The Civil War: Long-Term Causes

DYO Interim Assessment Cover Sheet
IA # / Diagnostic: IA#2
What is the academic/instructional context for this work?
 Students study the long term causes of Civil War through primary source documents including the Missouri Compromise,
The Compromise of 1850, Nullification Crisis, States’ Rights debates etc.
 Students work together to complete several analysis of those documents as well as graphic organizers of the themes they
 In class, students work to write effective thesis. Students get feedback on each step of their outline for an in-class essay
What are the expectations for student learning that are evidenced through this work?
Students are able to identify important themes in history
Students can use evidence to support their thesis and assertions
Students can contextualize an event within the United States from 1800-1860
Students can write a clear and well evidenced argument including a thesis and supporting assertions
What is the content addressed in this work?
 Long Term Causes of the Civil War
 Beginnings of the United States; sectionalism and other divisions
 Themes including; democracy, republicanism, federalism, slavery etc.
What are the skills used and/or developed in this work?
Primary source interpretation
Clarity of writing
Making connections
Using supporting
Conducting research
Writing a thesis and supporting assertions
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest degree possible, this IA provides students with the opportunity to maximize these HOM
*Please see attached Assignment Sheet, Blank Rubric, and singular Student Sample with completed rubric for further detail
regarding this specific DYO Interim Assessment work.
Name: _________________
Section: __________
11th Grade History 2010-2011
Civil War Essay: Long Term Causes
For your second cycle project you will be writing an in-class essay that
answers the question “What caused the Civil War?” In doing so, you
should consider the essential questions from history class this cycle:
 When are individual (and state’s) rights more important than the
rule of law?
 What leads people to violence?
 Under what circumstances do states in the United States benefit
from being united?
To get your mind going, also think about the following themes:
 Regional differences between the North and South (ie
 Differences between free states and slave states
 Nullification and secession
 Manifest Destiny
 Expansion of slavery, Popular Sovereignty, Abolition
What was the source of all the tension? (Was it one of the controversies
mentioned above, or was it a combination of several?) And, given what you
know, was the Civil War inevitable? Why, or why not? Be specific. Be
thorough. Be analytical and thoughtful.
Now it’s time to piece everything together and show me what you know. Use
articles, handouts, and notes from class. It is possible to write this essay
entirely based on readings from class; however, you may cite other scholarly
evidence if you choose.
Project steps:
Thesis Draft
Simple Outline
Working Annotated
Outline Due
In class essay
Due Date
Wednesday, December
Friday, December 10
Wednesday, December
Monday, December 20
Wednesday, December
*Please see attached Assignment Sheet, Blank Rubric, and singular Student Sample with completed rubric for further detail
regarding this specific DYO Interim Assessment work.
Use Multiple Perspectives
Use Evidence
Analyze Information
Make Connections
Take Risks
*Please see attached Assignment Sheet, Blank Rubric, and singular Student Sample with completed rubric for further detail
regarding this specific DYO Interim Assessment work.