BA - Loughborough University

Programme Specification
BA (Hons) Textile Design (Multi-Media Textiles)
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of
the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning
opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes,
content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found
in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and
may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;
Loughborough University
Teaching institution (if different);
Details of accreditation by a
professional/statutory body;
Name of the final award;
BA (Honours)
Programme title;
Textile Design (Multi-Media Textiles)
UCAS code;
Date at which the programme
specification was written or
September 2004
1. Aims of the programme:
 To provide an intellectually stimulating environment in which students can
develop the critical and practical skills of the Textile Designer / Textile Artist;
 To promote original research and a personal visual language, which can be
applied to the practice of Multi / Media Textiles;
 To ensure that students have first hand experience in the processes involved in the
organisation, production and manufacturer of Multi / Media Textiles as a Designer
or Textile Artist;
 To encourage independence of concept and application through discovery,
creativity, problem solving and innovation;
 To create an atmosphere where independent judgement and decision making is
undertaken, and a strong critical awareness promoted, based on a knowledge of
strengths and weaknesses;
To provide the necessary skills to continue an intellectual and inquiring mind open
to discussion and debate on aesthetic issues as well as cultural and social topics;
To ensure that students are aware of the range of skills acquired both practical and
transferable in Multi / Media Textiles, and are able to identify individual areas of
strength and knowledge, and direct these towards their chosen career destination
as Textile Designers or Artists.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal
reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
The Art and Design Subject Benchmark Statement
Feedback from External Examiners
Feedback from graduates and current students
National Qualifications Framework
University Learning and Teaching Strategy
The research interests of the Teaching staff.
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
Independence and confidence in Multi / Media Textiles through the
work process and problem solving, while still maintaining a high level
of innovation.
The ability to re-afirm personal direction in the options available
within the Programme area as a Designer or a Textile Artist
The ability to consolidate ideas visually and orally and present work in
exhibition format.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Core knowledge and understanding of all areas is acquired by lectures,
seminars, and guided independent study. The more practically-oriented
knowledge is imparted through practical workshops.
Areas 1-3 are assessed by coursework including a substantial independent
Skills and other attributes:
a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Show independence of concept through discovery, creativity and
problem solving.
Provide the necessary skills to continue an intellectual and inquiring
mind open to debate on aesthetic issues as well as cultural and social.
Demonstrate good oral and communication skills, appropriate to the
individual’s concept.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Cognitive skills are promoted by lectures, workshops seminars, small group
supervision of advanced work in the Final year, and by guided independent
study of scholarly material.
Cognitive skills are assessed by coursework at various stages and Final
assessment points. Coursework allows the student to demonstrate wider
academic skills of focused scholarly research, editing and a high standard of
written and oral skills.
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Adhere to a self- initiated brief that is well written stating personal
aims and textile outcomes.
Produce a through body of personal visual research and design
Demonstrate experimentation with materials appropriate to Textile
outcomes and final application.
Produce evidence of technical and materials research in an individual
Produce a high standard of technical expertise in the Textile
Provide a high standard of visual presentation skills in portfolio and
Final exhibition.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Practical skills are demonstrated through workshops whenever applicable to
the group or an individual. Others are made by inquiry and self-discovery.
In the Final year the student undertakes a major independent research project
under the supervision of the academic team in Multi / media Textiles.
Assessment is via coursework. The Final year project is assessed though an
c. Key/transferable skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
1 Managing self- learning:
show independence and professionalism and
organisation of self-negotiated study.
2 Communication: present professional visual and verbal skills to a wide
3 IT: demonstrate IT skills whenever applicable in designing or for
presentation purposes.
4 Numeracy: demonstrate numeracy skills whenever applicable to the
individual’s concept.
5 Problem Solving: demonstrate critical awareness and a professional
approach to judgemental issues concerning work and external influences.
6 Team Working, co-ordination of the use of common resources and sharing
responsibility for tasks with others.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
Key skills 3-4 are promoted by practical workshops when applicable to the
Key skill 1,2,5 and 6 are fostered with guidance from the academic staff in
M.M.T by personal consultations with the students.
Assessment of all key skills is embedded in module assessment.
4. Programme structures and requirements , levels, modules, credits and awards:
Core Visual Studies for Textiles
(20) SAA001
Introduction to Textiles (40)
Introduction to Textiles (40)
Research and Study Skills in
Textile Design (10) SAA589
Core Visual Studies for Textiles
(20) SAA001
Textile Design: Innovation and
Application (20) SAA203
Themes and Issues in Textile
Design (10) SAA594
Specialist Practice (50) SAB221
Research , Professional Practice
and Consolidation 1 (40) SAB224
OR Research , Professional
Practice and Consolidation 2 (30)
Entrepreneurial and Business
Practice (10) SAB501
* History of Art and Design
Option (10) (One or Two)
Design and Material Culture in
the 20th Century (10) SAB509
*Negotiated Practice in
Multi-Media Textiles (30)
Textiles Critical Appraisal (30
SAC218 OR* Textiles
Dissertation (30) SAC217
Multi-Media Textiles Final
Project (60) SAC 224
Year 2 options available:
In semester 2, students opting for Research, Professional Practice and Consolidation 1
(40), combine this with one History of Art and Design option. Those who opt for
Research, Professional Practice and Consolidation 2 (30), combine this with two
History of Art and Design options.
