MCQuestionsFinal.doc - Michigan State University

Hello class,
Here are the mc-questions for Barber for the final. When you print it, there should be
41 pages. I will let you know on Tuesday what the composition of the exam will be.
Remember, try to use these questions as a ‘check of your knowledge’, not as a way to
Karijn Nijhoff
True / false
Barber refers to the ‘two enteritis of race and soul to be; that race reflects one’s past
dating back to their tribal ties and that the soul anticipates the future of the common
True / false
Barber talks of how ‘multiculturalism turned cancerous,’ referring to multiculturalism
has taken on a life of its own, penetrating all walks of life and all corners of the
Barber talks of the change from the economy centered on soft goods to services.
What is he elaborating on?
A society surrounded on the production of soft clothing transferring it’s’ focus to
selling it.
A society’s ideas that soft things are bad for sales.
An economy changing it’s focus from production of goods to services.
All of the above.
Which description of MTV is accurate of Barbers?
an example of cultural colonialism
a take off of radio stations
a picture of rapid changes of society and global perspectives
all of the above
In the text, Barber makes the statement: “two lines in the sand: one drawn by France
to keep out McWorld, the other drawn by France’s provinces to keep French at bay.”
This is referring to:
the government and society of the, French taking a stand saying that they are refusing
to give into the globalist movement of McDonalidization and the people of France
telling the government of how they feel.
The people like to draw in the sand
People of France opening their arms and minds to the idea of McDonalization and the
movement towards globalization.
All of the Above
Barber talks of the democracy and capitalism in Russia. What does he list as possible
reasons why one quarter of the Russian population as impoverished?
Industrial production falling during the great depression.
Agricultural production stalled
None of these are reasons listed by Barber.
They both are reasons listed in the book
Barber talks about ‘Big Brother’, what is he refering to?
the Russian government peering into the lives of the people secretively.
The hit TV show adaption of the Russian government
The communist movement in Russia
None of the above
The United States, over the past one hundred years, has:
Increased the amount of imported items
Decreased the amount of imported items
Not changed the amount of items it imports
Become increasingly self-sufficient in terms of importing products
At the time the book was written, all these statements are true, except:
America’s monopoly over DRAM chips has fallen
In 1980, America’s share of semiconductor manufacturing was double that of Japan
In 1992, American banks held eight of the top ten spots for international commercial
The United States is behind Japan in telecommunications equipment.
Which statement best reflects the actions of large media corporations over the past 30
Corporations generally stick to one type of manufacturing or service
A handful of companies own large shares in many different goods and services
Healthy competition allows every company an equal share of the wealth
Corporate mergers are scarce and rarely occur.
Observers such as John Waterbury and Hilal Khashan contend that:
Democracy, if practiced at a lesser scale, is possible in most Middle East countries
Western style democracy is impossible in the Arab world
Democracy will be easy to institute in the Middle East
Many Arabic countries desire democracy
The Russian market is mainly comprised of:
Russian products
American products
German products
Products from all across the globe
Barber compares the advent of gunpowder, increased literacy, and navigation, to:
The invention of the “information superhighway”
Jihad spreading it’s tribalistic ideas
The invention of the automobile
Despises both McWorld and Jihad.
Favors McWorld’s stronger care for democracy
Likes Jihad more than McWorld
Feels that Jihad will beat McWorld
According to Barber in his chapter “Hollyworld: McWorld’s Videology,” what, more
than anything else, has categorized the 20th century?
a) America
b) Science
c) World War
d) Movies
The opposition to the German Democratic Republic was called:
Neues Forum
Die Dissidents
Die Sieger
In the multinational business ‘McWorld’
free market ideology causes a breakdown in the nation-state
Political interventionism increases
International trade decreases
Tariffs increase
Choose the correction progression of goods:
Heavy industry goods > Services > Consumer Goods
Services > Heavy Industry Goods > Consumer Goods
Heavy industry goods > Consumer Goods > Services
Consumer Goods > Heavy Industry Goods > Services
The music video:
Originated from performance art and experimental television
Originated at MTV, music television
Was the brain child of studio execs at VIACOM
None of the above
Which country in Eastern & Central Europe has proven immune to Jihad’s contagion?
None have
Which of the following is NOT a precondition of fascism?
mass unemployment
disillusion with democracy
strong civic participation
What is the principle struggle between Jihad and McWorld?
To preserve democracy and to extend civil society
To eliminate the impact commerce has on society and government
To promote religion
None of the above
In the 2001 introduction, Barber emphasizes the NEED for universal democracy in a
world of increasing interdependence. He asserts that if the reality of this
interdependence is not acknowledged…
People’s ability to become rich will be limited by non-cooperation
There cannot be equity of justice, and equity of injustice will prevail instead
People will keep on keepin’ on
The world will fall in a fiery storm of hatred
Barber asserts that “the decline of democratic control over markets at the level of the
nation endangers both justice and social policy and…”
Economic free market profitability
The availability of consumable goods
The prospect for global democratic control over the economy
Happiness for everyone
The culturally homogenizing effect of Hollywood’s global presence has only further
served the interests of…
Monopolistic global corporations whose influence is redefining political and social
Local environmental movements
Peace Advocacy groups
Wisconsin dairy farmers
Barber emphasizes that the very ideology behind McWorld can be traced to
philosophies such as trust in reason, fascination with control, skepticism about faith
and habit, and focus on the future, that became dominant during…
The dark ages
The Renaissance and Enlightenment
The 20th century capitalist era
World War One
Barber’s analysis does not completely ignore the potentially positive changes that can
form from “Jihad” tendencies. Instead he points out that:
Jihad always results in intense cultural battles between separatist groups
There is a potential for the generation of new local forms of civil society (under the
right conditions!)
