Fences Act II Questions
Guided Reading Questions
Act II, Scene I.
1. Why does Rose want the fence built? What’s Troy’s answer?
2. “Some people build fences to keep people out . . . and other people build
fences to keep people in.” What’s the symbolic explanation?
3. Why was Gabe arrested?
4. What does Troy confess to Rose?
5. What does Rose mean when she says she “got eighteen years of my life
invested in you”?
6. What is Troy’s reason for having the affair? How does it relate to the
theme of family in the play?
7. Why does Cory attack Troy? Instead of hitting Cory what does Troy say to
Act II, Scene II.
8. What does Troy tell Death?
9. What happened to Alberta?
10. What does Troy profess when he returns from the hospital?
11. “This child got a mother. But you a womanless man.” What does that line
show about Rose’s development as a character? How has she changed?
12. Rose agrees to take care of Alberta’s baby . . . why?
Act II, Scene IV.
13. What do we learn about Cory at the start of Scene IV?
14. The world forlorn could describe Troy. Explain how.
15. What is thematic idea of the Sins of the Father? When is it shown?
16. “I can’t taste nothing no more.” What does Troy mean?
Act II, Scene V.
17. What has Cory become?
18. Why was Lyons sent to prison?
19. What was Troy doing when he died?
20. What do we see again when Cory and Raynell sing a song that Troy as
well as his father used to sing? (Thematic idea)
21. What is suggested at the end of the play when Gabriel tries to blow the
trumpet but fails then does a dance and the gates stand open?