* Art and Otherness, Music and the Visual Arts, Textiles in Material Culture, The
Fabricated Self, The Domestic Interior, Music and Visual Connections,
Expressionism in 20th Century Art.
Year 3 options available:
* Students can elect to undertake Negotiated Practice in Multi-Media Textiles in
conjunction with Textiles Critical Appraisal (total credits 60), or Negotiated Practice
in Multi-Media Textiles with Textile Dissertation (total credits 60).
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
Passes in five subjects (including English or Use of English) in the General
Certificate of Secondary Education at Ordinary level, Advanced Subsidiary level,
Advanced Supplementary level, and Advanced level. Two of these five passes should
be at A level or equivalent. It is also expected that most applicants will have
completed either a one-year Foundation programme or a two-year art and design
programme (AVCE, National Diploma) in order to produce a portfolio on which, in
conjunction with an interview, selection is largely based.
6. Information about assessment regulations:
All modules are assessed at two points during each year of the programme where
course work is presented to show evidence of learning outcomes. Depending on
the module, this may take the form of studio-based projects or of written work.
The pass mark for all modules in all years of the programme is 40%. The course is
in 3 parts, A, B and C, corresponding to years 1,2 and 3 of the full-time course.
Students have to pass all modules in one part of the programme before they can
proceed to the next part of the programme. Marks at part A are just required to
progress to part B. Marks obtained at part B count for 20% of the final degree
grade and part C marks count for 80% of the final degree grade.
In each part of the programme, students follow modules with a total value of 120
credits. The credit associated with each module is an indication of the amount of
student effort that is required to complete that module. 10 credits are expected,
typically to require about 100 hours of work.
Any student who fails a module has an automatic right of re-assessment on one
occasion only. Assessment can normally be attempted either by private study
during the summer, for re-assessment in September or in the course of the
following academic year. The School will normally try to assist a student who
wishes to attempt re-assessment during the summer vacation to do so. However
there may be occasions where either the extent of recovery work required or
problems of access to specialist facilities will cause staff to advise students to
repeat assessment the following year.
Where a student has to be re-assessed in any failed module, they will be given a
full written brief to indicate the nature of the work which has to be completed for
successful recovery.
Failure in any module in re-assessment will normally result in a student’s studies
being terminated.
Full details of the programme regulations are contained in the official Programme
Regulations (attached as an appendix)
7. Indicators of quality:
Multi-Media Textiles (MMT) is one of three specialist Textile programmes, which
can be chosen after a common first year programme designed to enable you to
understand the broad principles of Textile Design and to introduce you to the
properties of materials and some of the processes involved in fabrication.
MMT at Loughborough is on the cutting edge of what is regarded as textiles. As a
result, it has received national and international press acclaim over recent years for
innovative design and art conclusions. Our students are helping to shape the future.
Today’s student in MMT is self-motivated, has an enquiring mind and wishes to
extend the boundaries of Textile Art or Textile Design. Learning is now based on the
principle of negotiation and consultation with staff, in order to generate and develop
ideas and critical debate. Teaching supports and endorses the establishment of an
individual design language, underpinned by an understanding of appropriate critical
frameworks. The strongly conceptual basis for the programme makes it attractive to
students from a variety of Art and Design backgrounds.
The second year commences with a 5week visual research project of your own choice,
which is the basis of your personal development during the year. Participation in
national competitions, such as the RSA Awards and the 100% Rubber Competition
are open to individuals, as are incoming international projects, such as Reebok and
As a graduate of the Loughborough MMT programme, you will have confidence in
your own ideas. You will have a depth and breath of skills that will make you
versatile, inventive and resourceful. In short, you will have the qualities required for
employment within a range of professions in which the capacity to develop ideas is
replacing traditional skills and practices.
Recent graduates are presently employed as designers in Fashion/Interior companies,
as stylists for Fashion and Interior magazines. Others are self employed as freelance
designers and textile artists.
8. Particular support for learning:
The University Library (The Pilkington Library) provides technologically
advanced support for student learning in a purpose-built building. It holds a stock
of nearly half a million books (of which 30,000+ specifically relate to Art and
Design) and an extensive collection of journals, periodicals and magazines (124
Art and Design); over 100 PC computer workstations with Internet, e-mail and
printing facilities plus a full range of several hundred databases and electronic
journals; and self-service photocopiers. The library catalogue (OPAC) is available
online and can be accessed from any campus networked PC. It contains records
of all library material, information about loan availability, and renew and reserve
long loan and one week loan facilities. The Library is a designated EDC
(European Documentation Centre). Opening hours are extensive, 7 days a week
during term-time and 5 days per week during vacations. Information desks can be
found on all levels of the Library; printed leaflets are available on information
sources as well as on-line. A wide range of training sessions are offered, for
example the Lunchtime in the Library series, or subject specific sessions
organised in response to Department requests. Material not available in the
Library may be borrowed from other sources, mainly the British Library (fee
LUSAD staff regularly order new material for the Library, including both book s
and journals.
