fix these
errors. This is the power of computers. They allow us to easily do various tasks,
and correct our mistakes. So if you are not perfect, if you make mistakes, then
the computer is going to be a great tool to help you.
I always notice that after every time that I explain all of the above to the learners,
they breathe a sigh of relief. They now understand and accept that the computer
is there to help and guide them. They are designed to help us even when we do
things wrong.
So what is computer literacy?
Well computer literacy is the ability to be able to communicate with computers.
We need to learn the commands that computers understand in order to be able
to communicate with the computer. This is nothing new. If you have a TV, you
have to learn the commands to communicate with your TV. You need to know
which buttons to press. So too with computers, we need to learn the right
“buttons” to press to get the computer to do what we want it to do.
There are four fundamental components that make up computer literacy.
1. Awareness – of how computers are used
2. Knowledge – of how computers operate
3. Interaction – you must learn to use the computer for some simple
4. Reality – a truly computer literate person should understand the realities
associated with computers. One needs to appreciate the realities of the
Xolani & Group LC 4 have responded to the above question with the
following answer:
Computer literacy is about understanding how to use technical equipment and
information collection. It is about what do you want in computers so that it can
help you. It is about what the information.
How would this help a disabled person?
After explaining all of the above to the learners, they have a basic idea of what
computer literacy is all about.
One would find below the response from the other groups in the learning circles. I
feel all are relevant due to the fact that all stated and brought about important
LC1 response to LC5
 Disabled individuals can be made to realise that he/she is useful in the
society and capable of improving himself / herself resulting in an
improved self-concept.
 Due to technological advancement [computers],
disabled individuals can cope with the dynamic change and not be left out
and prejudiced.
 Individuals must be seen as being useful in society.
 Disable people who is immobile can communicate with others around him
by web cam.
 Disabled people can communicate with anyone whom is unable to
meet personally.
 Banking, shopping, etc via the Internet is very
effective, thus reducing the amount of traveling that needs to be done.
 There are lots of employment opportunities available such as
administrative, security/surveillance, call centers, draughting officers
[CAD]. There are also business opportunities where disabled person
would be able to run a printing business / stationery shops, photo shops or
work from home.
 Individuals can keep up to date with the latest development in the
progress made with regard to coping with their disability.
LC3 response to LC5
 We think that generally knowledge of computer use, nowadays, makes
life easier and some of the services become readily available, for instance
 If you are connected to the Internet you may do the banking while you are
at the comfort of your home. In some places even doing some shopping is
 If you are studying you may stop worrying about going to the library,
instead you may get information from various websites in the Internet.
 They might get the opportunity to work from home or work in the office
rather than in the field.
LC4 response to LC5
 It will help disable people by making things easy for them. And keep their
mind busy and help them to find information immediately.
 It helps them by giving them quick information like how to help a disable
person what things you have to do.
 It helps to forget about the way you are tomorrow and other following day.
 It help you how to take care of you without going outside and ask people
about your life.
What exactly is the importance of computer literacy in the lives of a
disabled person?
Computer literacy enables a disabled person to feel “normal”. It is one aspect
that they can do just as well as a normal person would. They are able to gain a
“decent” job. They are bale to communicate with the outside world.
The following is a response by group LC4 that i think sums it up well.
The important is to keep their mind busy and fresh to make them forget
about their disability. To make them feel like every one. It is important to
their lives; they can have further information about disabled persons.
All of the above will demonstrate to you the importance of computers in the life of
a disabled person. It most definitely gives them a sense of belonging and makes
them feel like they are also a part of the outside world.
They are also able to communicate with the outside world due to this and are
able to tell them exactly how they feel. They are able to find out what they want
via the use of the Internet and thus don’t have to be a burden to any one else.
But most importantly they are able to gain skills that will enable them to find a