Study Questions for the final

Assignment 1
Chapters 1-2
1. Who is Govinda?
2. How do the people of Siddhartha's home town feel about him?
3. What has caused Siddhartha "to feel the seeds of discontent within him"?
4. When Siddhartha first leaves home, where does he want to go to try to acquire more
5. Who accompanies Siddhartha on his journey to become Samana?
6. What changes that take place in Siddhartha while on the road with the Samanas?
7. What is Siddhartha's "one single goal" on his first journey?
8. With what two animals did Siddhartha associate himself through practicing "self-denial
and meditation according to the Samana rules"?
9. Identify Gotama.
10. How does Siddhartha prove that he has mastered all that the Samana could teach him?
Assignment 2
Chapters 3-4
1. What is Jetavana?
2. By what qualities do Siddhartha and Govinda recognize the Buddha?
3. Why is Siddhartha not very curious about the teachings of the Buddha?
4. What is Siddhartha's response to Govinda's question about following the Buddha?
5. What does the Buddha warn Siddhartha to be on his guard against?
6. What separates Govinda and Siddhartha?
7. What does Siddhartha realize has left him "like the old skin that a snake sheds"?
8. What realization gives Siddhartha the feeling of awakening from a long dream?
9. After Siddhartha decides not to join the Buddha's community, from whom does he
choose to learn?
10. After Siddhartha leaves Jetavana grove, where does he initially intend to go?
Assignment 3
Chapters 5-6
1. When Siddhartha decides to be "present" in the world, what does he begin to notice
about it?
2. After leaving the presence of the Buddha, what is it that Siddhartha believes he must
gain for himself?
3. What does Siddhartha's dream as he slept in the ferryman's straw hut.
4. The ferryman tells Siddhartha that one can learn much from something. What?
5. When Siddhartha is tempted by the woman in the village, what stops him from
6. Who is Kamala?
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7. Who is Kamaswami? Why does Kamala send Siddhartha to him?
8. What services does Siddhartha say he can perform for Kamaswami?
9. What is Siddhartha's attitude toward business?
10. To what does Siddhartha compare those who have no "stillness and sanctuary to which
[they] can retreat at any time"?
Assignment 4
Chapters 7-8
1. What becomes of Siddhartha's "glorious, exalted awakening" that he had experienced in
his youth?
2. When Siddhartha's soul goes to sleep, what becomes more awakened?
3. What are some of the things Siddhartha learns to do while living in the town after
meeting Kamala and Kamaswami?
4. In what game does Siddhartha become increasingly involved?
5. What does Siddhartha dream when he becomes dissatisfied with his gambling life?
6. What discovery does Kamala make after the disappearance of Siddhartha?
7. For what does Siddhartha passionately wish when he leaves Kamala and the town?
8. What sound comes to Siddhartha that awakens his "slumbering soul"?
9. Who does Siddhartha see when he awakes from his long sleep?
10. What things does Siddhartha claim he has had to experience "just in order to become a
child again and begin anew"?
Assignment 5
Chapters 9-10
1. What is it that brings Siddhartha feelings of love, enchantment, and gratitude?
2. Who is Vasudeva?
3. What is the first "secret from the river" that Siddhartha learns?
4. What one word does the river pronounce "when one is successful in hearing all its ten
thousand voices at the same time"?
5. What becomes of Kamala?
6. How does Siddhartha's son behave while living in the hut by the river?
7. What does Vasudeva suggest Siddhartha should do for his son?
8. What is the boy's reaction when Siddhartha asks him to gather some twigs for the fire?
9. Siddhartha tries to find his son after he runs away. Why does Siddhartha stop his search
at the garden that has once belonged to Kamala?
Assignment 6
Chapters 11-12
1. What knowledge does Siddhartha possess that he many times "doubted...was of such
great value?"
2. When Siddhartha bends over the water of the river and sees his reflection, of whose face
is he reminded?
3. To what realization does Siddhartha come after seeing his reflection in the water?
4. After listening to the song of the river, where does Vasudeva go?
5. Who hears tales about the old ferryman by the river and decides to go see him?
6. According to Siddhartha, what is the difference between seeking and finding?
7. What does Siddhartha hold in his hand and tell Govinda that it may one day possibly
become either a plant, an animal, or a man?
8. What does Govinda claim that the Illustrious One called illusion and forbade his
followers to bind themselves?
9. What does Govinda see in Siddhartha's face?