History Worksheet 2 (With Answers).doc

To all F2 students:
Please check answers of these two worksheets by yourselves.
Don’t forget the History Test on 5th October (Monday). Study Worksheet 1 and 2 (Background + 4
causes of the First World War).
History Worksheet 2
Name: ______________ No: __ F2 ( )
E. Causes of the First World War --- Colonial Rivalries
1. Causes of colonial rivalries
The European powers fought for colonies for economic and political reasons.
For the Economic reasons, the European powers began setting up colonies to obtain more raw materials
for their industries and expand their overseas markets for their manufactured products. Their colonies
were mainly in Asia and Africa.
For the Political reasons, Britain (country) was recognized as powerful because it had many colonies so
that Germany and Italy wanted to show their status and power by setting up their colonies. As the same
time, France also wanted to re-build its power status by setting up more colonies after its defeat in the
Franco-Prussian War.
2. Conflicts and effects of colonial rivalries:
Colonial rivalries worsened the relationship between the European powers. During the period from 1871 to
1914, several incidents happened due to colonial rivalries and further increased the tensions in Europe.
Conflicts over Tunisia
Places to be
France and Italy
The Moroccan Crises
France and Germany
Both France and Italy wanted to take
Tunisia in northern Africa as their colony.
In the early 20th century, France and Germany
tried to colonise Morocco. Their attempts led to
two crises, in 1905 and 1911 respectively.
France won in the end. This is why in
Germany lost to France on both incidents, and
1882, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
formed the Triple Alliance.
this also further worsened their relations.
F Causes of the First World War --- Rise of extreme nationalism
1. What is nationalism?
Nationalism is a belief that people within one nation and with the same customs, language, religion and history
should have the right to self-government.
2. Before 1871, nationalism helped many European states win independence or unite to form single nations.
But it turned extreme in 1871
3. Complete the table below.
Aims of extreme nationalism
To take revenge on Germany for her defeat in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.
To protect herself against a French revenge and unite with the Germans in Austria
under one great German state.
Austria-Hungary To expand in the Balkan peninsula
To form a great Slav state and expand in the Balkans
4. What were the effects of the rise of extreme nationalism?
- It deepened the European powers’ rivalries
- It led to many crises in Africa and the Balkans