Nietzsche, 2nd essay question, for Level 3:

Nietzsche, 2nd essay question, for Level 3:
1. Can nonsense be used to say something? Answer with reference to Wittgenstein
and Nietzsche.
2. Is the body the prisonhouse of the soul?
Discuss in reference to Foucault's Discipline and Punish and Nietzsche's Genealogy
of Morality.
3. Compare and contrast Nietzsche's and Wittgenstein's conception of philosophy.
4. Compare and contrast the form of the Tractatus with (part or all of) one of
Nietzsche's texts.
5. What does Wittgenstein want us to 'throw away'? How does this connect to the
concept (originally Nietzsche’s) of overcoming?
6. What are the 'truths' of the Tractatus (see Preface)?
7. Does Nietzsche’s historical method help us to understand the Tractatus?
8. Was Nietzsche a philosopher? Answer in part by comparison to two or more of
the following: Foucault, Derrida, Wittgenstein.
9. Does the body limit language?
Discuss in reference to two or more of:
Foucault's Discipline and Punish,
Derrida's 'On Style',
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
plus any text by Nietzsche.
10) Consider Foucault’s ‘Discipline and Punish’ as a re-writing of essay 2 of ‘The
genealogy of morality’.
11) Consider two or more of Foucault, Wittgenstein, and Nietzsche, with respect to
the following question: In what sense is there writing usefully and accurately
considered therapeutic?
12) Is consumerism opposed to ascetic ideals? (Include some consideration in your
answer of at least one other philosopher, besides Nietzsche).