affirmative action graded discussion

1. What is affirmative action? Why was affirmative action created?
2. What are some pro affirmative action arguments? Do you agree or disagree with this
list below? Add some other pro arguments.
Students and workers who start at a disadvantage get a boost to succeed.
Affirmative action creates diversity.
Special preference is given to minorities to make up for years of discrimination.
Affirmative action is needed to break stereotypes
3. What are some con affirmative action arguments? Do you agree or disagree with this
list below? Add some other con arguments.
1. It may be demeaning to minorities to say that they need affirmative action to succeed.
2. A society cannot be truly color-blind until they stop making decisions based on race.
3. Affirmative action may create reverse discrimination.
4. Because of affirmative action, a minority may beat out someone more capable for a job or
school, simply because of race or gender.
5. Affirmative action can reinforce stereotypes
4. Some believe Affirmative Action should be based on economic status and not on race.
What are pros/cons of basing Affirmative Action on economic status?
5. Look up facts about the average income of different races in the US.
6. Are race relations in the US improving? Why do people become racist? Is race a
manufactured problem created by the media?
7. What groups of people today are being discriminated against the most? Explain with
facts. Where do you see race relations going in the future?
8. What are individual states doing to try to stop illegal immigration? (Arizona SB1070)
Are you for or against racial profiling in the US? Does this law (and others that profile)
break the constitution?
9. Define racism. Define prejudice. Some people say that EVERYONE is a little racist
in some way. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Are all people prejudice in
some way?
10. Why are groups of people stereotyped? Why is it very dangerous to stereotype
11. What is gained by identifying yourself by a race? What would be lost if Americans
no longer identified themselves by their race/heritage and only identified themselves as
12. Should the US government force teams like the Washington Redskins to change their
13. Should we ban books such as Huckleberry Finn etc. because they use racial slurs?
Should we change the words from the original text? Why or why not?
13. Has rap music caused American society to become desensitized to racial slurs?
14. Have death penalty recipients been targeted because of their race?
15. Read excerpts from the “ I Have a Dream” speech. What parts of Martin Luther
King’s dream have come true? What has not come true?
16. Have you ever been treated differently because of you race, gender, or other?
How did you feel?
17. Do you think it is difficult being a minority in the US? Why or why not?
18. Do you think it is difficult being a minority at North Allegheny? Why or why not?
19. Will racism ever disappear?
Summary: Find solutions to the above problems. What can you do? What can we do?