Two Kinds of Wisdom - Seeking God`s Heart

Two Kinds of Wisdom
James 3:13-18
James 1:5 says that if we lack wisdom, we can ask it of God and He will give it
“generously”, or some translations say in abundance. He is speaking of the wisdom
necessary to handle trials and temptations we face in life. The “nothing doubting”
required in verse 6, simply stated, is knowing that God answers prayers for His will
to be done.
What a promise that He will give us the wisdom we need to navigate our way
through any difficulty. We want to plumb the depths of what James has to say about
two kinds of wisdom. James picks up this wisdom theme again in chapter 3 starting
in verse 13.
Read James 3:13-18
The wise person- v.13
 Shows good behavior (upright life- correct and consistent living)
 Shows humility (mildness, meekness- characterized by a calm spirit)
 Shows wisdom (especially in reference to teaching)
False Wisdom- v.14-16
 Description
o Arouses envy
o Selfish ambition
o Pride
o inconsistency
 Source
o Not of God
o Earthly (governed by worldly principles)
o Unspiritual- sensual
o Demonic- malignant passions
 Effects
o Confusion- contention, strife
o Evil- every evil work
Wisdom- v.17-18
Description- Pure, peaceable, sincere, candid, holy, innocent
Source- of God, in alignment with His word of truth- the Bible
o Harvest of righteousness- true religion produces a fruitful harvest
o Peace- seeds sown in a calm, quiet and composed manner
So, what kind of wisdom do we want to represent? That which comes from the
world or that which comes from God’s word? Obviously we want to speak truth in
alignment with God’s word always. We can test the outcome of that by looking at
the harvest we reap. Godly wisdom has eight characteristics described here by the
apostle James:
Pure- sacred
Peaceable- peace loving
Gentle- considerate
Reasonable- submissive
Full of mercy- kindness
Full of good fruits- good works
Unwavering- impartial
Without hypocrisy- sincere
That‘s the kind of wisdom we should seek to have and to share as the body of
Christ. All too often, we let worldly wisdom sneak into our way of thinking even in
the church. We must resist. We must seek and dispense Godly wisdom. That’s the
wisdom from above that unites and does not divide.
Let’s Pray.