Rockville Town Council

Rockville Town Council
Regular Meeting
July 15, 2015
Rockville Community Center
1. CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL – Mayor Tracy Dutson called the meeting to order at
6:00 p.m. The following members of the Rockville Town Council were present: Megan
Honer-Orton, Pam Leach, Bernie Harris, and Terry Bell.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dutson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
were no conflicts declared.
4. PUBLIC COMMENT AND QUESTIONS – Mark Hartless indicated that people are camping
under the bridge. He also asked if the Town has any regulations regarding filming on public
property. For example, a few weeks ago a man with a camera set up on the shoulder filming a
man crossing the bridge on a motorcycle. They took several takes. Pam asked if any license
numbers were taken. Mark replied that they were not. He also asked if the Town was going to
act on drones because he believes there are potential problems. Mayor Dutson offered to check
with Springdale because they were working on an ordinance.
Pam asked if the Town has a prohibition against people camping under the bridge. If not, she
asked how that could be prevented. Mayor Dutson responded that it was also a problem near the
LUCI FRANCIS – The referenced report was attached to the minutes. Fire Protection District
Chair, Luci Francis, reported that newly hired Fire Marshal, Don Buckley, met with District and
officials from both Rockville and Springdale on Friday, June 26 so that all could become better
informed about Town ordinances and fire codes. Robert Ford spent an afternoon with the Fire
Marshal to provide him with a lay of the land. Chief Buckley also explored Zion and other areas
unique to the Town.
Ms. Francis reported that the Fire Protection District is in the process of reviewing its fees as the
last revision was in 1997. The District has been informed that its meeting with the Community
Board will occur on September 3, which means that the study results will not be available until
late February of March of 2016, which was disappointing. An Interim Chief was hired with a sixmonth commitment, which will end on August 31. The Board determined that it is in the best
interest of the District to post for a full-time Chief position with the intent to hire a full-time Chief
by September 1. The position and description of the job opportunity were posted.
Ms. Francis also reported that the District has an opening for a Board Member to serve the
remainder of the term ending December 31, 2015. The incident stats from June 10 through July
14 included 32 calls, 25 of which were EMS calls with 13 transports and seven fire calls. There
were four overlapping calls, which means that 16% of the calls were overlapping with fire and
EMS at the same time. Also, a press release from Zion’s National Park announced that as of
July 6, 2015, Zion had 175 EMS calls, representing a 34% percent increase over the previous
year. The Town’s calls for the same period totaled 95, which reflects a 35% increase over the
previous year. It was reported that 79% of the calls were EMS.
Ms. Francis reported that she received a phone call from a resident expressing concern with the
number of campers and fire pits along the Rockville Mesa. The resident wanted to know what
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can be done. The matter had since been turned over to the Fire District. The next RSFPD Board
Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, July 22, at 6:30 p.m. in the Springdale Town Office.
Bernie asked if the numbers reported previously reflect a 30% increase in visitation to the park.
Planning Commission Chair Bob Ford commented on Ms. Francis’ comments on camping and
fire-related issues and stated that over the past two weeks he has noticed a lot of camping in the
vicinity of Grafton Road. There are a few obvious areas where people are pulling over. He
recommended that “no camping” signs be placed. He asked the Council if it was possible for the
signs to refer to the ordinance in terms of potential fines. He felt that a possible fine of up to
$1,000 may make people think twice about camping illegally. Chair Ford also took the new Fire
Marshal around a few weeks earlier. Chief Buckley recommended the Town try to coordinate the
Sensitive Lands Policy with the Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Code. This will help the Town
address the issues they are facing. Chair Ford also recognized that the BLM has posted “no
camping” signs in strategic areas as well as on the Mesa. He asked that law enforcement check
the area more frequently.
Mayor Dutson responded that perhaps law enforcement could do an extra patrol. Pam indicated
that they stagger days and shifts. Chair Ford commented that it would be helpful to patrol
Grafton Road at night so that the word will get out that they are patrolling the area. Bernie
recommended the Town post “no camping” signs. It was noted that “no burn” signs posted
previously are still up.
