Othello Group Posters.doc

Here are the Act & Scene references for quotations on the group posters.
Find the quotations in your notes or copies of the play and group them under
the theme and character headings below.
The main character or protagonist
Act 1 scene 2 line 59
Act 2 scene 1 line 177
Act 3 scene 3 line 433
Act 4 scene 1 line 195
Act 5 scene 2 line 126
Othello’s wife, the innocent victim.
Act 1 scene 3 line 179
Act 1 scene 3 line 250 – 256
Act 1 scene 3 line 289 – 293
Act 2 scene 1 line 73
Act 3 scene 4 line 13
Act 5 scene 2 line 58 - 61
Othello’s evil ancient and the main antagonist.
Act 1 scene 1 line 66
Act 2 scene 1 line 289
Act 2 scene 3 line 19
Act 2 scene 3 line 338 – 340
Othello’s loyal lieutenant, a courtly gentleman. Contrasts with Iago, who
is disloyal and lewd.
Act 2 scene 3 line 19
Act 2 scene 3 line 104
Act 3 scene 4 line 83
Act 5 scene 2 line 297
Act 5 scene line 357
A key theme the groups did not look at is LOVE. Think about the various
couples (Othello & Desdemona, Cassio & Bianca, Iago & Emilia, Roderigo &
Desdemona) and the different love relationships presented in Othello and
write a few of your own ideas about love and how it is presented in the play.
For example Othello and Desdemona symbolise romantic love, all-consuming,
wonderful, passionate – but this love does not last (as in Romeo and Juliet).
This is Othello’s fatal flaw which consumes him and leads to the tragic climax.
Jealousy is also central to Iago’s motivation.
Act 1 scene 3 line 60 – 67
Act 1 scene 3 line 379
Act 2 scene 1 line 289 – 290
Act 3 scene 3 line 167 – 169
Act 3 scene 3 line 346 – 348
Iago is trusted by all and betrays all. Iago’s actions are designed to destroy
the lives of all those who are better than he is (and of whom he is jealous).
This group didn’t finish, so look in your notes for evidence of:
Iago’s betrayal of: Othello, Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo and Emilia.
Othello is also guilty of betrayal: Desdemona, Cassio, the Duke.
Appearance and Reality
This is a common theme in Shakespeare, but is particularly clear in Othello
because of the characters of Iago and Othello himself.
This group didn’t finish, so look in your notes for evidence of:
Iago not being what he seems – all those “honest Iago” quotations.
Iago pretending to be Othello’s friend when he is plotting his downfall.
Othello appearing controlled, non-violent etc in the early part of the play… but
emotional, violent, out of control Act 3 Sc 3 and after.