BPS 6380 Syllabus Fa..



BPS 6380.501 FALL 2005

Class Meeting

Monday 1900-2145, SOM 2.801

Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3:00 – 4:30 PM

Or by appointment

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

SOM 4.212

Email : jpicken@utdallas.edu

Phone (UTD office): (972) 883-4986

Phone (McKinney office): (972) 562-5401


Management guru Peter Drucker once observed that: “Unless a new venture develops into a business and makes sure of being ‘managed’, it will not survive no matter how brilliant the entrepreneurial idea, no matter how much money it attracts, no matter how good its products, nor even how great the demand for them.”

Entrepreneurship involves a lot more than finding a new opportunity or coming up with a great idea. Not all entrepreneurs succeed – and few ever walk away rich. Thousands of new opportunities and great ideas are presented to venture capitalists every year – but less than 5% of these get a serious look, less than 1% are funded, and of those that are funded, only 15-20% ever generate any serious returns.

On the other hand, there are a lot of small businesses out there – more than 90% of the businesses in the US employ less than 20 people; only about 1% of the more than 6 million US companies have more than 500 employees; and only 4% of the 21 million US enterprises that filed tax returns in 1992 reported gross revenues greater than $1 million. Obviously, there is a lot more to entrepreneurship than just starting a company.

This course is about how to build an entrepreneurial company – the challenges and hurdles that must be overcome in order to make the transition from an entrepreneurial startup to an organization capable of sustained and profitable growth…on the way to $50 or $500 million…within a few years. The challenges for the entrepreneur are both organizational (defining strategy, products and marketing, building a management team, acquiring resources, building infrastructures, etc.) and personal (acknowledging personal strengths and limitations and defining an appropriate leadership role). The selection of cases is biased toward technology-based product companies, but the principles are applicable to non-technology-based and service companies as well.

This is not a subject that can easily be captured in a textbook – which may explain why there are none available.

Rather, we will rely on readings, case studies, and guest lectures from current or former CEOs of entrepreneurial companies. Both group and individual assignments will be required, with individual assignments and class participation comprising 45% of the final grade, and group assignments accounting for the remainder.


E.G. Flamholtz and Y.Randle. 2000. Growing Pains: Transitioning From An Entrepreneurship To A Professionally

Managed Firm, Revised Edition. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. ISBN 0-7879-4694-X. (List Price $40.00)

K.Caitlin and J. Matthews. 2001. Leading at the Speed of Growth. Hungry Minds, Inc. New York. ISBN 0-7645-5366-6

(List Price $24.99)

Coursepack: cases and readings


It is expected that students will have a reasonable understanding of financial accounting and financial analysis, and a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel.


Each student should post a Self-Introduction in the Discussion area of WebCT prior to the first class. Guidelines are provided on the WebCT Discussion page. This information will be used to set up my gradebook and assist in the formation of groups for the course.

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020

BPS 6380 FALL 2005



Much of the work in this course will be performed in groups. Students should form small groups (3-4 members) during the first two weeks of the course. It is important that you select your groups to include a diverse set of skills and make sure that at least one member is proficient in accounting and spreadsheet analysis. A list of the members of each group (with name, email and telephone contact information) should be turned into the instructor at the beginning of class on September 15 th .


The MS Powerpoint slides used in lectures and case discussions and other course-related materials will be posted on

WebCT ( http://webct.utdallas.edu

) under course ID BPS 6380. You should be able to access WebCT with your UTD

Unix ID and password. Call computer services at (972) 883-2911 if you need assistance.


The list of assigned readings and cases is attached. Supplemental materials may be provided or posted electronically.

Advance preparation and enthusiastic participation in class discussions is an important part of the learning experience in this course and will be evaluated.

The course has been designed to allow flexible management of your time. There will be no quizzes or exams. Your grade will be based on group and individual written assignments and your contributions to class discussions. These assignments, their due dates and page limits, and their relative weights in determining your final grade are summarized in the table below:



General Scanning (A)


Active Coatings (A)

Due Date Type

Aug 29, 2005 Individual - Outline Form


E Ink


IDEO Product Development

Sept 19, 2005 Group - Outline Form

Oct 3, 2005 Group - Outline Form

Oct 17, 2005 Group - Outline Form


ATH Technologies, Inc.: Making the Numbers Oct 31, 2005 Individual - Outline Form


Meg Whitman at eBay, Inc.


