Crucible Act 1.doc

English 3 CP
Act 1
Date______________________ Period_____
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Study Guide Questions
Directions: Answer each of the following questions as you read the entire play.
Be sure that your answers are thoughtful and specific. No weak sauce allowed!
Overture ~ p.830-832
1. What is the setting of the play? (p. 830)
Salem, Massachusetts in 1692
2. Describe the town. (p. 830)
3. How did the villagers regard the forest and its Native American inhabitants?
(p. 831)
4. Explain the irony of this statement: “So now they and their church found it necessary to
deny any other sect its freedom, lest their New Jerusalem be defiled and corrupted by
wrong ways and deceitful ideas.” (p. 831)
5. From what paradox did the Salem tragedy develop? (p. 832)
6. Explain how the witch-hunt years were a time of “general revenge.” (p. 832)
Act 1 ~ p. 832-849
7. Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor as the play opens? (p. 832-833)
8. What advice does the doctor send back? (p. 833)
9. What did Reverend Parris see in the woods the previous night? (p. 833)
He saw the girls dancing around a fire with a large pot and someone
was naked.
10. What does Reverend Parris mean when he asks Abigail: “Your name in the town-it is
entirely white, is it not?” (p. 834)
11. Why does Abigail say that she was dismissed from the Proctor household? (p. 834)
12. What rumors are circulating around town about Betty Parris? (p. 835)
13. Why is Thomas Putnam bitter? (p. 835)
14. Why does Mrs. Putnam believe there are witches in Salem? (p. 836)
15. Parris says, “Oh, Abigail, what proper payment for my charity! Now I am undone.”
What does he mean and whom is he most concerned about? (p. 836)
16. Who is in control of the girls? (p. 837)
17. What is Mary Warren’s great fear? (p. 837)
18. What does Betty Parris reveal about what happened in the woods the previous night?
(p. 837)
19. What threat does Abigail make to the other girls? (p. 837)
20. What happened in the past between John Proctor and Abigail Williams?
How does each of them feel about it now? (p. 838-839)
21. Why do some people resent Francis & Rebecca Nurse? (p. 840)
22. How does John Proctor feel about Reverend Parris? (p. 840-842)
23. What does Rebecca Nurse think is afflicting Betty Parris? (p. 840)
24. To what is Mrs. Putnam referring to when she says, “There are wheels within wheels in
this village, and fires within fires!” (p. 841)
25. Which characters are openly critical of Reverend Parris? (p. 840-842)
26. Reverend Parris accuses John Proctor of what? (p. 842)
27. Thomas Putnam accuses John Proctor of what? (p. 842)
28. Who comes to Salem to help search out witches? (p. 842)
29. What does Giles Corey ask Reverend Hale about? Why does he do this? (p. 846)
30. When Abigail is questioned and cornered by Reverend Hale, whom does she blame?
What proof does she offer? (p. 847)
31. What ultimatum is Tituba given? Write the lines. (p. 847)
32. Who does Tituba accuse of being witches? (p. 848)
33. How do Abigail and Betty take advantage of the situation to make sure that they will not
be blamed for dancing in the forest? (p. 848-849)
34. List the conflicts that are introduced in act one. (man vs. man and man vs. society)
What do you think is the major conflict? Give reasons for your answer.
35. A static character changes little or not at all during a story. A dynamic character
changes in an important way as a result of the story’s action. Among the characters
introduced in act one, which do you think have potential for great change as the play
progresses? Briefly explain why.