Space Test Essay Questions.doc

Space Test Essay Questions:
Advanced – Choose 2
Regular – Choose 1
1. In Georgia we have 4 distinctly different seasons. Explain WHY we have
different seasons. Include how & why the angle of sunlight is different
during each of the 4 seasons. You may draw, label, and describe OR write in
paragraph form.
2. Why don’t we see a lunar and solar eclipse EVERY month? Describe in
detail how lunar and solar eclipses happen AND what is seen from Earth
during each eclipse. You may draw, label and describe OR write in paragraph
3. Describe where we live…from our universe…our solar system… our
planet…hemisphere…continent…etc…all the way to YOUR house address
where you live. (13 parts - minimum! This one is challenging – use lots of
detail in your answers)
4. Describe the two forces that keep the planets orbiting around the Sun.
Why don’t they just spin off into outer space?
5. Describe comets, asteroids, and meteors (meteoroids, meteorites). Where
do they come from? What are they made of? What makes each unique?
Include hints, nicknames, and ways to tell the difference between each.