Intuit’s New CEO: Steve Bennett


Wild Card Presentation


Class Participation

Nov 14, 2005 Group -Outline Form

Dec 5, 2005 Individual - Essay Form











Group Presentation



Overall Course Grade

Wild Card Presentation. Each group will be assigned one or more “wild card” presentations (see course outline).

The group will prepare an outline form paper for the assigned case and make a brief (20-25 minute) presentation of the case analysis to the class.












Peer Evaluation . A peer evaluation process will be utilized to adjust individual grades on all group assignments.

The peer evaluation form (attached) should be completed individually, sealed in an envelope and turned in with the assignment on November 14 th .


Due Dates and Late Paper Policy . Written assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the date assigned

(and can be emailed to me if you are unable to attend the class). Late papers turned in at or before the next class session following the due date will be graded, but 10 points will be deducted from the grade. Late papers turned in at or before the second class session following the due date will be graded, but 15 points will be deducted from the grade. Late papers not received by the beginning of the second class session following the due date will receive a zero. No late paper flexibility will be allowed on group papers or projects

Format . The body of each written assignment should comply with the page length guidelines specified for the assignment. The use of charts and exhibits is encouraged, to the extent that they help you make your points. Charts and

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020


BPS 6380 FALL 2005

MANAGING THE EMERGING ENTERPRISE exhibits should be numbered and appropriately referenced in the body of the document. A list of references should be attached as required. Cover pages, charts or exhibits, and lists of references are not included in the page count. The manuscript should use 11-12 point type, double-spaced, with 1” margins all around. Appropriate titles and section headings should be used. Number the pages, put the course number and your name(s) at the top of each page and staple in the upper left corner. Binders and report covers are neither necessary nor desired.

Outline Form Response . Several of the assignments specify an outline form response. I will expect a statement of the question followed by a bulleted or numbered list of the key items in your response.

Essay Form Response . Other assignments specify an essay form response. I will expect a well organized paper that addresses the case questions and uses section headings, bulleted lists, charts and exhibits as appropriate to clearly communicate your message.

Electronic Submissions . If you submit a paper by email, the file name should identify the course, assignment number and your name or Group ID. For example, “BPS 6380_2_JSmith.doc” would identify John Smith’s Written

Assignment #2.

Effective written and oral communications are critically important in the business world. It is equally important that students "put their best foot forward" in classroom presentations and written assignments. Poor organization, convoluted sentence structures, mangled grammar and misspelled words have no place in effective communications, and will be considered in the evaluation of your work and ideas.

Case Analysis Guidelines

Many of the written assignments and class discussions will require the analysis of case situations. Discussion questions for each case are provided below to help you to focus your analysis. You are encouraged to work together in your study groups to discuss the cases, including the individual written assignment cases, with the understanding that individual assignments (including tables and figures) are to be prepared and written by yourself. The following general approach to case analysis is recommended:

Read the case quickly. Identify the key issues and decisions/actions required (the case preparation questions will help you to focus on the key issues). Prioritize the issues in terms of urgency and importance.

Decide what kind of recommendations should be made (and to whom)

Choose appropriate analytical tools/frameworks from those introduced in the course

Analyze the situation thoroughly using the frameworks and theoretical frameworks provided in the readings

Draw logical conclusions based on your analysis

Make specific recommendations for action in response to the questions posed in the case or the preparation questions (what should be done, who should do it, when and in what sequence).

In general, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers for a specific case – different approaches and insights are possible, depending on your individual perspective and approach. Regardless, I will expect you to draw logical conclusions and (if appropriate) make recommendations that: (a) address the identified strategic issues; (b) follow logically from your analysis and conclusions; and (c) make sense (are feasible) in the context of the case situation.

Class Participation

Ten percent (10%) of your grade will be based on the quality of your preparation and active participation in class discussions and exercises. From time to time, it may be necessary to miss a class due to illness or personal business.

