Study Guide for Revolutionary America Test

Study Guide for Revolutionary America Test
We have done A LOT so far this marking period. This means you should have already
started studying your class materials to remember some of this information. All of this
information can be found in your notes, class worksheets, and handouts. Try to answer
all of these questions BEFORE asking me. Studying them on your own will help you
learn and retain the information better than if I just simply tell you. I encourage you to
come to me for any problems, but if you want me to help you study, please come to me
with a completed study guide so we can have a base for what to look at to help you do
Know these key people (who were they, what did they do that was important)
Patrick Henry, Francis Marion, Dan Morgan, Thomas Gage, Charles Cornwallis, Sam
Adams, John Jones, Thomas Paine
Acts- What did each of these tax or require the colonists to do?
Townsgend Act
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Intolerable Act
Why did the British need to tax the Americans in the first place?
Battles: (know the significance of these and what happened at each)
Battle of Trenton
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown
Battle of Lexington
Battle of Concord
Battle of Cowpens
What were Hessians?
Propaganda: Look over your quiz on propaganda techniques
Make sure you know what each of the techniques were.
Boston Massacre: Look over your worksheet and class notes on this topic.
What happened at the Boston Massacre, what started it, and what happened afterwards?
What happened to the Americans and British who were involved?
French and Indian War: Look over part II of your French and Indian War worksheet
Who was the British leader that helped turn the war in favor of the British?
Who was General Braddock? What did he do?
What were the big battles we talked about?
How did the War come to an end?
What did each side gain or lose (France and Britain)?
Lexington and Concord: use your worksheets and your notes
Why did the British want to attack Concord and what is the significance of Lexington?
How did the Americans force the British to retreat? What tactics did they use?
What types of troops did the Americans use at these battles?
What was the result of the battles?
Bunker Hill: use your worksheet and your notes
Where did this battle take place?
Who won?
How did they win?
What was the battle like for both sides?
Patriots and Loyalists: use your notes
Define each and be able to list a few reasons why each group remained loyal to Britain or
the U.S.
Advantages/Disadvantages: look at your notes to help you with this
What were the main advantages and disadvantages of the colonists and the British during
the War?
Treaty of Paris: use your notes
What was it?
What did the Americans gain or lose?
What did the British gain or lose?
How did it affect the War?