Fragmentation will be the demise of all possibility of cooperation between nations
Jihad is the devil, and the devil is in all Muslims
Barber brings up East Germany as an example of how McWorld’s markets…
have not and probably cannot produce a democratic civil society
bring people in formerly oppressed countries up to date on the latest consumer trends
give a newly developed democracy the opportunity to maximize its potential for
success and stability
equate to enhanced equality for all segments of the population
What is the percentage of American- made cars parts and labor have to be under the
NAFTA rule in order for it to be considered American?
60%, 40%
30 %, 70%
50%, 50%
20%, 80%
Name one the companies that American Expressed joined with when doing
advertisement for their companies?
Roddicks’s Body Shop
In the reading the it describes book written now days as
Illiterate and commercialized
Intellectually stimulating
Full of Comedian Authors
Like television on book
What are some of the reasons Barber give, that has China the fastest growing
economy in the world in recent years?
The struggle against Westernization.
Without making political concession and keeping political individualism.
The brutal repression of individual rights and political liberty during the horrendous
events at Tiananmen Square.
None of the above
Democrats prefer market but
democracy must also do all the things that markets undo or cannot do.
they stroke our solitary ego and leave unsatisfied our yearning for community.
markets do not prefer democracies.
market are not designed to do things democratic polities do.
Who does Barber say is the latest host of Enlightenment infused panglossian
futurologist, who have composed odes to emancipatory, democratic powers of
startling new technologies that drive McWorld?
Alvin Toffler
Mary Shelly
Robert Reich
Walter B. Wriston
According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, what will most of the new states to come into
existence be defined by?
Ethnic Conflict
IKEA was a ____________ founded company.
Which of the following is described by this statement, “(it) sets the periphery against
the center”?
The Prodential
Great Providian
Fill in the blank. In regards to economies being “truly free” Barber contends that
these economies have actually been__________________.
mixed economies
The Saxony town of Amerika was seen as a potential_____________.
communist upheaval
McDonald’s restaurant
Wild West Park
German Sea World
What is the virtue that Barber claims both the McWorld and Jihad base their
arguments on, but is not even a reality to either?
Barber says there is a factor that is a detector and foundation of a strong economy,
has been used to measure the rise of capitalism, but is being phased out by a “separate
emerging” trend. Which sector, or factor mentioned, does he discuss as a huge part of
many countries’ GDP?
service sector
building sector
industrial manufacturing sector
the free market
Barber claims that there is a medium eliminating cultural diversity, and instilling
sometimes-ambiguous American values all over the world. This McWorld creation
can satisfy anyone at anytime because of its broad spectrum of choice. What is this
Barber discusses nationalism, patriotism, culture, and other terms as being
comparable in certain ways in regards to Jihad and McWorld. This gives a new
perspective on the relationship of the two, and instead of “versus” the relation in
between it is labeled what?
Barber says that the “dialectic” relationship between Jihad and McWorld will most
likely lead to some form of what type of ruling foundation?
Which region of Germany was taken over by Western “McWorld”, while dodging the
threat of a renewal of the Communist regime?
North Germany
South Germany
West Germany
East Germany
What guidelines did the American Automobile Labeling Act implicate to reduce the
confusion of whether a car is foreign or domestic?
The complete product must be manufactured and engineered in the country that
claims it is domestic.
All parts of the car must be labeled from the windshield wipers to the engine.
The engine must be made in the “domestic” country.
The body of the car must be at least 50% assembled in the “domestic” country.
Of the twenty-five largest advertising companies, how many are American?
What is the “Theme Parking” of McWorld?
The idea that theme parks are taking over the world.
Theme parks are used to influence the global market and are the leading profit
making businesses.
The idea that everything is a theme park in perspective. Corporations have evolved
into entertainment in anything they sell, including food, clothes, and other necessities.
McDonald’s idea for a new theme park.
What reason does vice president of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania,
Janos Vorzsak, give for why the majority of Romanians are not ready for democracy?
Because most people believe in or practice some sort of Jihad.
Because Romanians have be led in the dark for so many years that they have not quite
learned to act for themselves.
Because their cultural traditions instill a different type of communist-nationalist
government, which the people do not really want to abolish.
Because they are an unorganized group of people who are hopeless for any type of
How have “truly free economies” been maintained in the past century?
By the threat of communism spreading, therefore encouraging democratic countries
like the United States to have a more free economy.
By democratic governments balancing between interests of economic utility and
social justice.
By the globalization that has taken place in the last century and the development of
By democratic nations realizing the only way to survive is to produce a capitalist
Barber says, “To prepare the ground for democracy…..on a global scale is first to recreate citizens who will demand democracy:…” What does he say he means by this
laying a foundation in civil society and civic culture.
To transform the thinking of people in non-democratic countries.
Overload civilians with democratic propaganda to show them the benefits of
To manufacture the perfect artificial human replica that will be pre-programmed to
accept and abide by the rule of democracy, thus replacing the current human race.
Which of the following statements America and economy are false?
The decline of America’s manufacturing traditions has been closely associated with
its erosion in world economic leadership.
In the 1940s American went from the largest creditor Nation to the largest debtor
When Europe and Japan’s economies recovered from the war they began to eat away
at America’s leadership in automobile, home appliance, electronic, and computer
America has a sure command of the softer powers that are forging McWorld, which
positions it to recapture global leadership.
MTV can be viewed in
Only America
Only North America and most of Eastern Europe, totaling 15 countries
130 countries
71 countries
Which of the following Statement about the province of Quebec is most TRUE?
