Problem list policy synopsis.doc

UMass Memorial Medical Center
# 2024 Interdisciplinary Problem and Goal List (P&G): Guideline for
The Interdisciplinary Problem and Goal List (P&G) provides a place within the Medical Record to
document patient problem/barriers that may affect discharge or are essential in the patient’s recovery.
All clinical personnel who assess, plan, provide and evaluate patients at UMMMC
PROCEDURE – Highlights
1. Patient problems identified by the clinicians are documented on the Interdisciplinary Problem and Goal
List (P&G), after completion of the interdisciplinary assessment form and H&P.
2. Each issue/problem is either active or resolved. Any change from active to resolved requires a brief
entry in the Patient Progress Record section of the chart. The status Key is as follows:
Key for Status:
A = Active – new problem, changing RX or patient status
R = Resolved
A. Completion of the problem list:
1. Initial Issues Identification: Every discipline involved in a patient’s care is responsible for
identifying and documenting significant issues that require interventions during this
hospitalization (including the reason for hospitalization) on the Interdisciplinary Problem and
Goal List (P&G).
a. Complete the date, problem, the goal and status for the documented issue.
b. Each new problem and the goal is documented on the Interdisciplinary Problem and Goal
List (P&G).
c. Each problem identified must be addressed in the Interdisciplinary Patient Progress
Record Section of the Medical Record. This note can refer to the problem number from the
Ongoing review and evaluation of the Interdisciplinary P&G List
a. Each discipline is responsible for ongoing review
b. All disciplines are responsible for updating the status assigned to each problem.
Document the new status on the line in the next available space (to the right), then place
the date (the status changed) and name on the line below. Document the rational for the
change in status in progress note.
c. A clinician that documents an problem is resolved, and the goal met, places an R and the
date and their name in the box in the next available space. Document in progress note.
d. The attending physician or designee conducts a daily review of the Interdisciplinary
Problem and Goal List (P&G) and progress notes and incorporates the information into
their daily plan note.
Discharge of Patients from the Medical Center
a. Prior to the discharge of a patient, the Interdisciplinary P&G List should be reviewed and
updated to reflect the current status of patients’ problems.
b. Any active issues should be addressed on the Discharge Care Forms and or The
Discharge Summary.
The monitoring of this policy is the responsibility of the Physicians, managers and directors of those
clinicians that contribute to the Interdisciplinary Problem and Goal List (P&G).
For complete policy, contact Kerry Cassone, Department of Medicine, 508-334-7856 or