Please let me know in advance. Keep in mind that written assignments must be emailed by the due date, regardless. If participation becomes an issue, your grade will be impacted.


The following discussion questions are provided to help you complete a structured analysis focusing on the key issues in each case. It is important, in written assignments, to address each of these points.

General Scanning, Inc. (A) HBS 9-698-036


Describe the growth and evolution of GSI in terms of the stages of growth outlined by Flamholtz. At what stage is GSI at the end of the case? Support your conclusion with specific examples.


Assess the development of GSI with respect to each of the key organizational development tasks outlined in

Flamholtz’ Ch.1. What evidence do you see of the common organizational growing pains (Ch.3)?

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020


BPS 6380 FALL 2005



Caitlin and Matthews describe a parallel, but somewhat different, model of the stages of growth. At what stage is GSI at the end of the case following their model? Support your conclusion with specific examples.


In terms of Caitlin and Matthews’ recommendations, what has GSI’s senior management team (Montagu,


Brosens, Davis) done right? What have they done wrong?

What are the top three issues facing GSI at the end of the case? What do you recommend?

Surface Logix HBS 9-802-050


Describe the growth and evolution of Surface Logix, Inc. in terms of the stages of growth outlined by


Flamholtz. At what stage is SLI at the end of the case? Support your conclusion with specific examples.

Assess the development of SLI with respect to each of the key organizational development tasks outlined in

Flamholtz’ Ch.1. What evidence do you see of the common organizational growing pains (Ch.3)?



Evaluate SLI’s performance to date in terms of “The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer” (Bhide).

Which of the questions posed in the article have they satisfactorily addressed so far? Which remain to be answered?

At the end of the case, Roberts is facing a major strategic choice and has asked for your assistance. How should he make the decision? What criteria should he use? If you were in his position, what would you do?

Why? What are the long term strategic implications of your choice?

Active Coatings, Inc. (A) HBS 9-796-061


Flamholtz defines seven strategic issues that all organizations must address. Does Active Coatings, Inc. have


a clearly defined strategic direction? Which of these strategic issues have yet to be resolved?

Why did ACI choose burn wound dressings as the lead application? Do you agree with their choice?



Evaluate their decision in light of the data presented in Exhibits 2 and 3.

If burn wound dressings were taken off the table, which of the potential applications would be your second choice? Explain your choice in terms of the criteria summarized in Figure 1?

The founders of ACI face a difficult choice at the end of the case. Which of the strategic alternatives would


your recommend? Why? Are there other strategic options available?

What lessons can be learned from the test failure? In hindsight, should ACI have placed all their eggs in this one basket ?

Hydrocision, Inc . HBS 9-699-176


Hydrocision has identified four potential market opportunities (arthroscopic surgery, BPH – prostate therapy,


debridement and gynecology). Evaluate each of these opportunities in terms of market potential, competition, sources of competitive advantage, cost and time to market, etc. (develop a matrix of pros and cons). Rank the opportunities in terms of relative attractiveness for Hydrocision.

Does Hydrocision have the ability to develop the “whole product” for arthroscopic surgery applications? (see



excerpt from Inside the Tornado ). What additional elements must be provided to deliver the whole product?

Evaluate the distribution options discussed in the case. What are the pros and cons of each? What would you recommend?

Propose a marketing strategy for Hydrocision from initial introduction up to and including a chasm-crossing strategy. Identify and discuss the needs of the target customers, proposed distribution strategy, and strategic partners, if any. How would the strategy change as it evolved?

E Ink HBS 9-800-143


Evaluate E Ink’s management and organizational structure in light of the eight criteria described in

Flamholtz’ Ch. 8. What are the strengths and limitations of the current structure? What “growing pains” do


you anticipate as the company continues to grow rapidly?

Evaluate E Ink’s current situation in terms of the model presented by Caitlin and Matthews. Where is the company in terms of the development cycle? Is the management team doing the right things? What changes,


if any, would you recommend in the leadership style and approach? Why?