Quebec wants to be Sovereign in a united Canada
The Francophone Canadians only live in Quebec
Quebec wants to be Sovereign
Quebec wants to be part of a united Canada
The global market place of McWorld has brought peace to some Nations. With that said,
which of the following is False?
Peace is not democracy
The free market leads to civil rights
The denizens of McWorld are consumers and clients of a market they cannot control
and often not even identify
All the above is false
Which of the following did NOT occur east and west Germany unified?
Book burnings
Lower birth rates
Higher mortality rates
All the above occurred
How does Barber explain his feelings about both Jihad and McWorld?
He hates both because they are absolutely terrible in all aspects
He is completely in support of both as separate entities
He sees the virtues of both, but neither operates in a way that he sees fit
He is indifferent
What is the main premise of chapter 8
Disney World owns too many publishing companies
People only read books about Cedar Point now
The most-bought books are written by celebrities to talk about their own lives
People are buying books simply to buy, no one really reads them, but if they are to
buy a book it certainly won’t be one of literary value, it will be propaganda for
What does Barber discuss as being the first enemy of Jihad?
Social democracy
Barber discusses the situation in Russia. In discussion of business and GNP in
Russia, where almost 40% of the money come from?
Products related to organized crime
Imported restaurants like McDonald’s
Exports, especially those related to Russian heritage
Vodka and drugs like LSD
According to Barber, what has become the new type of goods being marketed?
war time necessities
infotainment telesector
How does Barber define Jihad?
A holy war waged by Islam
Sterile cultural monism
Raging cultural fundamentalism
An Arabic language term for “democracy”
To which country to most US exports go?
In 1991, how many of Hungary’s eight top-grossing films were American?
What does Barber assert is a major cause of Jihad?
General Motors
The United States
To what does Barber affectionately refer with the acronym KEGFAC?
The Geneva Convention
The Democratic National Convention
The Percussive Arts Society International Convention
The Genocide Convention
What was the Neues Forum?
An opposition to “Peoples Democracy”
A German communist magazine
The East German government
A new tax plan for unified Germany
The Balance of Power system after World War I was out of reach because:
The Concert of Europe was no longer in existence
America refused to join the League of Nations
The disarmament of the defeated nations threw off the numbers necessary for the
functioning of the Balance of Power system
The status quo worked to maintain peace because the nations were too physically
exhausted to enter wars
Mercantilism, with all its tendencies towards commercialism differed from the market
system in which way?
Mercantilism had no monetary system in which to trade.
Mercantilism had different ways of regulating commerce.
Mercantilism insisted on commercialization as an international policy.
Mercantilism never allowed labor and land to become the objects of commerce.
Polanyi states that the cause of degradation from the Industrial Revolution was:
Peasants were worse off economically after the Revolution than before.
The gap between the poor and the rich widened to its largest size ever
Mans cultural institution on which it depended were devastated
The awful working conditions the laboring class had to endure.
The reason for the break in imperialist policies was:
Largely economic, the rapid expansion of the market made empires go out of fashion.
All land was already colonized by the major world powers
In the time of the industrial revolution expansion was not practical
It was more profitable to stay out of imperialism because imperialist wars were too
The market has been the outcome of a conscious and often violent intervention on the
part of government which imposed the market organization on society for:
imperialist reason
Non-economic reasons
Feudalist reasons
Economic reasons
According to Barber what are the two axial principles of our age?
tribalism and colonialism
imperialism and globalism
globalism and tribalism
culturalism and war
Which of the following is an example of synergy?
Local hardware store
Which of the following cities is not a site of the international network of the Ford
Motor Company?
Dearborn, Michigan
Chicago, Illinois
Dunton, England
Cologne, Germany
The following quote from Barber’s book refers to what country? “Shut up and I’ll let
you get rich”.
United States
South Africa
In Barber’s book, he talks about a dual attack on the Russian body and _____ when
talking about economic development in Russia.
What country is an example of Jihad and McWorld happening at the same time?
Which country has had the fastest growing economy in the world in recent years?
What kind of theme park is McWorld?
What did the Friedmans call their celebration of markets?
Consumer Conscious
Trade for Liberty
Free to Choose
Wealth of the Few
What is the title for the new combination of telecommunications technologies with
information and entertainment software?
Service sector
Multimedia medium
Infotainment Telesector
Which system or strategy permit’s the nation-states already in existence to create,
bottom-up, a global association?
Which of the following things does Barber say compose “the first rung on the
economic ladder”?
science and technology
agriculture and natural resource trade
Barber argues that capitalism within the nation-state contributed to democracy’s
founding. What impact does McWorld’s global capitalism have on democracy,
according to Barber?
McDonald’s and Pepsi for EVERYONE! Now that’s Democracy!
Barber discusses deregulation in the name of competition as a theoretical drive that
actually leads to what in practice?
conglomeration and monopoly
choice and variety
lower prices and better quality
One Burger King for every McDonald’s
Jihad, as used by Barber, can roughly be understood as:
opposition to modernity
ethnic fighting
McDonald’s vs. Burger King
Islam vs. America
In Russia, the introduction of “wild capitalism” befriended what societal function the
most closely?
publicly-owned businesses
What is Barber’s criticism of McWorld aimed at?
economic totalism
political totalism
the competition it produces
technological gains
Who are the customers of multinational corporations?
Consumers in particular nations
Consumers who share a particular culture
Consumers throughout the world; a consumer is a consumer is a consumer
Consumers in America
CEO Phillip H. Knight wrote, “How do we expect to conquer foreign lands? The
same way we did here. We will simply export sports, the world’s best economy.”
