The Patriot


Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Class 10-

Countdown to Independence Part III

U.S. History I Video

Waging War

The Patriot

In what year, does the movie begin? ____________ Where? _______________________________________________

What form of protest do you notice in front of the assembly building? _______________________________

What is the purpose of the Assembly meeting in Charlestown? _______________________________________


T F At the beginning - Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson) is a loyalist.

In what war did Martin fight? ____________________________________________________________________________

What is Martin’s explanation for not fighting in the Revolutionary War? _____________________________


How does Martin describe the warfare that will be in the South? _____________________________________


In what year does Charlestown fall? ____________________________________________________________________

Who is the British Commander in the South? ___________________________________________________________

What battle do you think is being fought as Benjamin and Gabriel look out the window?


What is the military strategy in the South? _____________________________________________________________


Why does Lord Cornwallis blame Col. Tavington for the “Ghost”? _____________________________________



What does General George Washington promise black slaves if they fight? __________________________


What is Benjamin Martin’s haunting secret from his experience at Fort Wilderness? _______________




Why does Cornwallis feel that officers should not be shot at? _________________________________________



What future state does Tavington want for the capture of Benjamin Martin? ________________________

Benjamin Martin:

“I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me and the cost is more than I can bear.”

What does that mean? ___________________________________________________________________________________




The last battle in the movie is actually a composite of 2 battles. Name them.

______________________________ & ________________________________

What are your observations regarding the way the war was fought in the South? ___________________



How would you evaluate this movie from 1 (bad) to 5 (best). _____________________________

Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Extra Notes:
