draw enterprises iii - the School District of Palm Beach County

Teachers and Staff:
August 2015
We are here to assist you in this year’s PAPER RECYCLING PROGRAM.
ALL STAFF – We hope that you have designated a convenient place for your
students and faculty to deposit their paper for recycling. If you do not have a plastic
recycle bin, you may use any kind of cardboard or plastic trash can. Please make sure
this box is used for PAPER ONLY and that the custodians are aware that it is to be
emptied into the PAPER RECYCLE dumpster we have provided.
Make sure to call 407-296-6397 for pick-up when the dumpster is near full.
TEACHERS - Thank you for encouraging your class to participate in recycling
their paper. Teaching your students the importance of recycling is preparing them for
future recycling compliance that will soon be mandatory practice.
Feel free to contact me personally by phone or email with any questions, concerns,
suggestions or new recycling ideas!
P.S. Have the students in the younger grades decorate the in class recycling bin to help
them understand the importance of recycling!
Thank You!
Kindest Regards,
Bob Ward, Recycling Coordinator
Email- bward@recyclingit.com
(407) 467-8786