Anorexia - Monona Grove School District

Newspaper headlines this week read “Teenager Dies From Heart
Attack”. The headline in itself is very scary for teenagers, because heart
attacks are for “old people”. If you read the article further, you see that
the heart attack resulted from the eating disorder, Anorexia. This teen
starved herself to death. Every year we see millions of people in the United
States develop eating disorders. Out of that number, 90% are adolescents
and young adult females. One out of every 10 cases results in death.
Teenagers must be made aware of the seriousness of this situation so they
can recognize the signs and symptoms in themselves, in a family member or
in a friend.
The Newspaper headline was about a girl at your school. She was on
the volleyball team, popular and an A student. No one was aware that she had
an eating disorder. Since this case has hit so close to home, your school has
asked your health class to prepare an Anorexic poster or brochure that will
be displayed for all middle school students to view.
In order to complete this assignment, your poster and brochure/paper
must contain the following information.
1. What is anorexia?
2. Define anorexia.
3. Who or what type of person becomes anorexic?
4. What causes anorexia?
5. What are the signs of someone with anorexia?
6. What are the medical consequences of anorexia?
7. What treatments are available?
8. What should your do if you think someone is anorexic?
9. Provide information on the statistics of anorexia.
10. Graphics
The class will be divided into groups of three students. As a group you
will work together. The goal is to learn about anorexia and to present the
information to the school. Your group will be given a “Research Folder” that
will contain all the information you need to put your presentation together.
Your group will be graded based on a poster presentation or a
brochure. Please see the attached rubrics for a poster presentation or a
brochure presentation.
At the completion of the project, you should have a working knowledge
of anorexia and be able to recognize the symptoms of this condition. You will
have an understanding of Eating Disorders and it will allow you to
demonstrate your learning as individuals and in a collaborative setting. This
exercise will broaden and deepen your understanding of the information
sources and will allow you to examine their own feelings and opinions about