Chair Ford reported that he has also witnessed ATV races in the area. Although it does not
happen often, it is still an issue.
Chair Ford reported that at the last meeting, the Planning Commission only had one agenda item,
which was the contingent approval of Kelland Terry’s garage. The Commission asked Mr. Terry
to be careful with drainage and to clean out his culvert.
In preparation for the Water Meeting, a few Interns will be interviewing citizens about various
water issues. Chair Ford recommended that Mayor Dutson speak with them.
It was reported that in early August, there will be a Strategy and Community Meeting on
August 20. There will be a facilitator coming, free of charge, to help conduct the meeting. Chair
Ford believes the meeting will be very important as there are many issues associated with water.
ROCKVILLE –Megan asked about the-opt in for residents. Bernie clarified that the
ordinance would establish the Recycling Program Agreement and the resolution provides
the option of opting out. Megan clarified that the Town could opt out. Bernie confirmed
and stated that there is no mechanism in the ordinance for someone to opt out. It
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mentions it, but there is no mechanism for it. Pam stated that it is addressed at some
point in the ordinance and that the Town Clerk will create a form to allow citizens to opt
Mayor Dutson referred to 5(a) which specifies that an owner of a residence that is
occupied can opt out of curbside recycling services. On the second page, it addresses the
opt-out provision as well. It was Pam’s understanding that the Town would opt out so
that each resident has the opportunity to opt in. This was not what she now sees in the
current documents. Instead, the Town as a whole will be opting in and the resident has
the option of opting out. Mayor Dutson had the same recollection. Timing issues were
discussed. It was confirmed that timing is a matter of ordering bins and equipment. He
added that the County will have five to six new trucks to handle the additional workload.
Additional binnies also have to be ordered.
Clerk Harris indicated that residents on the Mesa do not have the opportunity for curbside
recycling and made an inquiry with the service provider. She was informed that those
residents will not be able to participate and will be taken out of the equation. Bernie
indicated that the binnies will remain until they met a maximum for the curbside service,
which he believed was 75%. At that time they will be removed. He recommended that
some binnies be placed in Town and noted that they will not be picked up on the same
day as other trash. That way there will be five or six there that would be accessible to
Mesa residents. Mayor Dutson suggested that a small recycling bin could be placed by
the dumpsters. Clerk Harris added that the Town could come up with possible solutions
as well.
In response to a question raised by Bernie as to whether or not the trash trucks picked up
on Grafton Road, Pam indicated that she has regular trash pick-up. Bernie added that
bins could be placed at the turnaround near the McBride property. Mayor Dutson
confirmed that the residents are resourceful and can come up with solutions.
Megan Honer-Orton MOVED to approve Resolution 15-0715-1, approving an agreement
between Washington County Special Service District No. 1 and Dixie Waste Services
and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement Between Said District and the Town of
Rockville. Bernie Harris SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
Leach MOVED to approve the Ordinance No. 15-0715-1, an Ordinance of the Town
Council of Rockville, Utah Instituting a Program for Curbside Collection of Residential
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Recyclable Materials and Establishing Rules, Regulations and Fees Pertaining to Said
Program. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
8. UPDATE ON BRIDGE RESTORATION PROJECT – The report is attached to the minutes.
Megan also reported that the gallery was reserved at the Canyon Community Center for June 1
through July 11, 2016 for a showing of bridge art. An artist has volunteered to donate a piece of
– Bernie Harris MOVED to approve the expenditures for the month of June 2015. Megan
Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
HEARING AND REGULAR MEETING – Bernie Harris MOVED to approve the minutes of
the June 10, 2015, Town Council Public Hearing and Regular Meeting. Terry Bell SECONDED
the motion.
The minutes were not placed in a few of the packets and as a result two members of the Town
Council abstained from the vote.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Abstained
Pam Leach – Abstained
Tracy Dutson – Aye
The motion passed unanimously with two abstentions.
