"Relationships” Paper

"Relationships” Paper
We have looked at the role of communication in starting and maintaining relationships. To
synthesize this information with your experience, you will look at a relationship that is important to you
and describe it in terms that we have been discussing in class and that are used in the textbook.
Write about a relationship that is important to you, but is not with a relative or a.
lover/spouse/significant other. Use a chronological structure for your paper (i.e., organize your paper
around the history of your relationship), paying particular attention to the stages of relational development
(Knapp’s Staircase model or Beebe, Beebe & Redmond’s Elevator model). As you tell your reader (me)
the story of this relationship, refer to the ideas about relationships and communication that we have
discussed and that you have read in the textbook, such as: interpersonal attraction, listening, stages of a
relationship, conflict management, self-disclosure, etc. You should include a discussion related to giving
and/or receiving evaluative feedback (a lecture currently scheduled at the end of the term).
The key to producing a successful paper is describing as expressively as you can the reasons
you value this relationship. When you make a statement about your friend or your relationship, support
your claim with evidence (examples of behavior). If your relationship is a long-standing one, you will have
a lot of evidence to draw from. Describe the communication behavior that occurs between you and your
relationship partner and clearly relate it to the terminology used in this class. It should be obvious to the
reader that the author has completed a rigorous class in interpersonal communication.
Your paper must also include a description of at least two (2) communication behaviors that you
feel will help your relationship to flourish and (perhaps) move onto the next highest level (or at least
maintain it at a high level). If your relationship is young and important, you will have much to write about.
If you have chosen to describe a relationship that may be showing signs of deterioration, focus on
identifying at least two communication behaviors that might pull the relationship back together (even if
you have decided not to save the relationship). Put this section at the end, and clearly identify it. It is not a
discussion of what you have already done in your relationship to maintain/escalate/improve it, but new or
changed behaviors that you can implement (regardless of whether you want to implement them). Also,
the two behaviors cannot only be performed by your relationship partner (don’t just blame the other
person and put the onus of improving the relationship on him/her).
In your writing, be as specific and vivid as possible. Help me, as your reader, to understand the
meaningfulness of the relationship in the terms we have used in our study of communication. Describe
actual communication behavior, including actual dialogue if necessary, rather than making general
statements of feelings. Be only as candid as you feel comfortable in being; you do not have to reveal your
deepest secrets to do well on this assignment.
The paper must be typed, double spaced, and not exceed 5 (five) pages. Review both the
Sample Relationships Paper and the “Relationships Paper” grading sheet attached. The following will
affect your grade:
a. Your ability to describe your relationship using the language discussed in class and used in the
textbook (use of “communication terms”). Don’t just sprinkle in the jargon; make sure I can tell you
know what you are talking about and are using the appropriate word.
b. Your ability to adequately discuss your relationship using the relational development model.
c. Your use of examples to support your points (to help demonstrate your understanding of the model).
You don’t have to go into extensive detail, but you need to give examples to support your points (e.g.,
if you say you were self-disclosing significant information, give me an example of what was disclosed
so that I can tell it was significant and, thus, was an indicator of which relationship stage you were in).
d. The inclusion of at least two (2) communication behaviors that will help maintain or improve your
relationship. (I will not accept a statement that your relationship is perfect and nothing will improve it.)
e. The quality of your writing (get someone to proofread this for style, grammar, punctuation, etc.).
Writing style is important, too! Make me want to read your paper.