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Mrs. Wakefield’s Weekly Note
Spelling List
For the week of October 19, 2015
6. hatch
11. whales
7. cheese
12. fish
8. stretch
13. what
9. thick
14. them
10. truth
15. pathway
Spelling Test will be on Wednesday, October 21!!!
Oct. 21 - Parent/teacher conferences, 3:30 - 5:30
Oct. 22 - Early dismissal, 12:35, lunch will be served
Oct. 22 - Parent/teacher conferences, 1:00 - 6:00
Oct. 23 - No school
Week of Oct. 26 - Scholastic Book Fair, 8 AM - 5 PM, library
Week of Oct. 26 - Red Ribbon Week
Monday - wear red
Tuesday - superhero
Wednesday - twin day
Thursday - team or panther shirts
Friday - fall party day
Oct. 27 - Minion Party, 2:30, gym, by invitation only
Oct. 29 - Book Fair Family Night & BBQ, 5 PM - 7 PM
Oct. 30 - Fall parties, 2:30 PM
Oct. 31 - Laura’s Run, 9 AM, Lake Freebird (601 N Busch)
Nov. 1 - Daylight Savings Time ends - set your clocks back one hour
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Homework: Don’t forget to have your child read their weekly story at
home for 5 bonus reading points! Sign the bonus point paper and return
it to school! This week read p.222-243, Gorilla Garden, Here’s My
Dollar, Neighbors, Recycling, Reading and Writing Connection.
Don’t forget, your child can read it on their eBook on the computer. If
you need help with your eBook please contact me.
Book It-October begins the Book It Program for our class. Your child’s
goal is to read 200 minutes at home for the month. Your child can count
their minutes reading the weekly story homework on their Book It
calendar. At the end of the month return your child’s Book It calendar to
me, signed by you, for a certificate for free personal pan pizza from
Pizza Hut.
Study Help-To help in the study process at home for reading, your child
may take an AR test on their weekly story. Your child has their own
unique name and password for Renaissance Place (A.R.). Go to the
schools main web page www.mg.k12.mo.us under student resources
click Renaissance Place.
Coats- It is beginning to get cold. Make sure your child’s name is inside
coats, hats, gloves, etc. Every year our school has an enormous lost
and found pile. If your child needs a coat please let me know and I will
get them one.
Reading-This week we will be studying how to author’s purpose.
Grammar: This week we will be working on possessives.
Spelling: This week we will be working on words with digraphs.
Vocabulary- Know the meaning of the following deserve, tour, volunteers,
slogan, thrilled.
Math: We will continue working times three multiplication facts; finding the
missing lengths from a shape and finding the area of an irregular shape.