doc - Lingua Arts Theatre

Our story is set in Venice. The young Bassanio wants to travel to Belmont to woo1 the beautiful heiress2 Portia. He
asks his friend Antonio, a shipping merchant, for 3.000 ducats so he can make the expensive journey. Antonio doesn’t
have the money as all of his ships are away at sea, so to help his friend, Antonio approaches the Jewish moneylender3
Shylock for a loan4. However, Shylock, who hates Antonio because he insulted him for being a Jew5, sets a condition.
If Antonio cannot pay the loan by a certain date, the Jew will take a pound of flesh6 directly from the merchant's
body7. Antonio agrees and signs the contract. So now Bassanio borrows8 the 3.000 ducats from Antonio and leaves for
At Belmont, Portia has many suitors9. Portia's dead father, however, has indicated in his will10 that each suitor must
choose one of three caskets11 – one gold, one silver and one made of lead12 - one of which contains a portrait13 of
Portia inside. If the suitor picks this casket, he can marry his daughter. If not, he must remain single... forever! Two
suitors, the Prince of Marbella and the Prince of Qatar, choose incorrectly. Then it is Bassanio’s turn. He selects the
correct casket with the portrait. Portia is delighted as Bassanio is the man she loves.
Meanwhile in Venice, Shylock is furious: his daughter Jessica has run away14 from home to convert to Christianity and
to marry her Christian lover Lorenzo. She also steals a large part of her father's wealth15. As for Antonio, all his ships
are reported lost at sea and he is ruined financially, which means he cannot pay back16 Shylock’s money. The Jew,
who is already very angry with Christians, seeks his revenge17. He has Antonio brought to court18 insisting that the
merchant meet his condition - a pound of Antonio’s own flesh.
At Belmont, Portia and Bassanio get married. They hear news that Antonio has been arrested19. Shocked, Bassanio
leaves with money from his wife to pay Antonio’s debts and try to save his friend’s life20. Then Portia begins to plan in
secret how to save Antonio.
Back in Venice, Shylock refuses21 Bassanio’s offer of 6.000 ducats (double the original sum.) The Jew insists on the
pound of flesh from Antonio’. Then a strange young lawyer22 enters the scene. This mysterious “lawyer” asks Shylock
to show mercy23 but again he refuses. The law is on the Jew’s side24. Shylock takes a knife and prepares to cut out his
to woo = cortejar
heiress = heredera
3 moneylender = prestamista
4 loan = préstamo
5 Jew = judío
6 a pound of flesh = una libre de carne
7 body = cuerpo
8 to borrow = tomar prestado / pedir
9 suitors = pretendientes
10 will = testamento
11 casket = cofre, caja
12 gold, silver, lead = oro, plata, plomo
13 portrait = retrato
14 to run away = fugarse
15 wealth = riquezas
16 to pay back = devolver
17 to seek revenge = vengarse
18 to bring to court = llevar a juicio
19 to arrest = detener / arrestar
20 to save his life = salvar su vida
21 to refuse = rechazar / negarse
22 lawyer = abogado
23 mercy = compasión / clemencia
24 The law is on his side = la ley esta de su parte
recompensa = reward