Knight is the CEO of which corporation?
Barber writes, “Television and film do not, to be sure, wholly displace books. Rather,
they are __________ ___ them.” (p. 120) and gives Howard Stern and Rush
Limbaugh as examples.
beneficial to
parasitic on
superior to
residing in
Croatia’s Assembly president Zarko Domljan insists that Yugoslavia, “is not a
nation—it is a mixture of ancient tribes.” (195) This is an example of:
the nationalist idea
nation building
In Russia, “where pyramid schemes pass as investment opportunities” and “gutburning moonshine is sold in Chivas Regal bottles”, “naglost” has become “the
working cry of new capitalism.” (248) “Naglost” means:
Anything goes
Common sense
Barber writes, “President Rafsanjani of Iran is continuing to reach out to the West for
renewed trade ties, but militants are setting cinemas on fire and assaulting women on
bicycles to display their attachment to the culture in whose name he rules.”(294) This
is an example of:
A spurious relationship
Jihad needing McWorld
McWorld being accepted
Globalization being accepted by all
Barber states that the biggest worry about the power of the large infotainment
conglomerates, is that they control all but which of the following?
According to barber the mafia is NOT which of these?
free market
Jihad’s campaign is against which of the following except what?
Barber states that synergy is a polite word for what?
What is the only service sector that the United States is still dominate?
According to Barber if the consumption of oil consumption continues at its current
rate the dependency on foreign oil will increase to what percent?
What is an issue that Barber discusses about unemployment that was also an issue in
Polyani’s book?
Unemployment will lead to the collapse of the market because there will be no
The American economy depends too much on importing form foreign countries.
The word “foreign” has no meaning in American business.
The gold standard was doomed to failure.
What does Barber mean by the idea of selling America?
Companies to not just sell American products, they sell the idea of American culture.
Companies can make more money if there products are shipped from America
because of name recognition.
Pieces of American soil can be sent to foreign countries to spark global economies.
American labor is being jeopardized by cheaper foreign labor.
Barber says that one of the many negative aspects of teleliterature and McWorld as a
theme park is:
The growing desire for things to be done faster, destroying old cultural habits, such as
eating socially.
Children learn to look up to characters like Ronald McDonald instead pf family
There is a push for people to be consumers instead of social creatures.
They create a sense false of reality.
How does Vladimir Zhirinovsky predict America will “attack” and destroy Russia?
slogans about democracy and human rights
Chewing gum, stockings and McDonald’s
Joining forces with France for an air attack
Both a and b
What is the only condition that is met when a self-regulating market is functioning
Sellers and buyers interact in accord with prices whose fluctuating prices, keeps
goods, consumers, and laborers interacting productively.
Wealth accumulation has been evenly distributed to consumers and laborers.
Social institutions are engaged that help stabilize market prices and fill people’s
cultural demands
Both a and c
Barber views internet technology as:
Only bad, it can be used as a tool for repression and as a surveillance instrument
Only good, it will allow people from all over the world to communicate and share
common interests.
It can be a mix of good and bad, depending on how it is used and what players are
Barber never speaks about new technology.
The global extension of the market-economy and “McWorld’s” spreading pop culture
is mainly driven by:
Human Rights Concerns
National Sovereignty
2) According to Barber, what is the most important aspect of products in postmodern
Economic Value
3) Which of the following are reasons why “teleliterature” threatens to undermine
proven classical methods of publishing educational materials?
Companies gather up old editions of printed materials, sometimes of lesser quality,
and publish them on an educational CD in order not to have to pay royalties
Out of concern for the environment, publishing companies no longer use trees to
produce the pulp needed to make paper
Printed pages move too slowly and require too much patience to keep up with the
lightning quick speed of a postmodern economy
Both A and C
4) The following has been proven in China and its surrounding countries:
Repression of individual liberties among its citizens has made it difficult for
governments to keep up economically with the west
Citizens can make a difference in their nations economic policy by voicing their
concerns and suggestions
McDonalds is warmly welcomed everywhere in the world no matter what the political
state consists of
It is possible to achieve western living standards without being affected by western
political standards
5) According to Barber, what is the main mistake(s) America makes in its economic
foreign policy?
A feeling of omnipotence of the market
International markets are a necessity for Democracy
Free trade automatically secures human rights
All of the above
6) Barber recognizes technology as a possible threat to our modern political system of
democracy because:
If everyone had a TV in their home, more Americans would turn out to vote because
they are aware of the issues, thus upsetting the fragile 2-party system status quo
More accurate voting systems might actually ensure accurate results so losers could
not challenge them through the Supreme Court
Technology lessens the degree to which citizens can participate personally in a
democracy and it becomes easier to miss any prejudices against candidates people
might have seen personally
None of the above
One of the ironies Barber discusses is that global economic forces _______ the
nation-state in developed areas where it is most democratic and _______ it in the
Third World where it is least democratic.
weaken, strengthen
strengthen, weaken
weaken, also weaken
none of the above
Barber says in the 2001 Introduction that eliminating terrorists will depend on:
professional military
diplomatic resources
all of the above
Barber says that American monoculture is the most evident in:
both A and B
none of the above
Barber says that Walter Russell Mead, among many others, considers this to be “the
most powerful force on earth today.”
the government
Barber says that which of these “promises a remotely democratic future”?
Neither Jihad nor McWorld
Both Jihad and McWorld
Barber talks about “Mauer im Kopf.” What does this German phrase mean?
McWorld is great
A great empty space
East Germans are stupid
A wall inside people’s heads
Within chapter 4, the idea of synergy is discussed. Based upon the chapter, what
would be the best way to define synergy?