What recommendations would you make for the future development of the management organization in light of the Pyramid of Management Development Skills (Flamholtz Figure 9.1)? What new skills need to be developed or acquired? How would you address the anticipated “growing pains”?

DigitalThink: Building a Sales Force HBS 9-898-193


Who is the customer (who selects, recommends, influences, approves the purchase of services)? Who controls the resources? What kind of relationship with the customer is required to support the sale?



Describe the sales cycle. What are the key milestones? What kinds of support will be required? What kind of information will be required to manage the process?

What kind of sales organization will be required? Why direct sales? Why not independent reps or distribution?



Assuming a direct sales organization, what skills/experience should be required at hiring? What training should be provided? How should it be organized? How should the organization evolve as it grows?

How would you structure an incentive compensation program (targeted compensation, base/incentive split, timing, etc.)?

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020



BPS 6380 FALL 2005


What kinds of systems infrastructure would be required (CRM, order entry/confirmation, invoicing/accounts receivable, incentive compensation, management reporting and controls)?

IDEO Product Development HBS 9-600-143


What are the key elements (steps) and characteristics of IDEO’s innovation process? What makes it unique?


What makes it effective?

Describe the company’s organization, culture and management? How do each of these support the unique innovation process?


Decision point: should IDEO accept the Visor project as is (on a dramatically reduced schedule)? Should they try to persuade Handspring’s management to change its aggressive launch schedule? Or should they simply decline the project? Consider the alternatives from the perspectives of IDEO and Handspring. What do you recommend? Why?

New Balance Athletic Shoes HBS 9-680-110


Develop a spreadsheet to compare and analyze the relative economic attractiveness of the three expansion alternatives considered in the case, utilizing the cost data presented in the case and exhibits and the demand


forecast presented in Exhibit 5 (submit electronically). Which alternative appears to be the most attractive?

There are a number of non-economic considerations that should be addressed as well. Identify these and discuss how they should be factored into the analysis. Would consideration of these factors change your assessment?




The reliability of the market forecasts is a matter of some concern. What are the key uncertainties to be considered? What impact would a +/- 20% variance in the forecast have on your assessment?

How would you evaluate the tradeoff between the risk of carrying excess capacity vs. the risk of lost sales

(assume a +/- 20% volume swing from the baseline forecast and consider the incremental profit lost if demand could not be satisfied). How large would the economic impact be?

All things considered, if you were James Davis, what would you recommend to your board? Why?

ATH Technologies, Inc.: Making the Numbers HBS 9-197-035


The questions are provided in five separate sections in the case, corresponding to five stages in the growth


and evolution of the company.

Prepare an outline form response based on the questions provided in the case.

Davis Boatworks HBS 9-899-248


Analyze and evaluate the working capital issues inherent in Davis Boatworks’ operations (see Exhibit 5).

The projections contained in Exhibit 6 indicate a significant improvement in free cash flow with increased


volume. Are these projections realistic? What are the underlying reasons for the improvement?

Perform a valuation analysis on Davis Boatworks as of 11/30/98 and 11/30/03 (projected), both with and without the proposed expansion in capacity (Exhibits 6 and 7). Use net asset value, multiples of net income and discounted cash flow techniques. What do you think the company is worth at 11/30/98?



Exhibit 8 projects a $3.245 million capital investment to fund the expansion and growth of the company.

Based on your valuation analysis, what percentage of the company would an outside investor demand for a

$3.245 million equity investment. What kind of operational control would you ask for as a condition of your investment? If you were Buddy Davis, would this be acceptable?

Assuming that an outside investor was looking for a 30% return on his equity investment, what percentage ownership would he demand? If you were Buddy Davis, would this be acceptable?

Meg Whitman at eBay, Inc . HBS 9-401-024


Summarize the key assumptions and values that formed the foundation of eBay’s culture prior to Whitman’s arrival. How were these assumptions and values reflected as artifacts (visible manifestations of the culture) in (a) the relationships between the company and its customers; and, (b) the internal structures, processes and


employee relationships of the organization.

