Harrington/English 101/Timed Essay Exam #1

Harrington/English 101/In-class Essay Exam #2 /Midterm
Directions: Based on your “prospectus” or plan for addressing the topic of empathy, write a
well-organized and focused essay in your exam book. Write in Ink. Use inside covers of your
large-sized bluebook for any invention/planning notes. Open Book/Open Journal (Note).
In writing your essay, keep in mind what the course rubric says about an A+ response. While you
may not achieve a perfect score (but you might!), it is good to try your best to shoot for the
highest standards possible:
The essay is interesting with original content and style. The topic is fully covered with
focus on a sustained controlling idea, showing careful analysis when called for. The
paragraphs show development and organization, as well as lucid and orderly thinking.
Relevant details and examples support the controlling idea and may even introduce
keen insight into the topic. Skillfully constructed sentences express complex ideas and
relationships. Point of view is established and maintained. The diction is distinctive,
characterized by its freshness and clarity. The essay is virtually free of grammatical
and mechanical errors.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to present your observations/arguments/evidence in the
form of a coherent essay—unified by a clear argument about the meaning of empathy.
Provide a brief introduction and a statement of your controlling idea, organize the body of
your essay into logical subdivisions, use transitional sentences as needed, and suggest
something of the wider significance of your analysis in your concluding sentences.
To remind you, here are the potential exam topics drafted in class last week. Use one of them—
or your own combination of them—as the basis for your essay response; your prospectus or essay
outline/plan should help you organize your thoughts around the topic you have selected.
What does empathy mean and how does empathy affect your life? Use examples from the
texts and films we have examined this semester as well as at least one source you looked
at on your own. Really analyze the texts and how they relate to the topic.
Describe a period in your life when empathy played a big part. Describe as well how
empathy could play a bigger role in your future, whether with family, career, etc. Make
sure to use support—use texts, articles, or films assigned this semester plus at least one
source you found on your own to relate to and develop this topic.
Compare and contrast empathy vs. sympathy. Why is it important to distinguish between
empathy vs. sympathy? How do we know when someone is being fully empathetic? What
can we do to bring people closer together through empathy? Give an example of when
you have been empathetic as well as examples from other sources. Make sure to include
support from texts, articles, or films assigned this semester plus at least one source you
found on your own to relate to and develop this topic.
In today’s society we are conditioned to look inward for self-satisfaction. In this culture,
is true empathy really possible? What movements or ideas can change this? Make sure to
use support from the sources we have read or watched this semester plus at least one
source you have found on your own. Really analyze key passages and scenes that relate
to this topic.