The connection of many products, such as a movie with an accompanying soundtrack, Tshirts, a book, and theme park rides, all designed to bring inthe largest profit possible for
the owning corporation.
A nongovernmental infrastructure that suggest local organization and a parochial
A dealing in hard goods, aimed at the body.
A new economy, mirroring soft power, aimed at the mind and spirit, or undoing the mind
and spirit.
According to Chapter 16, what is the definition of the term “savage capitalism”?
Capitalism produced by a democracy.
The idea that democracy is to be won by campaigning single mindedly
for the liberated markets of McWorld.
A path to freedom and a road to new and subtle forms of depencency.
The idea that an undeveloped civil society’s state power takes on a
despotic, totalitarian character.
Which of these is not true about television being the preferred medium for McWorld?
It creates the cultural values necessary to material consumption.
McWorld can go one on one, solitary individual and cyberspace confronting
one another in exquisite immediacy.
Television is the portal on the information superhighway and in its own
peculiarly electronic manner it soars, dives, chirps, pecks, and scratches
Television permits users to dial up films – informational and entertainment,
hard data and hardcore, funny and functional.
Which of the following sentences is correct?
China struggles against economic market productivity as it struggles for
China struggles against Communism as it struggles for economic market
China struggles against Westernization as it struggles for economic market
China struggles against economic market productivity as it struggles for
Which statement does not relate to the idea of the “electronic bill of rights”?
Though an “electronic bill of rights” has been wanted for a number of years, government
has been moving in the opposite direction.
The Clinton administration let the market make moves with a minimum of regulation.
The public airwaves are still auctioned off to private vendors who sell them back at
exorbitant rates to the public during election campaigns.
Big Brother is no longer watching you, but neither is he watching those that are watching
In a 1990 addition of Fortune magazine, it was stated that service no longer meant
just food and travel, and that it now comprised 60% of GDP and ___ out of every 10
American workers.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
The frenzy of mergers began in the early….
a. 1960’s
b. 1970’s
c. 1980’s
d. 1990’s
Does Barber think that democracy could exist successfully in Islamic countries?
Yes, it can work anywhere.
Yes, but only if it takes different forms, not one that is so westernized.
No, democracy never works.
No, democracy is always too westernized.
According to Barber, where is the world’s largest McDonalds located?
a. United States
b. Japan
c. Russia
d. England
Towards the end of the book, Barber states that McWorld is not all bad because it
brings what to the world?
a. Health
c. Conditions for equality
b. Wealth
d. All of the above
In Jihad vs. Mcworld, Barber explains that Jihad and McWorld work with each other
and against each other to do what?
Make the world a safer place
Increase civil liberties
Spread democracy
Bring the world together while pulling it apart simultanieously?
According to Barber, the shape of the industrial sector is changing in which way?
An increase globally in heavy industry like aerospace and military?
A transition from hard power heavy industry to soft power consumer goods
Less international industrial trade
A decrease in manufacturing jobs in Third World nations.
In regards to McWorld, how is the American movie industry advancing the idea of
By producing top notch films that American audiences enjoy
Increasing revenue for foreign investors in American films
Creating the Hollywood “Walk of Fame”
By dominating the film industries around the world and forcing the world to watch
American films as opposed to their own.
According to Barber, what does Nationalism suggest?
narrowness, antagonism, and divisiveness and seems to exist primarily in a negative
A sense of comraderie among the nations of the world
Pride in your nation because you are from that nation
Being able to accept the values and customs of another nation
According to Barber what does Jihad and McWorld do to Democracy?
Jihad pulls democracy apart while Mcworld holds it together
McWorld pulls democracy apart while Jihad holds it together
Jihad and Mcworld both hold democracy together
Jihad and McWorld both pull democracy apart
According to Barber, when the Berlin Wall fell, what was the resulted of East
German democracy?
It was crushed and subjugated by the McWorld of West Germany.
Flourished and East and West Germans consider themselves as equals
East German democracy was able to overpower McWorld and now West Germany is
considered the “inferior” part of Germany
There was no democratic movement in East Germany until the reunification with
West Germany
Transition to a democratic society comes with costs such as:
possible chaos
All of the above
The concept that drives the new media merger frenzy carries the name of “synergy.”
Instead of the traditional meaning of synchronization, it turns out to have the meaning
virtual censorship
b and c above
Jihad is about?
use of religion to further power
religious beliefs
a and b above
According to Barber, who are the warriors of Jihad?
a. those who detest all modernity
b. Islamic militants
c. the terrorists who bombed the world trade center
d. the nation-state
According to Barber, which one of the following would help American survive
economic bankrupt compared to the USSR?
Securing an elephantine national debt
Securing a wrenching trade deficit
Securing the unwanted status of the world’s largest debtor nation
All the above
None of the above
According to Barber, American monoculture is most evident in which of the
a. movies and videos
b. music
c. newspapers
d. fast-food chains
According to Barber, what was the target of the postmodern “new” nationalism?
Christian fundamentalism
The Crusades
Parochial brotherhood
The nation state
According to Barber, which of the following will lead to a democratic society in the
According to Barber, which of these was not a part of the German version of
powerful German and international media corporations
eager bankers and managers who embraced the East as a newfound lost continent
opinion makers and mind benders who led all into a market democracy
all of the above were part of the German version of McWorld
The creation of a __________ is the task of civil society.
none of the above
Today there are few signs that anyone, at least of all the ______________, is looking
to encourage the larger and more effective civic uses of cable, satellites, fiber optics
and computers.
