Chapter 1/Section 1

Greek city States:
What is a polis?
What was difficult between the Greek city-states?
Life in the Polis:
What was the polis the center of?
How did the average Greek feel about their polis?
What is the acropolis?
What is the agora?
What protected the polis?
What type of government did the polis’ use?
The Might of Sparta:
Where was Sparta located?
What is a helot?
What was the ratio of helots to Spartans?
How did Sparta control the helots?
What happened to boys at age 20?
What is a hoplite?
What happened at age 30?
Describe two attributes of Spartan women.
What type of government did Sparta have?
How many kings?
Who were the council of elders?
Gods and Heroes:
What did Greek gods control?
What was Mount Olympus?
What was Delphi?
What were heroes used for?
What is hubris?
Name “2” heroes?