There is an inevitable tension between the freewheeling culture of an internet startup and the structure and discipline required to build a significant business. Evaluate the significant changes discussed in the case

(system capacity, marketing strategy, streamlining and strengthening the organization, addressing community safety issues, and strategic partnership agreement with AOL) in terms of how the implementation


of these changes (a) impacted; and/or (b) was influenced by the culture.

At the end of the case, Whitman ponders the challenges of rapid growth and its impact on eBay’s culture.

What are the underlying issues? If she chooses to continue on the path of explosive growth, what actions should she take to preserve the culture? If growth inevitably has an adverse impact on the culture, will the company lose its unique positioning and momentum? What should she do? Why?

Biogen, Inc.: rBeta Interferon Manufacturing Process Development HBS 9-696-083


The case identifies five principal areas of risk (page 4) associated with the rBeta project. Assess and evaluate each of these potential areas of risk in terms of the potential impact on (a) the time line detailed in Exhibit 3;

(b) the cost of the development project; and, (c) the ultimate success of the project. Which are the most

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020





BPS 6380 FALL 2005

MANAGING THE EMERGING ENTERPRISE critical risks (in priority order)? Why?

Was the introduction of a new management and organizational approach (project management discipline and cross-functional teams) an effective strategy to mitigate the inherent risk in the project, or did the new structure itself represent an additional source of project risk?

Murphy (of Murphy’s Law fame) showed up a number of times during the course of the project. Identify

Murphy’s major appearances (when glitches that represented deviations from the original plan impacted the time line and threatened the success of the project) and address both the underlying causes of each and the ultimate impact on the project.

What recommendations would you make to Jim Vincent to more effectively manage (reduce and/or mitigate) the risks on future projects, without adversely impacting time to market?

Intuit’s New CEO: Steve Bennett

HBS 9-803-044


In many ways, Intuit was a classic entrepreneurial success story. Seventeen years after its founding, the company reached $1 billion in sales, was solidly profitable, and its stock price was 40X FY 2000 earnings.

Evaluate the state of Intuit’s development in early 2000 using the frameworks provided by Flamholtz (stages of organizational growth; pyramid of organizational development). What were the company’s strengths? In what areas were they weak?




Flamholtz (p.39) asserts that there is a qualitative difference between an entrepreneurship and a professionally-managed firm. Would you characterize Intuit as a billion dollar entrepreneurship or a professionally-managed firm, or somewhere in between, as of early 2000? Provide specific examples to support your conclusions.

Steve Bennett made numerous changes in his first eight months on the job and has plans for more in the near future. Evaluate these changes in view of what you have learned in this course. Is Bennett on the right track?

Have some of his actions had unintended consequences? Was the pace too fast or too slow? What risks do you see in his approach? What kind of company do you expect Intuit to be by 2003?

If you were an advisor who had Bennett’s ear in August 2002, what recommendations would you make?





S01 Introduction

8/22/05 Readings: Flamholtz & Randle 1-68

Course Introduction: Scope, focus and requirements

Lecture: Managing the Emerging Enterprise



Written Assignment #1:

Individual assignment.

Address the case preparation questions in a 4-5 page outline form response.





Entrepreneurial Leadership: From Entrepreneur to CEO

Readings: Catlin & Matthews 1-112

Lecture: Leadership Challenges: Changing goals, roles and responsibilities

Case: General Scanning, Inc. (A) HBS 9-698-036

Lecture : Setting the Direction

Setting the Direction

Readings : Flamholtz & Randle 71-86; The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must

Answer HBR 96603;

Case : Surface Logix HBS 9-802-050

Lecture : Developing Products and Services

Developing Products & Services

Readings: Flamholtz & Randle 137-181; Mini-case: Greyhound Lines, Inc.


Speaker: TBD

Case: Active Coatings, Inc. (A) HBS 9-796-061

Lecture: Strategic Choices in Marketing

Wild Card #1

Written Assignment #2:

Group assignment. Address the case preparation questions in a 4-5 page outline form response.

