Colonial America Review Guide

Colonial America Review Guide
Text Readings
From summer: American Pageant Chapters 2-5
--The Planting of English America
--Settling the Northern Colonies
--American Life in the 17th Century
--Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution
For Sept. 6:
Inventing America 19-34 & 88-97
--The Columbian Exchange
--The imperial French, Iroquois and Spanish
For Sept. 7:
John Winthrop's "Reasons for Puritan migration" (1629) & "A
Modell (sic) of Christian Charity" (1630)
For Sept. 11:
"Drawing the Color line," by Howard Zinn
For Sept. 12:
"Persons of Mean and Vile Condition" by Howard Zinn &
Benjamin Franklin's "Observations Concerning the Increase of
Mankind, Peopling of Countries, & c," (1755)
Writing Assignments
For Sept. 7:
40/50—In your own words, what made a successful "City on a
Hill" according to John Winthrop?
For Sept. 11:
Paragraph—Using both your textbook Xeroxes and the article from
Howard Zinn, write an argument supporting either race or economics as
the primary driver of the Colonial American slave society.
For Sept. 12:
40/50—Outline the differences between the Zinn and Franklin readings and
explain which one you feel is a more convincing assessment of socioeconomic
democracy (or the lack of) in colonial America.
Sept. 13:
Multiple Choice, Chronology & ID Terms
Sept. 14:
Multiple Choice
45 multiple choice questions will appear on the test from the questions below
Chapter 3
Be able to define predestination, conversion and antinomianism.
In Puritan doctrine, how were the "elect" treated and looked upon in society?
How did Henry VIII bring the Protestant influence to England?
Why did King James I oppose separatists from the Church of England?
Why did the Separatists and Puritans migrate from England to the New World?
In what way(s) did Separatists and Puritans differ?
Be able to cite some of the more significant contributions of the Pilgrims of Plymouth Bay in colonial society.
What were some early advantages that the Massachusetts Bay Colony enjoyed?
What were some of the main beliefs of the Puritan doctrine? What acts were allowed in the Puritan church, and which
were not?
How common were suffrage rights in Massachusetts compared to England?
What rights and privileges did clergymen in Massachusetts enjoy, and which did they not enjoy?
What was the duty of politics and government, according to the Puritans?
Characterize the main belief of Anne Hutchinson that made her a dissenter and unwanted in Mass. Bay.
What did Roger Williams accomplish as a result of founding Rhode Island?
What was accomplished by the Fundamental Orders in the Connecticut River Valley?
Describe the relationship between England and America in the early colonial years?
Compare and contrast the New England Confederation and the Dominion of New England.
What resulted from England's Glorious Revolution?
Who founded New York and for what reasons?
In what ways were the colonies of New York and Pennsylvania similar?
How did the New England Confederation regard New Netherland?
What resulted from England's gaining control of New Netherland?
What made Quakers unpopular in England?
What were some economic, geographical and political traits all the middle colonies held in common?
Characterize the economic growth of Pennsylvania.
What trait(s) did all 13 American colonies have in common by the mid-18th century?
Why did Roger Williams find himself in trouble with Massachusetts Bay authorities?
What ideas did John Calvin's ideas include?
What colonies were considered New England Colonies? Middle-Atlantic Colonies? Southern Colonies?
Describe the qualities that allowed for the founding and development of Pennsylvania?
Chapter 4
Characterize the population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half of the 17th century in terms of gender
ratios, mortality rate and family structure(s).
Compare family life in the Chesapeake colonies, middle colonies and New England.
In what ways was indentured servitude a solution to the labor problem? In what ways was it not?
In what ways did the “Headright” system make some people very wealthy? Who benefited the most from the land
policies of this system?
What was the most populous colony in English America by 1700?
How did 17th century tobacco growers usually respond to depressed crop prices?
How did the Chesapeake colonies acquire most of the labor they needed?
What was the fate of most indentured servants over the course of the 17th century? What did most of them do when
they gained their freedom?
Bacon’s Rebellion received most of its support from whom?
What caused Bacon’s Rebellion? What resulted from Bacon’s Rebellion?
Where were the majority of slaves shipped to in the New World?
After 1680, why did reliance on slave labor in Colonial America rapidly increase?
What was unique about the population growth of American slave communities?
Where were the social and physical conditions of slavery most harsh?
What other reasons besides economic reasons, did slavery continue to flourish in America?
Compare the life of a slave to an indentured servant.
What happened to the social class structure of the South as slavery grew?
Categorize, by class/occupation, the free population of the colonial American South.
What role did marriage have in the lives of adults in colonial New England?
Describe the pace of urban development and transportation system in the colonial South.
How can you best describe the New England Family?
The special features of New England’s population led the observation that these colonists “invented” _____.
Describe how New England society developed throughout the 17th century.
To what political system did the Puritan's Congregational church government logically lead?
According to Thomas Jefferson, what was “The best school of political liberty the world ever saw?”
How did the Salem Witch-Hunt affect the Puritan clergy?
