Assignment Guidelines Homeostasis 1011

Access to Higher Education:
Health Studies/Combined Studies
Theme and Unit title: Human Biology Student Name:
Homeostasis - Maintaining a Stable Internal
Title of assignment: “The Body in Balance” - a written account of homeostasis in the human
body. (1500-2000 words)
Date issued: Week 7 w/c 01.11.10
Submission date: Week 12 w/c 06.12.10
(in 1 hour session Monday G2 and Tuesday G1)
Work presented in an assessment must be your own. Plagiarism is where a student copies work
from another source, published or unpublished (including the work of another student) and fails to
acknowledge the influence of another’s work or to attribute quotes to the author. Plagiarism is an
academic offence. If you are thought to have plagiarised someone else’s work this could result in
disciplinary action.
I have read the above information and I can confirm that this work is my own, and that any
sources used have been acknowledged using the appropriate referencing system.
Signature:…………………………………………………………………..Date: ……………………………………………
As this is your first written account in this subject area you are provided overleaf with a
suggested format to help you select content and structure your essay in a logical
Your work will be assessed against the criteria identified on page 3
If the work meets the level 3 criteria then it will be graded against the criteria
identified on page 4.
Remember that principally work that is mainly descriptive is level 2 and to achieve at L3
there must be evidence of explanation, and analysis.
You are advised to utilise the PowerPoint handouts provided in your human biology lessons
(PP6, PP7, PP8 and PP9) and your related notes, and the PowerPoint issued on
“Introduction to referencing” and Learning Resources Centre booklet on referencing
together with your own background reading and independent research to assist you in this
Suggested format: Your written account should commence with an introduction to the
structure and content of the assignment. i.e. Briefly state what the account will include and the
order in which it will be presented.
After the introduction you should introduce the key concepts relating to homeostasis i.e.
Explain why the body needs to maintain a relatively stable internal environment.
Define and explain the term homeostasis
Identify some of the factors that require a homeostatic control mechanism to ensure that a
relatively stable internal environment is maintained.
Identify the need for effective communication in a control mechanism and briefly compare and
contrast the roles of the nervous and endocrine system as the main communication systems used
in homeostasis.
Identify and explain the three key components required for a homeostatic mechanism and
explain the principle of negative feedback.
Following the introduction to the key concepts your account should then explain three examples
of negative feedback mechanisms in further detail as follows:
Control of body temperature - identify normal range and explain why body temperature
needs to be regulated, explain the body's responses to both an increase and a decrease
in body temperature from the point of detection through to the effector mechanisms.
Control of blood glucose - identify the normal range and the consequences if blood sugar
becomes abnormally high or low. Identify when in a healthy individual the blood sugar may
rise and when it may lower and analyse the body's physiological responses to these
changes in blood sugar from the point of detection to the effector mechanisms.
Control of water balance - describe briefly how urine is formed then focus on explaining
how the body is able to regulate water balance by the production of dilute and
concentrated urine. i.e. explain the body's response to both an increase in body water
content and a decrease in body water content from the point of detection through to the
effector mechanisms.
You should aim to structure all sections of the account in a logical sequence. You may use
subtitles to distinguish different sections. You may use diagrams where appropriate. If these
are not designed and produced by yourself these must be referenced. Please note any
explanations included in referenced diagrams are not a substitute for explanations within your
written account. Your account should be detailed and contain appropriate level 3 terminology.
Further guidance will be given in class and you are also recommended to use the appropriate level
3 textbooks and journals. Your account should aim to meet the level 3 criteria overleaf.
You should use a recognised referencing system and remember, information in the common
domain does not require referencing but should be explained in your own words.
Figures/numerical values should always be referenced. If you choose to use a website it must
authoritative, and acceptable for use in academic work. You are advised to refer to your
PowerPoint notes “Introduction to Referencing” and “Researching on the Internet” and booklet
on referencing "Who said that?".
1. Understand why the human body needs to maintain relatively stable internal conditions.
2. Understand the components required for a homeostatic feedback mechanism.
3. Understand how human body temperature is regulated.
4. Understand the regulation of blood sugar in the human body.
5. Understand how the body is able to regulate water balance by the production of dilute and
concentrated urine.
1.1 Describe why the human body requires relatively stable internal conditions.
2.1 Identify and describe the components required for a homeostatic feedback mechanism.
3.1 Describe the mechanisms involved in body temperature regulation.
4.1. Describe how blood sugar is regulated in the human body.
5.1 Describe how the body is able to regulate water balance by the production of dilute and
concentrated urine.
1.1 Explain why the human body requires relatively stable internal conditions.
2.1 Identify and explain the components required for a homeostatic feedback mechanism.
3.1 Explain a range of mechanisms involved in body temperature regulation.
4.1 Analyse the body’s response to an increase and a decrease in blood sugar levels.
5.1 Explain how the body is able to regulate water balance by the production of dilute and
concentrated urine.
If all learning outcomes are achieved at level 3 the assignment will be graded according
to the grade descriptors below. For this assignment grading criteria 2 and 7 apply.
Content for merit
Content for distinction
Application of
Makes use of the
relevant facts with
either breadth or
Makes use of the
relevant facts with
both breadth or depth
The assignment
work is:
The assignment work is:
Structured in a way
that is generally
logical and fluent.
Structured in a way
that is consistently
logical and fluent.
Your account must include the
relevant facts both in depth
and breadth.
i.e. Think carefully when
choosing content. Ensure you
chose only what is relevant to
the assignment criteria (use
your PowerPoint notes). Your
content must demonstrate
appropriate breadth and depth
throughout the account to
achieve a distinction. Examples
will be discussed in class.
You have been provided with a
suggested format, this
provides a logical structure for
your written account and you
are advised to utilise this.
Taken as a whole
demonstrates a
very good response
to the demands of
Taken as a whole
demonstrates an
excellent response to
the demands of the
Ensure that all of the concepts
you introduce are clearly
explained and are presented
logically and fluently. i.e. Your
work should be written in
academic style with no use of
personal pronouns and the
appropriate level of
terminology. Examples will be
discussed in class.
Your work should demonstrate
that you have used your class
notes and handouts together
with your own independent
research i.e. figures for normal
body ranges of variables. The
latter should be evidenced by
at least one reference (merit)
two references (distinction)
cited correctly in the text and
listed correctly in a reference