English Language Study Unit (ELSU)
The Unit provides advice and support to both UK and International students who
have difficulty with the language they need for their studies. The ELSU offers
support for students with dyslexia and provides confidential screening tests.
Packages of support are planned together with the student and may include
individual assistance with essay writing, small group sessions, and individual
tutorials to improve skills. There is a dyslexia lunchtime workshop every week.
Student volunteers, who are themselves dyslexic, are available to talk to, and help
new students. There is a Resource Room with specialist computer software.
Dyslexia Awareness sessions for staff are provided by the Staff Development
Unit. A member of the LUSAD staff is designated as dyslexia liaison contact.
The International Students Programme provides individual help and advice on a
wide range of issues including immigration, police registration, and personal
issues associated with living and studying in the UK. The ELSU runs presessional courses for those who are coming to Loughborough University as
students. A member of the LUSAD staff is designated as international student
Disabilities and Additional Needs Service (DANS)
The Disabilities and Additional Needs Service can assist in liaising with LEAs to
help students apply for funding from the Disabled Students Allowance, liaise with
Social Services Departments to help students apply for funding for personal care
needs, work with the department to ensure that a student’s additional needs are
taken into account, arranging a full assessment of a student’s additional needs, and
liasing with the Accommodation Service regarding additional requirements.
The support that DANS offers includes adaptation of course materials into large
print, tape, disk, etc., organising mobility training, BSL interpretation, provision
of communication support workers, notetakers in lectures / tutorials, assessment of
specific support, equipment and software needs, individual / small group tuition
for students who have dyslexia, representing students’ needs to academic and
other University departments, organising adapted accommodation, helping to
organise carers to meet personal care needs, and organising appropriate support
for students who have a mental health problem.
Learning and Teaching Development (LTD)
The LTD aims to implement more flexible patterns of learning and teaching
across the University supported by appropriate staff and student development. Its
objectives includes the encouragement of student centred learning and student
autonomy, encouraging learning that allows for different styles and approaches,
providing learning support for students that enables them to develop study and
learning skills and increase employability, encouraging innovation in all aspects
of learning and teaching, and achieving and sustaining high quality in learning and
teaching. The LTD offers workshops on learning skills, for example, presenting
with confidence, planning an essay, and writing an essay.
Counselling Service
The Counselling Service offers help to students with a variety of problems. It can
often help a student to talk to someone who is impartial and is not as involved as a
friend or family member. Counselling is a process of helping students explore and
express their thoughts, feelings, and behaviour within a confidential environment.
This free service provides for six sessions in the first instance but arrangements
for further sessions can be made in situations requiring longer term work.
Computer Services
Computing Services provides the University IT infrastructure and supports
research, learning, teaching and administration providing a variety of
communications and information technology facilities. It works in collaboration
with Faculty IT Co-ordinators and the School’s support specialists in maintaining
staff PCs and departmental networked PC suites. There is a dedicated server for
web based teaching support, the LEARN server, accessible both on and off
campus; each member of staff is able to edit web pages on this server relating to
their own modules. All students have a password enabling access to e-mail and
the Internet through the PC network. LUSAD also offers an extensive Apple Mac
provision. Both systems are supported by technicians for both staff and students.
Careers Service
The Careers Service provides a continuous service for students seeking careers
guidance and help with job-search techniques. The careers library provides
relevant and up-to-date information in a variety of forms - reference files,
computer systems, the Internet, videos, and takeaway material - covering
vacancies, working overseas, vacation work, voluntary work, starting your own
business, mature students, students with disabilities, international students, and
postgraduate study. Careers Service staff visit the School to talk to student groups
and explain the services that are available.
Staff Development
The Staff Development unit provides an extensive programme of workshops to
keep the skills of all staff up-to-date, and for them to develop new skills.
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning:
The University has a formal quality procedure and reporting structure laid out in
its Academic Quality Procedures handbook, available online at:
and directed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching). Each Faculty has an
Associate Dean for Teaching responsible for all learning and teaching matters.
For each Faculty there is a Directorate (responsible for the allocation of resources)
and a Board (responsible for monitoring quality issues within each department).
Support is provided by the Staff Development Unit and the Quality Assessment
Unit. Student feedback on modules and programmes is sought at regular intervals,
individual programmes are reviewed annually, and Departments review their full
portfolio of programmes as part of a Periodic Programme Review (every five
Minor changes to module specifications are approved by the Associate Dean
(Teaching) on behalf of the Faculty Board, and ratified by the University
Curriculum Sub-Committee in accordance with the University's quality
procedures. Major changes are formally considered by the University Curriculum
All staff participate in the University's staff appraisal scheme, which helps to
identify any needs for staff skills development. Both probationary staff and those
seeking promotion to Senior Lecturer are subject to a formal teaching evaluation
scheme, administered by the Quality Assessment Unit and accredited by the
Institute for Learning and Teaching.