What type of conditions in Massachusetts caused the Salem Witch Trials?
What effects did the poor soil have on New England’s agriculture and economy? On what did the New England
economy heavily depend?
Characterize the economy of New England, compared to the Chesapeake colonies.
Characterize the impact of New England on the rest of the nation.
Compare the wealth of most 17th century Europeans to Americans.
Identify leaders of the late 17th century rebellions in New York and Maryland.
List the requirements and effects of the Slave Codes in colonial America.
What jobs did slaves do in colonial America? How effective were their contributions?
Compare and contrast the immigrant populations in the Chesapeake and New England.
In what ways was Puritan piety on later generations of New Englanders demonstrated?
Chapter 5
What resulted from the rapid population growth in colonial America during the 18th century?
List the characteristics of population growth in the American colonies, and where most of the population lived in America.
Characterize the Scotch-Irish population's relationship with government. What are examples of the rebelliousness and
inclination toward violence of the Scotch-Irish?
What was the largest non-English ethnic group in colonial America by 1775?
What factor(s) separated the non-English European Immigrants from their English immigrant counterparts once in America?
Describe the level of ethnic diversity in the thirteen American colonies in the 18th century. What was the most ethnically
diverse region of colonial America? The least?
In what ways did the colonial American social structure by 1775 differ from that of the 17th century?
Characterize the poor population in America compared to that of England and preceding colonial generations.
Why had social and economic mobility decreased in America on the eve of the revolution?
What problems came with the riches produced by the growing slave population in the American South?
In 1775, what profession was the most prestigious in the colonies? Which were held in low esteem? Which profession was
not held in high regard until about 1750 when they were found to be useful? What occupational group led the political
agitation prior to the revolution?
What was the most important economic enterprise in the American colonies on the eve of the revolution? What was one of the
surest roads to speedy wealth in the American colonies? What was the major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in
the 18th century?
What feature(s) of the American economy strained the relationship between the colonies and England?
How effective was transportation in colonial America?
What did the British intend to accomplish by their passing of the Molasses Act?
What purposes did colonial American taverns serve?
Why did English officials try to "establish" the Church of England in as many colonies as possible? Be familiar with what
colonial American regions were most influenced by a given religion.
What were the two established (tax-supported) churches in colonial America?
Characterize the views of Presbyterian and Congregational ministers as the Revolution approached.
How strong was the influence of religion in the colonies on the eve of the Revolution?
What concepts were endorsed by the leaders of the Great Awakening?
Where in colonial America was education most encouraged?
According to the English ideal for education, for which group(s) was education reserved?
How "cultured" was colonial America?
What was the significance of the John Peter Zenger case?
What contributions did Benjamin Franklin make in colonial America?
What was the political principle colonial Americans came to cherish above most others?
By 1775, how did most colonial governors rise to their position of power?
How were colonial legislators able to bend the power of the governors to their will?
In most colonial elections, which group(s) had the right to vote?
Identification Terms (5 points each)
On the test, you will be asked to write a paragraph identification detailing FOUR of the below terms.
SIX of the terms will be on the test. You should be expected to write for any/all of the terms below.
Terms should include the basics of the term, such as the who, what, where, when, etc., as well as a
detailing of the historical significance of the term.
Columbian Exchange
Protestant Reformation
Roger Williams
John Winthrop
King Philip
Protestant Reformation
Mayflower Compact
Indentured Servitude
Headright System
Middle Passage
Slave Codes
Half-Way Covenant
Bacon's Rebellion
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
Great Awakening
Phillis Wheatley
Paxton Boys
On the test, you will be required to identify when 10 of the below events occurred in American History.
The event will be listed, and you will give the year. A date bank will be supplied for your assistance.
Refer to the back of the chapters for a list of these events, or locate them in the chapter readings.
Chapter 3
Martin Luther begins the Protestant Reformation
Pilgrims sail on the Mayflower to Plymouth
Puritans found Massachusetts Bay Colony
Roger Williams founds Rhode Island Colony
Pequot War
Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts Colony
King Phillip's War
William Penn founds Pennsylvania colony
Glorious Revolution overthrows Stuarts and Dominion of New England
Chapter 4
First Africans arrive in Virginia
Harvard College founded
Half-Way Covenant for Congregational church membership established
Virginia assembly disfranchises landless freemen
Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia
Salem witch trials in Massachusetts
College of William and Mary founded
New York City Slave Revolt
South Carolina Slave Revolt
Chapter 5
First edition of Poor Richard's Almanack
Jonathan Edwards begins the Great Awakening
Britain vetoes South Carolina anti-slave trade measures
Paxton Boys march on Philadelphia
Two of the four questions will be on the test. You will write for one of those two.
1. Analyze the differences between the Spanish, French and English settlements in North America through
the 17th century. Consider politics, religion, economic development and relationships with native cultures.
2. To what extent was there freedom of religion in British North America through 1750?
3. To what extent did democracy develop in British North America before the American Revolution?
Consider political, economic and social factors.
4. Explain how America went from being a society with slaves to a slave society by the mid-18th