Mr - AHSpagespace

Mr. Marston
Arcadia High School
11th grade/U.S. History
Presidential Notebook
Presidential Policies (Foreign and Domestic)
25th President-William McKinley
Domestic Policies:
Foreign Policies:
1) Annexation of Hawaii
2) Spanish American War, Treaty of Paris, Platt Amendment, Boxer Rebellion
26th President-Theodore Roosevelt
Domestic Policies:
1) Square Deal (Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food & Drug Act, Conservation,
Foreign Policies:
1) Imperialism (Panama Canal, Big stick diplomacy (Roosevelt corollary),
2) Mexican Revolution,
27th President-William Howard Taft
Domestic Policies:
1) Payne-Aldrich Tariff
2) Government lands to Public lands
Foreign Policies:
1) Dollar Diplomacy
28th President-Woodrow Wilson
Domestic Policies:
1) Clayton Anti Trust Act of 1914, War Industries Board, Food Administration
2) Selective Service Act of 1917, Red Scare, Sacco & Vanzetti, Quota system,
Foreign Policies:
1) Lend Lease, Neutrality Acts,
2) League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles, Wilson’s Fourteen Points
29th President-Warren G. Harding
Domestic Policies:
1) Return to normalcy, Teapot Dome scandal,
2) Pro Business Policies
Foreign Policies:
30th President-Calvin Coolidge
Domestic Policies:
1) McNary- Haugen Bill,
2) Pro Business Polices
Foreign Policies:
31st President-Herbert Hoover
Domestic Policies:
1) Great Depression, Stock Market crash, Hawley-Smoot tariff
2) Federal Home & Loan bank act, Reconstruction Finance Corporation Bonus Army
Foreign Policies:
32nd President-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Domestic Policies:
1) New Deal (AAA, CCC, WPA, NRA, TVA)
2) Dealing with the Depression, Manhattan Project
Foreign Policies:
1) WWII, two front war: Hitler-Europe, Tojo-Japan
2) Pearl Harbor,
33rd President-Harry S. Truman
Domestic Policies:
1) Fair Deal, strike in 1946 of 4.5 million workers in US, HUAC committee
2) McCarthyism, Manhattan Project
Foreign Policies:
1) Dropping of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki-ended WWII
2) Formation of United Nations, Berlin Airlift, Korean War
34th President-Dwight David Eisenhower
Domestic Policies:
1) Interstate Highway System, McCarthyism
2) Brown v. Board of education, Formation of CIA, Little Rock 9
Foreign Policies:
1) U-2 Spy plane incident, Brinksmanship
2) Cold War,
35th President-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Domestic Policies:
1) Civil Rights,
2) Assault on poverty, Formation of Special Forces
Foreign Policies:
1) Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, sent military advisors in Vietnam
2) Space Race (Great Frontier), formation of the Peace Corps, Flexible Response
36th President-Lyndon Baines Johnson
Domestic policies
1) Great Society, People against the Vietnam War
2) Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, Draft, War on Poverty
Foreign Policies:
1) Vietnam: Gulf of Tonkin resolution, Operation Rolling Thunder
2) General William Westmoreland (reports on troop successes in combat in Vietnam)
37th President-Richard Milhous Nixon
Domestic Policies
1) Watergate, stagflation
2) Kent State Massacre
Foreign Policies
1) Vietnam, Vietnamization,
2) SALT II treaty, Visit to China, War Powers Act
38th President-Gerald Rudolph Ford
Domestic policies
1) W I N (Whip Inflation Now),
2) Tightened the money policy
Foreign policies
1) Helsinki Accords
2) Cease Fire in 1973 in South Vietnam, $722 million aid package for South Vietnam
39th President-James Earl Carter Jr.
Domestic Policies:
1) National Energy Act,
Foreign Policies:
1) Iran Hostage Crisis,
2) Camp David Accords
40th President-Ronald Wilson Reagan
Domestic Policies
1) Reaganomics-supply side economics,
2) Fired the Air Traffic Controllers
Foreign Policies:
1) SDI (strategic Defense initiative)
2) INF treaty, fall of communism,
41ST President-George Herbert Walker Bush
Domestic Policies:
1) No New Taxes,
Foreign Policies:
1) Operation Desert Storm-Gulf War, Just Cause-Invasion of Panama
42nd President-William Jefferson Clinton
Domestic Policies:
1) Contract with America
Foreign Policies:
1) NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
2) Bosnian conflict-ethnic cleansing (NATO)
43rd President-George Walker Bush
Domestic Policies:
1) No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
2) Economic stimulus Package, TARP payment
Foreign policies:
1) 911/war on terror,
2) Operation Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom, (wars in Iraq and Afghanistan)
44th President Barak Obama
Domestic Policies
1) Bailout of Banks, Health Care Reform
2) General Motors bailout
Foreign Policies
1) Somali pirate incident with American ship, release of journalists from N. Korea
2) G8 & G20 summit,