
Lord of the Flies Chapters 7 to 12 Test Review
Key Characters:
Pig Head on a Stick
British Naval Officer
Key Novel Terms:
 Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion, Resolution
 Atmosphere – How has it changed from the start?
 Running images / Motif
 Symbolism
 Conflicts – Conflicts are largely Person versus Person
in these 6 chapters (or is it Person versus Self?)
 Suspense and Foreshadowing
Key Symbols – Notice how key symbols from the start
of the novel are very different at the end:
 The conch
 Piggy’s (broken) glasses
 Pigs
 The parachutist / Simon’s dead body
 The fire at the end of the novel
 The beast / pig head on a stick (What is the beast at
the end of the novel?)
 Roger’s spear sharpened at both ends
 The British naval officer
 The six chapter titles – Shadows and Tall Trees, Gift
for the Darkness, A View to a Death, The Shell and
the Glasses, Castle Rock, Cry of the Hunters
 The novel title – Lord of the Flies
Key Themes:
 The darkness of human hearts
 The end of civilization
 Rescue (but is it really a rescue?)
Key Quote from William Golding:
“The theme (of Lord of the Flies) is an attempt to trace
the defects of society back to the defects of human nature.
The moral is that the shape of a society must depend on
the ethical nature of the individual and not on any
political system however apparently logical or
respectable. The whole book is symbolic in nature except
the rescue in the end where adult life appears, dignified
and capable, but in reality enmeshed in the same evil as
the symbolic life of the children on the island. The
officer, having interrupted a man-hunt, prepares to take
the children off the island in a cruiser which will presently
be hunting its enemy in the same implacable way. And
who will rescue the adult and his cruiser?”