Essay Types With Examples

Styles of Writing
Once an author has considered his or her topic and audience, he or she must determine the most
effective writing style for the given situation. Here are some of the most common writing styles
used in an English class with examples:
 Persuasive / Argumentative: Persuasive or argumentative writing is used when an author
wants to persuade readers to take some action or convince them of his or her position on a
given topic.
1. Despite the fact that some people find seatbelts to be uncomfortable, statistics show
that those who wear them have a greater chance of surviving car crashes than those
who do not wear them. Surely safety is more important than comfort.
2. Seatbelts save lives, and if you had seen, as I have, the hospital wards full of the
mangled bodies of people who refused to wear them, you would also demand that
the government institute seatbelt legislation. You can begin now by signing this
petition. (persuasive)
 Expository: A writer uses expository writing when he or she wants to give information
about, explain, analyze, or interpret a person, place, thing, or idea.
Statistics show that people who wear seatbelts have a
greater chance of surviving a car crash than people who
don’t wear them. Does this statistic tell the whole story,
 Narrative: Authors use narrative writing when they want to tell a story or relate an anecdote
about something that has happened in their lives. Paragraphs in a narrative essay move from
one occurrence to another, generally in chronological order.
I woke up to find two headlights coming straight for me on
the narrow stretch of highway. If only I had been wearing
my seatbelt things may have turned out differently.
 Descriptive: When authors want to reach one or all of our five senses - sight, sound, smell,
touch, and taste – they use description. Descriptive writing attempts to paint a picture of a
person, place, thing, or idea in a reader’s mind using details and images.
It was a cold, dark night. I woke up to the sound of squealing
tires and the sight two headlights coming straight for me on the
narrow stretch of deserted highway. If only I had been wearing
my seatbelt things may have turned out differently. I might not
be the mangled mess of a man I am today.