Federal Government
Foreign traders
Mcworld draws nations out of their isolation and makes them more dependent but in
doing so reduces their ___________.
Profit margins
Mcworld is not and cannot be __________.
none of the above
According to Barber there are no “workers,” only ___________ among Mcworlds
global economy.
The collision between the forces of disintegral tribalism and reactionary
fundamentalism is called?
Bin Laden
What had a vital impact on housing and the construction industry in America?
When was the music television video born?
Which country’s struggles against McWorld is to a degree of a self-conscious
struggle on behalf of a parochial culture that happens to be generically associated
with self-government and regional liberty?
In the last several hundred years, what institutions for the most part have been closely
associated with integral nation-states?
Communism and Socialism
Feudalism and Communism
Democratic and Egalitarian
Democratic and Socialism
On what date did the Wall of Berlin come down?
November 9, 1989
November 14, 1942
January 6, 1998
August 28, 1999
NAFTA stands for:
North African Freedom to Assemble
North American Free Trade Agreement
North American Free Tariff Association
No American Free Trade Agreements
Jihad recently has arisen in Eastern Europe, as well as in Asian countries primarily
because of:
a dramatic increase in crime which leads citizens to distrust democracy
A weakening of family values and morals.
The aftermath of WWII and the consequences all out citizenry warfare.
to counter act the boom sustained by Eastern European and Asian countries following the
collapse of the Soviet Union.
The election of Arnold as governor of California represents an aspect of McWorld in
all the following except:
There has become a blurring between the lines of celebrities and of leaders, which
affect the choice voters have.
McWorld promotes celebrities to project their image on the public and thus lead
every day individuals wishing to achieve that particular type of lifestyle.
Celebrities hold tremendous amounts of power in American culture
Life as a governor is a tough and demanding job because he/she is responsible for
decisions that affect an entire state.
4. The
is a perfect example of a product that fits into the model of
McWorld, in that it appears to expand liberties and choice, but in actuality restricts
The trucking industry
Microsoft Corporation
5. Wild Capitalism and
have most swiftly contributed to the
downfall of the Russian society, culture, and livelihood.
Consumer markets
Cheap Labor
Influx of luxury goods
McWorld is often criticized as a form of_____________.
Left wing radicals
Equal opportunity
Economic totalism
Fundamentalist ideals
All areas receive MTV except:
Parts of Africa
What promises a democratic future?
Which country has one of the highest standards of living?
Puerto Rico
What year was the United States of America founded?
500 B.C.
In the idea of McWorld a foreign country is seen to be which of these?
not foreign at all
only subject to American ideals
allow foreign companies in
none of the above
Which country exemplified the problems which Europe faces as a whole, including
its decision to defy Europe and the pressures of McWorld markets and also refused
entrance into the United Nations in 1967?
Which resource does Barber mention as being a hopelessly used up energy source
with no hope of being replaced?
Hydroelectric power
Geothermal power
Solar power
Fossil fuels
Of the three service subsectors Barber mentions as being powerfully
distinctive, which of the following is not listed?
The systems facilitations sector
The national Corporations sector
The traditional service sector
The new information sector
The ad absurdum logic of sales, as stated in chapter 9 is:
Ubiquitous advertisements
One corporation that makes one product to satisfy every need
More advertisements lead to more sales
The idea that advertisements are useless
Barber states that the average industrial wage in Russia is:
$40-$70 a day
$80-$100 a week
$40-$70 a month
$80-$100 a month
Barber states that capitalism is not harmful to democracy but;
Religion is
Unrestrained capitalism (counterbalanced by no other system of values) is
It can potentially strain religious freedom
They are not compatible.
Which of the following people would be labeled in to The Traditional Service Sector?
Bankers, Economists, Insurance people
Journalists, Writers, Advertisers
Servers, Airline Pilots, Doctors
Bankers, Phone Operators, Computer Programmers
In the media, monopoly is a polite word for uniformity which is another word for
virtual censorship. Which of the following is not a consequence of censorship in the
Imperfect competition
Ineffective markets
Political choices
Levels of Economies
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that constitutes what Barber calls
Which of the following is a false result of Russian culture and history becoming
infected by McWorld’s pop culture and materialism?
The poorer society is being abandoned to a bankrupt sector incapable of
social security, employment or decent wage.
The rich society becoming successful due to investors from abroad
The end of capitalism
High crime rates
In the Afterword, Barber concludes that the issue of this book is not Jihad or
McWorld, but rather:
civil libertarianism
economic totalism
According to Barber, many nations have nothing that they actually need. This in turn
leads these countries to:
Grow/develop their own production of needed goods
Force themselves not to use these products
Rely on other countries and trade to bring these necessities in
Say “hell with it” and rely on cannibalism.
Which is the only continent which MTV is not predominantly broadcasted?
South America
North America
Where is the tension, according to Barber, the most between Jihad and democracy?
The United States
The Islamic World
Roughly, what percentage of Russian can afford luxury goods?
35% (52.5 million of total 150)
1% (15 million)
.007% (1 million)
100% (150 million) because there is no gap between the rich and the poor
Throughout the book Jihad vs. McWorld, Barber states that:
Jihad is better than McWorld
McWorld is better than Jihad
Both have places in society, neither is completely good or bad
I don’t care, I like my McDonalds quick, cheap and hot. Yet I fight for the cause!!
Which industry’s booming growth has had the most direct influence over the
expansion of McWorld?
A ) Manufacturing
B ) Advertising
C ) Banking
D ) Fast food
The impact that MTV has on the values and cultures of foreign nations is often
A ) forced conformity
B ) nationalism
C ) cultural colonialism
D ) exchange of ideas
In an attempt to maintain control of the media and information, the Chinese
government restricted the use and sale of ____________ ?
