Midterm Assignment

MOR 559
Professor Michael Mische
Mid-term Exam
Part 1- Take Home Essay
This is Part 1.0 of the mid-term for MOR 559. Part 2.0 of the mid-term will be
administered in-class on October 31, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Part 1.0 represents the
short essay portion of your exam. The questions below were developed from the
readings, in-class lecture material, supplemental lecture material, and in-class
discussions. The questions are designed to reinforce learning concepts and test your
ability to: recognize problems, access concepts, apply concepts in a coherent and
insightful manner, and formulate a compelling and structured response. It is real-world
Your grade is important to me and this is an important exam. Please help me ensure an
accurate and fair grading process by following the instructions below.
1. This portion of the exam must be completed and is due by 6:45 PM, on Tuesday,
October 31, 2000. Unless you have contacted me and we have agreed to
alternative arrangements, no exceptions or extensions will be granted. If you have
a problem with the due date or process, now is the time to contact me, not
Monday the 30th.
2. The exam is open book, open reader and open notes. The exam is provided on the
“honor system.” Collaboration among classmates or with external sources is not
allowed. Remember, you are competing for grades so please do not abuse the
trust and integrity of your classmates and USC.
3. Your type written response cannot exceed 3 typed, single-spaced pages. Please
use size 12 font, Times New Roman font, and set your margins at 1.0 inches on
all sides. Only typed response will be accepted.
4. In addition to the 3 page limit, you may attach exhibits, schedules, tables,
illustrations, spreadsheets, or any other relevant supplemental mater that will help
support your response and answers.
5. Do not write or print your name on the exam paper. Place only your complete
social security number in margin space at the bottom right corner of each page of
the exam, including attachments. Make sure you put your ID on each page. Place
a page number each page and staple the pages of the exam and supplements.
Please do not hand-in unstapled or loosely bound pages.
This is an important exam and grading standards will be high. The weighting for this part
of the mid-term is 50%. Therefore, 50% of your mid-term grade will be associated with
your performance on this portion of the exam. Your essay will be graded as follows:
Presentation of Responses (10% weighting). This includes, but is not limited to:
Presenting your answers in clear and direct format.
Creating a visually appealing analysis that is easy to read and inviting to the
Providing a clear mapping of responses and related exhibits to the questions.
Effective and innovative use of exhibits, frameworks, and supporting data.
Quality and Depth of Content (40% weighting). This includes, but is not limited to:
Applications of course concepts and principles to the problem.
Building and supporting your arguments through coherent use of facts, data and
course concepts.
Consistency in your argument and application of logic and course concepts and
Proper use of examples and case histories.
Supporting your analysis, conclusions and recommendations by demonstrating
causality and viability of action.
Analysis of Problem (40% weighting). This includes a number of considerations
including, but not limited to:
The identification and description of the problem, issues, situation, etc.
Proper interpretation of the question and its intent.
Identification and correct use of facts, data and information.
Demonstration of critical thinking in prioritizing and evaluating the relevancy of
Structure (10% weighting). This includes, but is not limited to:
Following directions for submitting your exam.
Organizing your responses in a logical, intuitive and easy to follow format.
Addressing issues as they specifically relate to the question in a direct and clear
Demonstrating a clear progression of logic and argument.
My objective is to help you learn more and perform at a higher level. Here are few tips
and traps to consider. Hope that they help.
1. Read the entire exam and get a sense of the questions and terminology before you
try to answer the exam. Think about what the question is asking, the course
design and our learning objectives. Use the reading to develop a sense for the
exam and also to develop your strategy for responding to it.
2. Clearly number your responses to correlate with the question that you are
answering. Don’t expect me rely on me or any other professor to “find” or
interpret your answer.
3. Prioritize the important aspects of both the question and your response. Don’t just
“laundry list” material in an answer or solution. Technically correct responses
will get you a “B.” Great responses will earn you an “A.” I use my former
professor’s definition for a great response as: “Great answers are those that
provide context, substance and perspective.” Great answers demonstrate depth of
thought and understanding and linkage to other concepts and considerations.
Great answers provide color and context. In other words: Be meaningful and
bring your response to life!
4. Use exhibits and other material to support, embellish and/or add context to your
responses. However, only do so when the material is relevant and complements
content or depth of analysis to your work. Avoid simply reproducing an exhibit
from the notes or lectures as that adds little new and doesn’t reflect significant
creativity in applying concepts to the problems.
5. Review the grading criteria and weightings. The emphasis is on content and
analytics. In other words, I am looking for solid analysis and deep, insightful
content, i.e. the application and linkage of concepts to your analysis, critical
thinking and creative problem solving. Again, giving me a technically correct
answer will get you a “B.” Avoid “regurgitating” the lecture slides and strive to
apply what you have learned.
6. Work on your responses, it may take several edits and iterations of writing until
you feel that you have adequately addressed the questions. Make sure that you
“open” the response, “develop” your response, and “close” your response.
7. Do not wait until the last minute to do this exam…allow yourself plenty of time.
Part 1.0 has three essay questions. The weighting or point value for each question is
provided. This exam is specific to two companies and you will need the cases, readings,
articles and material as provided in the text, course reader and lecture notes to complete
the exam. The two companies are:
The Situation: Congratulations!! You have just been named assistant to the chairman of
the board of directors of Socitoma Corporation. Headquarter in Japan, this wellestablished, global company has just been re-capitalized and is flush with money. In fact,
the chairman is about to go on a buying spree and has his eye on Dell Computer, an
American company and Nokia, a Finnish company. Both of these companies have
depressed equity prices and time to strike may be now. The chairman of the board, who
is a highly experienced and successful consultant and part-time USC professor, has great
confidence in you and has directed you to prepare a 3-page analysis addressing Nokia and
Dell Corporation. Specifically, he wants you to answer the following three questions:
Analysis of Performance. Compare and contrast the historical developments and
performance of Dell and Nokia. Specifically:
Discuss the strategic evolution of these two companies. What were some of the
key strategies developed and implemented by each company that led to their
performance? For example, consider their industries, customers, and histories.
(Value= 16 points).
What were the sources of competitive advantage of Dell and Nokia? To what
extent are these sources sustainable? For example, consider what made these
companies successful and relate them to the six strategic choices that all
companies must make.
(Value= 16 points).
Analysis of Future Prospects. Compare and contrast the strategic challenges that these
two companies will face in the forthcoming five years. Specifically:
What are the strategic challenges confronting these companies? Given the
strategic challenges that you have identified, what strategies should these
companies consider to sustain and advance their relative positions and
performance? For example, consider what aspects of their current business
models and strategies are most susceptible to changing business dynamics.
(Value= 18 points).