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020




















BPS 6380 FALL 2005


Wild Card #2 Marketing: Strategic Choices

Readings: Handout: Excerpt from Inside the Tornado

Speaker: Jay Raja

Case: Hydrocision, Inc . HBS 9-699-176

Lecture: Building an Organization and a Team

Building an Organization and a Team

Readings: Flamholtz & Randle 182-231

Speaker: Rusty Coleman

Case: E Ink HBS 9-800-143

Lecture: Infrastructure Processes: Managing the Customer Relationship

Written Assignment #3:

Group assignment. Address the case preparation questions in a 4-5 page outline form response.

Wild Card #3 Infrastructure Processes: Managing the Customer Relationship

Readings: Mini-case: AMT International Industries, Inc.

(Web CT)

Speaker: Mike Muhney

Case: DigitalThink: Building a Sales Force HBS 9-898-193

Lecture: Infrastructure Processes: Innovation and New Product Development

Infrastructure Processes: Innovation and New Product Development

Readings: TBA

Speaker: Michael Hentschel

Case: IDEO Product Development HBS 9-600-143

Lecture: Building the Operational Infrastructure

Written Assignment #4:

Group assignment. Address the case preparation questions in a 4-5 page outline form response.

Wild Card #4 Building the Operational Infrastructure

Readings: TBA

Speaker: Tyler Dawson

Case: New Balance Athletic Shoes HBS 9-680-110

Lecture: Management Systems and Controls

Designing and Implementing Management Systems

Readings: Flamholtz & Randle 87-110, 232-257

Case: ATH Technologies, Inc.: Making the Numbers HBS 9-197-035

Lecture: Acquiring and Managing Financial Resources

Acquiring and Managing Financial Resources

Readings: TBA

Speaker: Jay Prestipino

Case: Davis Boatworks HBS 9-899-248

Lecture: The Role and Importance of Organizational Culture

Developing and Managing the Culture

Readings: Flamholtz & Randle 111-131, 282-315

Speaker: Michael Bernique

Case: Meg Whitman at eBay, Inc. (A) HBS 9-401-024

Lecture: Managing Risks

Managing Risks: Anticipating the Unthinkable

Readings: Flamholtz & Randle 317-336;

Case: Biogen, Inc: rBeta Interferon Manufacturing Process Development HBS 9-


Lecture: Managing through Crises

Written Assignment #5:

Individual assignment.

Address the case preparation questions in a 4-5 page outline form response.

Wild Card #5


Written Assignment #6:

Group assignment. Address the case preparation questions in a 5-7 page outline form response.

Turn in Peer Evaluation

Form in sealed envelope.

Wild Card #6


Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020






BPS 6380 FALL 2005


Murphy’s Law: Managing through Crises

Readings: Flamholtz &Randle 258-281, 337-360; Caitlin & Matthews 115-126


Richard D’Antoni

Lecture: From Entrepreneurship to Professional Management

FINAL EXAM (take home)

Final Exam Case: Intuit’s New CEO: Steve Bennett HBS 9-803-044

Turn in to Dr. Picken’s office no later than 5:00 PM on December 5, 2005.

Written Assignment #7:

Individual assignment.

Address the case preparation questions in an 10-12 page essay form response..

Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020







BPS 6380 FALL 2005



The peer evaluation process is intended to provide group members with an opportunity to contribute to the evaluation of the performance of your team members on group activities. On the form below, you may rate the performance and contributions of your team members (including yourself) in the preparation of the group assignments. Instructions follow:


Enter the names of your group members (alphabetically by last name). Include yourself.


Evaluate each assignment separately. Each team member will begin with 100 points on each assignment.


You may reallocate the total number of points among team members within a range of 80 to 120 points for each individual, based on their contributions to the group effort on that assignment.


The total number of points allocated on any single assignment must equal 100 times the number of members of the team. If you have four members on the team, the total for each column should be equal to 400.


I will calculate an overall assessment as a weighted average of the individual ratings, using the percentage weights indicated below.

Please sign the evaluation, place it in a sealed envelope, and turn it in with your final group assignment on December 1 st .


Group Member (list alphabetically)











Wild Card

As assigned













Comments (please support and justify any assessment below 90% or above 110%) Continue on reverse if necessary.


Dr. Joseph C. Picken

Revised: June 6, 2005

Printed: April 13, 2020

Signature: ____________________________________

Print Name: ____________________________________