A ) cell phones
B ) computers
C ) televisions
D ) satellite dishes
Since it is not self-regulating, McWorld’s paradox states that it cannot survive
without external:
A ) civic forces
B ) capitalist forces
C ) democratic forces
D) A&C
In the United States, “public corporations” are known to:
A ) represent individuals.
B ) carry out private prejudices and special interests.
C ) speak for the public only if the public status agrees with the desire of the
D ) all of the above
The newest worldwide project addressed in Barber’s 2001 Introduction is to globalize
which idea as we have globalized the economy?
The Courts
According to Barber, global economic forces ________ the nation-state in developed
areas where it is most democratic and _________ it in the Third World where it is
least democratic, imperiling liberty in both cases.
Weaken, weakens
Strengthen, strengthens
Strengthen, weakens
Weaken, strengthens
Which of the following is not an example of the many effects of Hollywood
spreading an American monoculture, according to Barber?
Increased passivity
Lack of intelligence
Barber defines patriotism using the meaning from the French Revolution. What is this
Allegiance to one’s nation
Willingness to die for one’s country
Belief that one’s country is the best in the world
Love of fellow citizens no less than love of country
The easy solution to the crippling of democracy at the hands of Jihad and McWorld is
which of the following?
Promote democracy in all corners of the world
Establish global organizations to regulate a global economy
Maintain the status quo
Fortify traditional global legal institutions and establish new ones
Which of the following did East Germans not experience after the fall of the Berlin
West German takeover of all newspapers
A resurgence of the Communist Party
East German nostalgia
A successful reunification with West Germany
Countries like Denmark and Norway can be classified as _____ wheras countries like
Japan, Spain, and the U.S. are _____.
Homogenous/ multicultural
Multicultural/ homogenous
Capitalst/ communist
Currently the best transmitter of culture is:
Traditionally the foundations of economics were.
Gard Goods
Soft Goods
Import Goods
Export Goods
Barber points out that traditionally the answer to the question of how to order a
supranational law has been:
Global law
Peace, unity, love and respect
According to Barber, with the coming down of the wall, east Germans tend to feel:
happy that the west has finally saved them
Anxious about the westerninzation of their culture
Hatefull towards the Russians
Benevolent towards France.
The ancient Capitalists used all but one of these techniques to make their
unmediated products marketable.
According to Barber,. Mcworlds preferred software is
Word of mouth
As a moment in the antimodern life of Jihad, nationalism suggests all except
the following.
A Russian human rights association
Red is better
Not without my vodka
We dont care its cold
Fathers and Sons
This group of East German Intellects, students, religious leaders, and even some
works collaborated to establish a loose opposition group to the crumbling rule of
German Democratic Republic.
The Dave Matthews Band
Neues Forum
The Grateful Dead
The Detroit Lions
Which nation came closest to realizing absolute autarky?
United States
“Render unto God those things that are God’s and render unto Caesar those things
that are Caesar’s.” How does this statement disagree with Islam?
Islam renders everything to Allah, and does not recognize a separation of church and
Islamic countries have no single government leader to render responsibilities to.
Islamic people do not believe in God.
The Islamic governments do not recognize religion at all.
Of the three service sectors which Barber discusses in Chapter 5, which does he
contend will dominate the next century?
The traditional service sector (servers, doctors, social workers)
The systems facilitation sector (lawyers, bankers, computer operators, policy
The new information sector (advertisers, moviemakers, journalists, computer
None of the above. They will al work together and each dominate in their own way.
What has had the most devastating affect on the variety and liberty of civic
Concentration in the infotainment sector
Oil monopolies
Which of these is NOT a pre-condition of fascism that John H/ Fairbanks, Jr. has
observed in newly democratic Russia?
Mass Unemployment
Usurption of the executive government by the legislature
A de-christianized society seeking spirituality
Synergy, according to Barber, is the new polite way to say
Global economic forces weaken the nation-state in _________ and strengthen it in
Developed areas/ Third World
Third World/ Developed areas
Democracies/ communist countries
Communist countries/ democracies
This network is an example of how American television and music has taken a grip
on global audiences.
Which of these events was a figurative signal of the victory of democracy over
The fall of the Berlin Wall
The break up of the USSR
Both A and B
Neither A or B
Which of the following is not a term used to describe the split within Germany?
East and west
Old and new
Right and red
Strong and feeble
With regard to citizens which institution had their interest in its beliefs
Mc World
Both A and B
Neither A or B
Which of these countries had no involvement in the cold war?
The United States
In the end, what does Barber call for?
Dominance of McWorld
Dominance of Jihad
Reconstruction of a civil society
He does not call for change
What do Jihad and McWorld have in common?
A. a reflection of our tribal past
B. they are both post-democratic
C. an indifference to civil liberties
D. anticipation of a cosmopolitan future
In McWorld, what is key to a company's income?
A. the product
B. employees
C. image
D. method of manufacturing
MTV is broadcast on what continents?
A. South & Central America
B. Europe
C. Asia
D. all of the above
Quebec and Catalonia are used as examples of what?
A. Capitalism vs. Democracy
B. The industrial sector of McWorld
C. Jihad existing within McWorld
D. The birth of McWorld
Who is ultimately responsible in looking after the common good?
A. civil society
B. democratic government
C. the market
D. Both A and B are responsible
In the end, what change does Barber call for?
A. Dominance of McWorld
B. Dominance of Jihad
C. Reconstruction of a civil society
D. He does not call for change
Which Asian nation has succeeded best in modernizing it’s economy and then
assuming a position of global economic leadership without succumbing to wholesale
What industry had a vital impact on the housing and construction industries?