Terry Bell reported on a recent Zion Canyon Corridor Meeting he attended. Documents received
at the meeting were dispersed to Members of the Town Council. Terry indicated that numerous
road projects are planned by UDOT for SR-9, specifically passing lanes and the enlargement of
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existing lanes to improve the safety for school busses. Beginning April 2016, they will begin
work on a project in Rockville. During construction there will be only one lane open. They plan
to reduce the road surface by 1½” and replace it with the same material. More extensive repairs
will be made in Springdale. Mayor Dutson was informed that they do not anticipate problems on
the Rockville portion of the road. The Mayor reported that they will lay conduit for future
services. Terry reported that UDOT will put in conduit for state use but not necessarily only for
cameras. They were not certain whether they will place a fiber optic conduit as well. Bernie
thought it made more sense to take more off of the road to make drainage cleaner. He noted that
there are many levels of blacktop on the road and the drop offs to the ditches are severe.
Pam Leach reported that the date for Rockville Daze will be September 26. Vickie Bell spoke
with the individual from Virgin who offered historic walking tours and planned to provide all of
the information and pamphlets used last year. Vickie was also planning to get speakers in
conjunction with the Rockville Daze event. Pam mentioned to Joyce Hartless that one of the
fundraising events could include a chuck wagon dinner at Grafton and possibly a poetry reading.
She indicated that participants could start at the Rockville Daze event, participate in walking
tours in the afternoon, and end at Grafton for the dinner. Megan pointed out that the Grafton
Reunion is scheduled for the same day. She stated that the events could possibly work together.
Mayor Dutson reported that the agreement between UDOT and Baker has been signed and the
work is underway. UDOT was in Rockville a few weeks earlier and are performing a very
specific load rating this time. They measured every component of the truss portion of the bridge,
which will be included in a model and returned with the load rating. Now that grant monies are
in place, funds are available for both the first and final phases of the study.
Bernie Harris reported that the signs for the Town have been finished for Crybaby Hill but will
not be available for a few days. Help was needed to get old signs down and the new ones
installed. Bernie reported that the new signs are a bright yellow, ultra-reflective, and will last 10
years. He noted that the condition of Crybaby Hill continues to get worse, and he believes the
Town needs to address it. Also, with regard to the spot near Horse Valley Wash, Bernie
wondered if big rocks should be brought in to discourage camping and signs posted to discourage
camping and improper ATV use. Clerk Harris added that the property belongs to the BLM so the
Town could not pay for it. Bernie felt it should be addressed because it is only going to get
Bob Ford commented that he has personally witnessed how bad the situation is, especially with
ATV riders who are doing a lot of damage. The Council considered a payment system or toll
road to pay for infrastructure improvements. Chair Ford added that he would like controlled
access but stated that it is a longer-term plan. He stated that they park there because they like the
scenery and want to go to Grafton. Chair Ford thought the situation should be addressed. Pam
added that years ago the BLM promised to bring in large rocks so that people could not access the
Horse Valley wash. Chair Ford said that ATV owners are also parking near the wash and causing
erosion problems. He stated said that a charge might be a solution. But Pam believes there must
also be a way to limit the numbers. Chair Ford agreed and stated that if it was a controlled area
with designated parking spots it would limit the number of people who can access the area. Chair
Ford stated that something similar has been done in other areas where a parking fee is charged to
control access. He indicated that it could be done in a low-intensity, low-cost manner. He
suggested holding a public forum where citizens can express their opinions and share ideas.
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Chair Ford reported that he has also witnessed ATV races in the area of Grafton Road. Although
it does not happen often, it is still an issue.
Mayor Dutson recommended the issue be placed on the agenda. Bernie added that it was an
important issue because it was also a matter of public safety and a potential fire hazards. Mark
Hartless commented that it was also a sanitation issue.
12. STAFF REPORT AS NEEDED – Clerk Harris added that newsletter articles are due August 1.
13. ADJOURN – Bernie Harris MOVED to adjourn. Pam Leach SECONDED the motion.
VOTE on motion:
Terry Bell – Aye
Pam Leach – Aye
Megan Honer-Orton – Aye
Tracy Dutson – Aye
Bernie Harris – Aye
The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Teri Forbes, Owner
T Forbes Group
__Tracy Dutson________________
Mayor Tracy Dutson