Araby assignment.doc

“Araby” Assignment
Read “Araby” by James Joyce.
Annotate as you read.
Answer the following questions on your own paper.
Questions for Discussion
1. The Setting and the Language
 Read the first two paragraphs carefully. What kind of environment does the boy live in? Pay
attention to specific details (“blind” street; musty room; dead priest, etc.)
2. The Characters, Point of View, and Language
 Who is the narrator of this story? How old do you think he is?
 Read the next three paragraphs. Who is it that the boy secretly loves? How does he describe his
feelings for her?
 What kind of “character” is Mangan's sister (round, flat, symbolic)? Pay attention to how she is
described in the third paragraph.
3. The Plot
 What kind of conflict is detailed between the boy and his environment and the boy and the
adults (aunt, uncle, and Mrs. Mercer)?
 When does the main action of the story start? How does it change the narrator?
4. Religious Images
 What are the religious images/icons that the narrator uses to describe his love for the girl?
5. The Trip to the Araby (the bazaar)
 How is the bazaar described at the end of the story? What does this description tell us about the
world the boy lives in?
6. Theme
 Why do you think the boy loves the girl in such a devout manner?
 What do you think of the ending? What does he mean by “vanity”?
 This story ends with the character’s epiphany. What is this epiphany?
7. Tone
 Reread the opening paragraph. How does it set the tone for the story?
8. Free Response
 What is your opinion of the boy's love for Mangan's sister?
9. Making Connections
 What does this story have in common with “A&P”?
 Name one character from another piece of literature or a film that the main character from
“Araby” reminds you of. Explain.