Which country started a radical deindustrialization in East Germany which cost more
than 3 million out of 4.5 million jobs?
West Germany
United States
Barber describes the ideal new worker as the “virtual” laborer. This describes a worker
that is:
A) Connected to the corporations by the internet.
B) The new high profile telecommunications industry employee.
C) A robotic worker replacing the need for traditional laborers.
None of the above.
The first corporation to actually be defined as having its own personality is:
B) Nike
C) McDonalds
D) Microsoft
The new technology and teliliterature are replacing what?
The need to publish materials traditionally.
Traditional methods of information gathering.
The standard textbooks and literature mediums.
All of the above.
China’s greatest fear of Western Modernization is:
Increased spending by its people.
Influx of foreign capital and new job markets.
Influence of Western political ideas.
Increased standard of living.
The Russian transformation to capitalism has been good for a few, and dreadful for many
others. Capitalism has hit it hard and along with this a new saying has arrived
appropriate with the business ideals of today’s Russia. “Naglost” meaning:
Let the buyer beware.
Help thy neighbor.
Anything goes.
None of the above.
The civic possibilities of technology (in terms of helping humanity in general) have been
widely disregarded by the market in general. This may be due to the fact that:
These ventures may be biased.
Certain groups are not deserving of aid.
These ventures are largely unprofitable.
None of the above.
According to Barber, which is NOT an affect of Hollywood?
The implicit spread of ideas such as consumerism, passivity, or accelerated
pace of life
Hollywood enablea domestic film industries to flourish
An exportation of the culture of consumption and McWorld in every country
with cinema
The survival of domestic film making is often low-budget and imitates Hollywood films
According to Barber (Ch. 10), community identity and group belonging, have been
displaced by:
Jihad and McWorld
Nationalism and the nation-state
Consumption and individual self-determination
Integration and inclusion
What was NOT a flaw of the German Neues Forum?
Romanticized view of the working class
Belief in Stalinist principles
Failure to realize the desire of East Germans for Western products
Underestimation of Western Germany’s vision of McWorld
What is autarky?
a state that is resource dependant
a random Merriam-Webster finding
a state that is resource independent.
a state that is resource co-dependant
Which of the following does not belong:
computer programer
entry level McDonald’s employee
“Such a monolithic arrangement may discomfit democrats, although it also discomfits
kings…” Why does Islam have the same effect on both types of government?
both the spiritual and material world are in the domain of Allah, and since he is the true
and only sovereign, no others can exist.
Islam has simply has a bad past with both. Democracies and monarchies have both tried
to govern the people of Islam, but they we such weak leaders, they were soon rejected.
there has been a recent lost book of the Koran that has recently been found, telling
Muslims to reject all governments and become their own individual sovereigns
none of the above.
In chapter 17, an “emergence of a cargo cult mentality” was spoken of. What does that
refer to?
that phrase is not mentioned in the break
religious fanatics that are stowaways on a delivery service vehicle
when native Russians embracing western culture with such great intensity that the
become occidentalphiles
all of the above
Barber does not refer to McWorld as…
integrative modernization
central tribalism
aggressive economic globalization
cultural globalization
Which of the following is not one of the top energy giants (among top twenty-five
U.S. companies for 1992) with the largest non-U.S. sales?
According to Barber, why is television unlikely to enhance learning?
It is better at annihilating than at nurturing critical faculties.
Television views schoolchildren as critics.
Television has too vast a variety of messages to offer.
Kids want to see Schwarzenegger bust heads, not run for office.
In the nineteenth century, what played a special mollifying role in nationalism?
The liberated markets of McWorld are also referred to as…
savage capitalism
industrial power
democratic jihad
Burger Capitalists
Fill in the blank. The challenges of global McWorld and regional Jihad are not
succeptible to ___________ interventions.
The United Nations'
According to Barber, what resource is among the oldest and most prosperous
and profitable sectors of the economy that dates back to the beginning of
economic time?
Barber list three candidates for subservice sectors, which one
is NOT one of the sectors?
The systems facilitation sector
The computer/technology sector
The Traditional service sector
The new infomation sector
Synergy and Monopoly are two words that define the media merger frenzy. What
are the sub-names Barber gives to these two words?
Monopoly, Uniformity
Seperation, Merger
Competition, independence
The tension between Democracy and Jihad is most evident in which World?
Islamic World
United States
European World
South American World
Who said this quote as a opposer to Yeltsin in 1992 "THe democratic
pretenders in power are risking nothing short of the suicide of a
“The United States and ________ are horrendously unjust in their usage by
population, but are at least efficient and thus fair in their usage as
measured by GDP."
Saudi Arabia
In Barber’s Jihad vs. McWorld, McWorld refer’s to:
McDonald’s fast food restaurants
America, but not European societies
Corporate Globalization
The famous wrestler Ronald ‘McWorld’ McDonald
To Barber, MTV is …
The single globalize-er of liberty.
Tyrants, invisible and deceptive.
A place to start to fight Jihad.
The beginning of the end for McWorld.
For Barber, the goal of synergy is…
To form a monopoly.
To create business links between different aspects of a product.
To increase competition,
Both a and b
For Barber, China shows a very powerful example of:
Pure Captailism
An unleashed market economy
Globalized democaracy
The hypocracy of resisting western globalization.
In a democracy, the individual faces what kind of problems in light of capitalism?
Being a consumer and a citizen.
Weather to buy a car or a van.
To vote republican or democrat.
To join the jihad against America.