Rome Test Review - Salem City Schools

World History 10
Mr. Hannah
January 29, 2007
Roman Empire Practice Test
You will need to use your notes (PAX, ROMANA, Jesus of Nazareth, The Pax Romana Leaders, and
Contributions of the Pax Romana) to answer the following questions. This worksheet will be checked on
Tuesday for five bonus points. We will review this on Tuesday for our test on Wednesday.
I. Matching: Match the following Roman people to
their accomplishments.
1. ____ Constantine
2. ____ Augustus
3. ____ Nero
4. ____ Marcus Aurelius
5. ____ Theodosius
6. ____ Virgil
7. ____ Paul
8. ____ Jesus
9. ____ Diocletian
10. ____ Ptolemy
11. ____ Marc Anthony
12. ____ Martyr
A. The first emperor, established the Pax
B. Wrote Aeneid, an epic on the founding
of Rome.
C. Moral leader who is considered God by
his followers.
D. Established the geocentric theory.
E. Emperor who converted to Christianity
and allowed Christians to worship
F. Someone who dies for a cause.
G. Challenged Augustus for power but was
H. Brutal ruler who made Christians the
scapegoats for a fire in Rome.
I. Most significant Christian missionary.
J. Made Christianity the official religion
and outlawed all other religions in
K. Split the empire into the Eastern and
Western Roman Empire.
L. This good emperor was the last ruler of
the Pax Romana.
II. Multiple Choice
13. ____ Which of the following architectural
buildings were NOT constructed in Rome:
A. Pantheon
B. Parthenon
C. Coliseum
D. Forum
15. ____ What was created to carry clean water into
the cities from the seas?
A. Aqueducts
B. Rivers
C. Canals
D. Water sprinklers
14. ____ What event signals the end of the Pax
A. Constantine taking the throne
B. Theodosius outlawing other religions
C. Punic Wars
D. Marcus Aurelius’ death
16. ____ Emperor Constantine issued this declaring
Christianity legal in the Roman Empire?
A. Christian doctrine
B. Edict of Milan
C. Magna Carta of Carthage
D. Pax Romana
World History 10
Mr. Hannah
January 29, 2007
17. ____ What is another name for the first four
books of the New Testament?
A. Bible
B. Gospels
C. Hymns
D. Apostles
18. ____ This architectural innovation supported
more weight allowing structures to become larger
and heavier.
A. Aqueduct
B. Corinthian Columns
C. Arches
D. Pulleys
22. ____ The military became weak towards the end
for which of the following reasons:
A. their technology was outdated.
B. the Romans started having to hire
outsiders to serve in the military.
C. they focused too much on securing
D. they could not win the big one.
23. ____ Byzantium will be renamed to:
A. Constantinople
B. Istanbul
C. New Rome
D. Hannahville®
19. ____ The language that the Romans spoke
A. Spanish
B. Italian
C. French
D. Latin
24. ____ Towards the end of the empire people
preferred the loyalty to this body over the emperor:
A. the military
B. the church
C. Jupiter
D. the Senate
20. ____ The Roman language is the basis of a
group of languages called the ______ languages.
A. Romantic
B. Cyrillic
C. Germanic
D. Slovak
25. ____ This structure was used to appease and
entertain the poor masses:
A. the temple of Jupiter
B. the Pantheon
C. the Forum
D. the Colosseum
21. ____ The Roman principle that one was
“innocent until proven guilty” comes from:
A. the Senate
B. Hammurabi’s Code
C. The Ten Commandments
D. The Twelve Tables
26. ____ Which of the following is NOT an aspect of
the Pax Romana?
A. Expansion and solidification of the empire.
B. Relative peace for nearly 2 centuries.
C. A clear and bloodless succession of emperors.
D. It was created by Augustus Caesar.
III. Short Answer
27. List 2 causes for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
28. List 2 ways in which the Romans focused on the public’s health.
29. List 2 reforms that Augustus Caesar made.